10 research outputs found

    Vadybos pagrindai

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    Vadovėlis sukomponuotas taip, kad tiktų ir nepatyrusiam, ir patyrusiam vadybos srityje skaitytojui. Vadovėlis skirtas vadybą studijuojančiam studentui ir turėtų padėti pasirengti egzaminams ar įskaitai. Pirmoje vadovėlio dalyje trumpai aptariama vadybos mokslo raida, apžvelgiamos pagrindinės vadybos mokyklos, jų atstovai, šių mokyklų pagrindinės idėjos, sukurtos teorijos ir pan. Antroje dalyje analizuojamos visos pagrindinės valdymo funkcijos: planavimas, organizavimas, vadovavimas ir kontrolė. Tikimės, kad šis vadovėlis yra lengvai suprantamas, aiškus ir bus skaitomas ne tik studentų, bet ir pradedančiųjų vadybininkų, kuriems vadovėlyje išdėstytos teorinės idėjos padės pasiekti tikslus ir pagerinti veiklos rezultatus

    The research into head injury criteria dependence on car speed

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    There are many ways of car collisions which depend on car motion modes before and after crashes, speed, kinds of baskets, their heights, weights and rigidity. The machinery of the occupant's movement at the moment of the crash is even more difficult. In order to find out precisely the chance of body injury, it is important to measure not only parameters that were mentioned above but also occupant's height, weight, age, position of sitting, condition of body, whether there was any protection system used. The largest number of car crashes happen at the moment of Frontal Crash. This article's aim is to analyse the types of Frontal Crashes and their repartition, to diagnose what part in occupant's safety the protection system's use takes, and also to analyse head injury coefficient dependence on car speed and show critical injuries and fatality limits in cases when driver is driving with no seat‐belts in and while the car is without airbag. The research is done at the moment of ideal Frontal Crash by simulating distance from the occupant body to the wheel in different types of baskets. First Published Online: 27 Oct 201

    Organizacinės elgsenos pagrindai

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    Organizacinės elgsenos mokslas padeda suprasti, paaiškinti, prognozuoti ir valdyti su darbu susijusį žmonių ir jų grupių elgesį. Tad vadovėlio „Organizacinės elgsenos pagrindai“ tikslas – nagrinėjant specifines teorijas bei užsienio mokslininkų atliktų tyrinėjimų rezultatus, plėsti koncepcines žinias ir gilinti supratimą apie individualaus, tarpasmeninio ir grupinio elgesio ypatybes įvairiose organizacijose, darbo vietose bei situacijose.Tikimasi, kad knyga padės skaitytojams rasti atsakymus į klausimus, kaip padidinti darbuotojų pasitenkinimą darbu, užtikrinti jų aukštus darbo rezultatus ir pagerinti veiklos efektyvumą, taip pat – patobulinti organizacijų vadybą

    Impact of Quality Management System on Received Benefits of Organizations and Quality Culture

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    Dissertation object – the influence of the quality management systems and received benefits on organizations registered and operating in Lithuania, which implemented ISO 9001 quality management system and are incorporated into public lists of certified quality management systems, made by Standardisation Department at the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Examined and cleared conditions and motives of implementation of the ISO 9000 standards, its influence on received benefits and development of the quality culture in the organizations and their interfaces are shown in the dissertation. There are received statistically significant positive correlations of internal motives, internal and external benefits as well as external motives and internal and external benefits. When internal benefits are stronger, after implementing the quality management system in the organization, in the process of creating the quality culture more important is vision of quality, management practice, communication in the organization, quality culture and behaviour . It is shown that in the case of stronger internal and external benefits, after implementing quality management system in the organization creation of the quality culture in the organization also gets stronger. According to carried out research, four- quadrant model is given. Organizations that want to implement or has already implemented QMS and want to have strong quality culture in the organization can use the scientific insights and interpretations of the study and results of empirical research. The information given in the dissertation allows to evaluate motives of QMS implementation, received benefits and level of quality culture as well as predict improvement fields.Disertacijos objektas – kokybės vadybos sistemų motyvų ir gaunamos naudos poveikis Lietuvos Respublikoje įregistruotų ir veikiančių organizacijų, įsidiegusių sertifikuotą ISO 9001 kokybės vadybos sistemą ir įtrauktų į Lietuvos standartizacijos departamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos aplinkos ministerijos oficialius viešus sertifikuotų kokybės vadybos sistemų sąrašus, kokybės kultūrai. Disertacijoje ištirti ir išgryninti ISO 9000 standartų diegimo sąlygos ir motyvai, jų įtaka gaunamai naudai ir kokybės kultūros plėtrai organizacijoje bei parodytos jų sąsajos. Gautos statistiškai reikšmingos teigiamos vidinių motyvų ir vidinės bei išorinės naudos, taip pat išorinių motyvų ir vidinės bei išorinės naudos koreliacijos. Stipriau pasireiškus vidinei naudai, įdiegus kokybės vadybos sistemą organizacijoje, kokybės kultūros kūrimo procese didesnę svarbą įgauna kokybės vizija, valdymo praktika, bendravimas organizacijoje, kokybės kultūra ir elgesys. Parodyta, kad esant stipresnei ir vidinei, ir išorinei naudai, įdiegus kokybės vadybos sistemą organizacijoje, sustiprėja ir kokybės kultūros kūrimas organizacijoje. Remiantis atliktais tyrimais pateiktas keturių kvadrantų modelis. Darbo mokslinėmis įžvalgomis bei interpretacijomis, empirinio tyrimo rezultatais gali pasinaudoti organizacijos, kurios nori įsidiegti arba jau yra įsidiegusios KVS ir siekia stiprios kokybės kultūros organizacijoje. Darbe pateikta informacija sudaro sąlygas įsivertinti KVS diegimo motyvus, jų gaunamą naudą ir kokybės kultūros lygį bei numatyti tobulinimo sritis

    Quality management system implementation in Lithuanian organizations motives and impact for benefits

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    This article presents the result of implementation motives and received benefits in organization of quality management systems certified in Lithuania. The object of study – relations of quality management systems motives and benefits. The aim of study – after identifying quality management systems implementation motives and benefits in organization, to base significant and positive relation between quality management system implementation motives and received benefits. To achieve the aim of the study, these tasks were set: (1) to assess the basic quality management system implementation motives and benefits of companies certified in Lithuania; (2) to compare the basic quality management system implementation motives and benefits of companies certified in Lithuania according to ownership form of an organization, size of an organization and duration of quality management system development. The results show, that there ir a significant and positive relation between quality management system implementation motives and received benefits

    Kokybės vadybos sistemų įgyvendinimo modelių poveikis veiklos rezultatams

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    Literature indicates that organisations often lack flexibility in the design and implementation of quality management systems and show a low utilisation of employee skills and knowledge. This article analyses different patterns of the implementation of quality management systems in different kinds of organisations and examines the performance outcomes associated with it. The research shows that organisations with different quality management system implementation patterns have significantly different performance outcomes. A mature quality management system should consider success factors for quality management system implementation benefits from the early phases of their planning and designing processes. There is an interesting relationship between reasons of ISO 9001 quality management system implementation and the corresponding performance outcomes. By requiring that all processes and procedures be documented, the ISO 9000 standard is undoubtedly commonly associated with control orientation and explicit knowledge orientation organisations. By implementing organisational learning mechanisms, organisations can increase the capability of managing and utilising knowledge. Such mechanisms allow organisations to collect, analyse, store, disseminate and use information that is relevant to the organisation. Correct maintenance of quality management system during the post-certification period is very important. Quality auditors are in a powerful position to increase the value of quality management systems. Value-added audit may not only produce data for the use in granting a certificate, for improving documentation or for enforcing conformity, but also for making managerial decisions concerned with economy, staff development, technology, growth, product and processes, because these decisions are based on current performance.Literatūroje nurodoma, kad organizacijose dažnai trūksta lankstumo rengiant ir įgyvendinant kokybės vadybos sistemas bei mažai išnaudojamos darbuotojų žinios ir įgūdžiai. Straipsnyje analizuojami skirtingi kokybės vadybos sistemų diegimo modeliai įvairaus pobūdžio organizacijose ir veiklos rezultatai šiose organizacijose. Tyrimai rodo, kad organizacijų, taikančių skirtingus kokybės valdymo sistemų diegimo modelius, labai skirtingi veiklos rezultatai. Gerai apgalvota kokybės valdymo sistema turi atsižvelgti į kokybės sistemos įgyvendinimo sėkmės faktorius nuo pirmųjų planavimo etapų ir procesų numatymo. Yra įdomus ryšys tarp ISO 9001 kokybės vadybos sistemų diegimo ir atitinkamų veiklos rezultatų supratimo. Reikalaujant, kad visi procesai ir procedūros būtų dokumentuojami, ISO 9000 standartas yra neabejotinai dažniausiai siejamas su valdymo orientacija ir organizacijomis, kurios orientuojasi į aiškiai apibrėžtas žinias. Įgyvendinant organizacinius mokymosi mechanizmus, organizacijos gali padidinti žinių naudojimo ir pritaikymo galimybes. Tokie mechanizmai leidžia organizacijoms rinkti, analizuoti, kaupti, skleisti ir naudoti organizacijai svarbią informaciją. Labai svarbi yra teisinga kokybės valdymo sistemos priežiūra po jos sertifikavimo. Kokybės auditoriai turi realias galimybes padidinti kokybės valdymo sistemų vertę. Pridėtinės vertės auditas ne tik pateikia duomenis, skirtus naudojimui nurodytam sertifikate, bet ir vadybinių sprendimų priėmimui, susijusiems su ekonomika, personalo plėtra, technologijomis, ekonomikos augimu, produktų ir procesų naudojimu, nes šie sprendimai priimami remiantis esama veikla

    Impact of quality management system on received benefits of organizations and quality culture

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    Dissertation object – the influence of the quality management systems and received benefits on organizations registered and operating in Lithuania, which implemented ISO 9001 quality management system and are incorporated into public lists of certified quality management systems, made by Standardisation Department at the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Examined and cleared conditions and motives of implementation of the ISO 9000 standards, its influence on received benefits and development of the quality culture in the organizations and their interfaces are shown in the dissertation. There are received statistically significant positive correlations of internal motives, internal and external benefits as well as external motives and internal and external benefits. When internal benefits are stronger, after implementing the quality management system in the organization, in the process of creating the quality culture more important is vision of quality, management practice, communication in the organization, quality culture and behaviour . It is shown that in the case of stronger internal and external benefits, after implementing quality management system in the organization creation of the quality culture in the organization also gets stronger. According to carried out research, four- quadrant model is given. Organizations that want to implement or has already implemented QMS and want to have strong quality culture in the organization can use the scientific insights and interpretations of the study and results of empirical research. The information given in the dissertation allows to evaluate motives of QMS implementation, received benefits and level of quality culture as well as predict improvement field

    Possible causes of high concentration nitrogen among riparian plant species

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    https://bioleagues.com/conference/gogreensummit/about.phpNitrogen deposition data together with inland water parameters provide message that nitrogen load is big enough to cause marked changes of vegetation in Baltic States. There is much concern about eutrophication of the rivers, although information about riparian plant species is still poor. Various macrophyte strategies (abundance, architecture) might be developed. Plant productivity firstly depends on processes ongoing in the leaves. Data about plant leaf saturation with nitrogen remains poor. Usually studies refer on Ellenberg indicatory values or other indirect parametrs. Present study aimed at comparison of nitrogen concentration among populations of riparian plant species of Lithuania (project sponsored by Lithuania Research Cuncil; SIT-02/2015). Around 250 populations were sampled along main river basins in Lithuania: Nemunas, Venta, Lielupė, Seafront. Median values (N % d. m.) of nitrogen concentration for the species were as followed: Echinocystis lobata - 4,2; Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. - 4,1; Phragmites australis - 4,0; Phalaris arundinacea - 3.6; Bidens frondosa - 3.6; Stuckenia pectinata - 3.1; Lythrum salicaria - 3,0. Species nitrogen data was related to land cover types of neighbouring areas, empoying 2-level hierarchcial Corine classification system. Among the tested plants the highest concentration was detected for invasive in Lithuania species Echinocystis lobata., at the same time, among the tested populations the highest concentrations of nitrogen were characteristic for populations growing near Curonian Spit. The highest amounts of nitrogen were determined for the most spread riparian species of Lithuania. It could be concluded that present level of nitrogen amounts, entering riparian ecosystems is big enough to cause spread of nitrophilous speciesBiologijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasGamtos tyrimų centrasVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Is nitrogen in excess among plant species of Nemunas and other Lithuanian river basins

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    Project sponsored by Lithuania Research Council; SIT-02/2015Nitrogen deposition data together with inland water parameters provide indirect message that nitrogen load might have effects on vegetation of Baltic States. There is much concern about eutrophication of the rivers, although information about riparian plant species, their physiology and genetic parameters is still poor. Reacting to elevated nitrogen in the environment, various macrophyte strategies (abundance-, architecture-related) might be developed. Plant productivity finally depends on processes ongoing in the leaves. Data about plant leaf saturation with nitrogen remains poor. Usually studies refer on Ellenberg indicatory values or other indirect parametrs. Present study is aimed at comparison of nitrogen concentration among populations of some riparian and river plant species of Lithuania (project sponsored by Lithuania Research Council; SIT-02/2015). Around 250 populations of riparian and water macrophytes were sampled along main river basins in Lithuania: Nemunas, Venta, Lielupė, Seafront. Very high levels of nitrogen were determined for the most spread riparian plants of Lithuania. Among the tested species the highest concentration was characteristic for Echinocystis lobata. Comparing populations within each species, in most cases the highest concentrations of nitrogen were documented for sites neighbouring Curonian Spit. Relations between population nitrogen data and genetic diversity also some environmental factos such as river regulation is discussed. Species nitrogen concentrations were related to land cover types of neighbouring areas, empoying 2-level hierarchcial Corine classification system. Based on plant nitrogen concentrations it could be assumed that present quantities of this element, entering riparian ecosystems are big enough to cause the spread of native and invasive nitrophilous speciesBiologijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasGamtos tyrimų centrasVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Vandens augalų rūšių azoto koncentracijų sąsajos su žemės dangos tipu ir kitais aplinkos veiksniais

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    Baltijos šalių azoto (N) iškritų duomenys kartu su sausumos vandenų rodikliais rodo, kad azoto apkrova gali lemti augmenijos pokyčius. Nors upių eutrofikacija yra plačiai analizuojama, vis dar trūksta informacijos apie pakrantės augalų rūšių fiziologinius rodiklius. Tyrimo tikslas – palyginti Lietuvos vandens pakrančių augalų rūšių populiacijų lapų azoto koncentracijų duomenis, juos susiejant su tyrimo vietoms pagal gretimų žemių dangos tipu ir naudojimo paskirtimi, taikant aplinkos informacijos koordinuotos sistemą (CORINE), upių būkle bei dydžiu, žemės ūkio intensyvumu 1991–1996 metais ir upių vagų keitimu. Tyrimo medžiagą surinkus per 2015 m. rugpjūčio mėn. pirmąjį dešimtadienį iš pagrindinių Lietuvos upių 241 vietos, buvo įvertintos plačiai paplitusių penkių pakrančių ir dviejų vandens augalų (natūralių ir invazinių) azoto koncentracijos. Analizėms naudoti augalų lapai, kurių azoto koncentracijos buvo nustatytos Kjeldalio metodu. Didžiausi (1,7 karto, p < 0,05) lapų azoto koncentracijos skirtumai tarp populiacijų nustatyti Lythrum salicaria. Pagal populiacijų lapų azoto koncentracijų (N % sausos masės, SM) vidutines vertes, tirtų rūšių augalai išdėstė taip: Lythrum salicaria (3,0) < Stuckenia pectinata (3,1) < Phalaris arundinacea (3,5) < Bidens frondosa (3,8) < Phragmites australis (4,0) < Nuphar lutea (4,1) < Echinocystis lobata (4,2). Iš esmės didesnės (p < 0,05) lapų azoto koncentracijos buvo nustatytos Lythrum salicaria populiacijų, augančių šalia mažų upių (3,4 % N SM) nei augančių šalia didelių upių (2,8 % N SM). Skirtingomis savybėmis pasižyminčiose upių vietose rinkti vandens augalai reikšmingai nesiskyrė pagal lapų azoto koncentracijas. [...]Nitrogen (N) deposition data, together with inland water parameters, provide evidence that N load may affect the vegetation of Baltic States. There is much concern about eutrophication of the rivers, although information about physiological parameters of riparian plant species is still poor. The present study is aimed at comparison of leaf N concentration among populations of aquatic plant species of Lithuania, relating N concentration data to the type of land cover (classification system of COoRdinate Information on the Environment, CORINE) in the neighbouring areas, river state and size, intensity of agriculture in 1991–1996, and natural vice versa regulated fragments of the riverbed. The leaf N concentrations of widely spread native and invasive species (5 riparian and 2 water plants) were estimated for 241 sites (collection time 1st ten-day period of August, 2015) of the main river catchments of Lithuania. Only leaf blades were used for analyses and N concentrations were determined by the Kjeldahl method. The biggest (1.7 times) variation (p < 0.05) in leaf N concentration among populations was documented for Lythrum salicaria. According to the mean values (N % of dry mass, DM) of the leaf N concentration, species could be arranged into following order: Lythrum salicaria (3.0) < Stuckenia pectinata (3.1) < Phalaris arundinacea(3.5) < Bidens frondosa (3.8) < Phragmites australis (4.0) < Nuphar lutea (4.1) < Echinocystis lobata (4.2). Significantly higher (p < 0.05) concentrations of leaf N were found for L. salicaria populations growing near the small rivers (3.4% N DM) compared to the large ones (2.8% N DM). Other selected river and its environment parameters in most cases did not have significant effect on leaf N concentrations of aquatic plants of Lithuania. [...]Aplinkos tyrimų centrasBiologijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasGamtos tyrimų centrasMatematikos ir statistikos katedraVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetasVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta