36 research outputs found

    Patientenorientierte Versorgung beim Mammakarzinom

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    Es werden exemplarisch Module zur Versorgungsoptimierung der Patientin mit der entsprechenden Evaluation vorgestellt und in den Kontext von Diagnostik und Therapie des Mammakarzinoms integriert (Teilprojekt 1: Spezielle Lebenssituation, Teilprojekt 2: Prognostische und prädiktive Marker beim frühen Mammakarzinom). Damit bilden die hier aufgeführten Daten Real-world-Situationen in den Brustzentren ab und berücksichtigen Strukturoptimierungsansätze im Bereich der translationalen Forschung (Teilprojekt 3: eHealth in der Onkologie, Teilprojekt 4: Module in der Ausbildung)

    Patientenorientierte Versorgung beim Mammakarzinom

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    Es werden exemplarisch Module zur Versorgungsoptimierung der Patientin mit der entsprechenden Evaluation vorgestellt und in den Kontext von Diagnostik und Therapie des Mammakarzinoms integriert (Teilprojekt 1: Spezielle Lebenssituation, Teilprojekt 2: Prognostische und prädiktive Marker beim frühen Mammakarzinom). Damit bilden die hier aufgeführten Daten Real-world-Situationen in den Brustzentren ab und berücksichtigen Strukturoptimierungsansätze im Bereich der translationalen Forschung (Teilprojekt 3: eHealth in der Onkologie, Teilprojekt 4: Module in der Ausbildung)

    Genomic Profiling in Luminal Breast Cancer

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    The developments in gene expression analysis have made it possible tosub-classify hormone receptor-positive (luminal) breast cancer indifferent prognostic subgroups. This sub-classification is currentlyused in clinical routine as prognostic signature (e. g. 21-gene OnoctypeDX (R), 70-gene Mammaprint (R)). As yet, the optimal method forsub-classification has not been defined. Moreover, there is no evidencefrom prospective trials. This review explores widely used genomicsignatures in luminal breast cancer, making a critical appraisal ofevidence from retrospective/prospective trials. It is based onsystematic literature search performed using Medline (accessed September2013) and abstracts presented at the Annual Meeting of American Societyof Clinical Oncology and San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

    How Do Patients Experience Individualized Medicine? A Qualitative Interview-based Study of Gene Expression Analyses in the Treatment of Breast Cancer

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    Introduction In recent years, the hopes and expectations associated with so-called individualized medicine have been the subject of intense debate as has the medical potential of this approach. Questions about the uses of gene expression analyses for decisions on adjuvant systemic treatment options for patients with breast cancer have played a prominent role in this debate. There are a number of empirical studies on the effect of gene expression tests on the therapy decisions of physicians and the potentially conflicted decisions for patients. Very little attention has been paid to how patients perceive such approaches, the extent to which they feel included in the therapy decision, and the expectations they associate with such an approach. Material and Methods Using qualitative explorative interviews, the study looked at how well patients with breast cancer understood the individualized treatment approaches and examined patients 'experiences and expectations with regard to gene expression analyses. The sample consisted of 8 patients who were diagnosed with primary hormone receptorpositive, HER2-negative breast cancer between 2013 and 2014 and who underwent gene expression analyses as part of their adjuvant therapy planning. Results Patients were found to have a quite realistic view of the benefits of gene expression analyses, although it also became clear that the treatment could also raise false hopes. The statements by the interviewed women also illustrated the necessity of continuing to explore the possibilities and limits to joint decision-making in such complex medical contexts as individualized molecular genomic medicine. And finally, the interviews reflected the hope for individualized treatment in the broadest sense of the word. Conclusion The results of the study highlight the challenge of taking psychosocial aspects of medical treatment sufficiently into consideration, given the ever increasing options for molecular genomic individualization

    Genomic Profiling in Luminal Breast Cancer

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    The developments in gene expression analysis have made it possible tosub-classify hormone receptor-positive (luminal) breast cancer indifferent prognostic subgroups. This sub-classification is currentlyused in clinical routine as prognostic signature (e. g. 21-gene OnoctypeDX (R), 70-gene Mammaprint (R)). As yet, the optimal method forsub-classification has not been defined. Moreover, there is no evidencefrom prospective trials. This review explores widely used genomicsignatures in luminal breast cancer, making a critical appraisal ofevidence from retrospective/prospective trials. It is based onsystematic literature search performed using Medline (accessed September2013) and abstracts presented at the Annual Meeting of American Societyof Clinical Oncology and San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

    ABC6 Consensus: Assessment by a Group of German Experts

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    Background: The first International Consensus Conference for Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC1) took place 10 years ago in November 2011. The rationale was - and still is - to standardize treatment of advanced breast cancer (ABC) based on the available evidence and to ensure that worldwide all breast cancer patients receive adequate treatment and access to new therapies. Rationale for the Manuscript: The 6th International Consensus Conference for ABC (ABC6) took place from November 4 to 6, 2021 and was the first in a purely online format, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the present manuscript, a working group of German breast cancer experts comments on the voting results of the ABC6 panelists regarding their applicability for routine clinical practice in Germany. Method: The ABC6 votes mainly include modified or new statements. With regard to all statements not modified for the ABC6 consensus, the German experts refer to the published paper of the ABC5 consensus. The German experts base their comments on the current recommendations of the Breast Committee of the Gynecological Oncology Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynakologische Onkologie, AGO Mamma). Topics: ABC6 focused on new treatment options and their implications for clinical practice. Optimal therapy sequencing for example was one of the issues. To solve the challenge of a more individualized treatment, precision medicine is fundamental. Oligometastatic disease, brain metastases and adequate supportive and palliative care were also addressed. Of special interest was the treatment of inoperable locally advanced breast cancer, which was discussed as a separate topic. As in previous years, patient advocates from around the world were an integral part of the ABC6 conference and had a major input into the consensus

    Update breast cancer 2021 part 4 – prevention and early stages

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    This past year has seen new and effective options for further improving treatment outcome in many patients with early-stage breast cancer. Patients with hormone receptor-positive disease benefited significantly from the addition of the CDK4/6 inhibitor abemaciclib to endocrine adjuvant therapy. In triple-negative disease, data were presented for two treatment regimens. Patients with advanced disease (stage 2 and 3) benefit from neoadjuvant treatment with the immune checkpoint inhibitor pembrolizumab in combination with standard chemotherapy, regardless of PD-L1 expression. When neoadjuvant therapy has failed to achieve the desired remission in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, the administration of the PARP inhibitor olaparib has demonstrated an impressive response. Other data address translational issues in HER2-positive breast cancer and neoadjuvant therapy approaches with the oral SERD giredestrant and the PARP inhibitor talazoparib. This review presents and analyses the findings of this yearʼ s most important study outcomes

    Update breast cancer 2021 part 5 – advanced breast cancer

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    Despite the COVID 19 pandemic and mostly virtual congresses, innovation in the treatment of breast cancer patients continues at an unabated pace. This review summarises the current developments. Initial overall survival data for CDK4/6 inhibitor treatment in combination with an aromatase inhibitor as the first advanced line of therapy in treatment-naive postmenopausal patients have been published. Similarly, a trial comparing trastuzumab-deruxtecan versus trastuzumab-emtansine revealed a clear benefit regarding progression-free survival. Understanding of biomarkers making checkpoint inhibitor therapy particularly effective is increasing, and new compounds such as oral selective estrogen receptor destabilisers (SERDs) are entering clinical development and completing the first phase III trials