478 research outputs found

    Erratum to "Eosinophils, the IL-5/IL-5Rα axis, and the biologic effects of benralizumab in severe asthma" [Respir. Med. X 1C (2019) 100007]

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    The Publisher regrets that this article is an accidental duplication of an article that has already been published in , http://dx.doi.org/. The duplicate article has therefore been withdrawn.The full Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal can be found at https://www.elsevier.com/about/our-business/policies/article-withdrawal

    A Source Identification Problem for the Electrical Activity of Brain During Hand Movement

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    A field source reconstruction of the dipoles modeling the activated area of the brain, while a subject performs the task of the voluntary motion of the hand, is solved. Experimental data resulting from fMRI are used for constraining the position of the equivalent dipole

    The Mystery of Autism: Parental Perspectives

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    Research indicated that parents of children with autism spectrum disorder experience higher levels of stress than parents of children with other developmental disorders. Children with autism tend to exhibit problematic behaviors as a result of their inability to communicate effectively. Parents of children with autism find it challenging to determine the reasons for these behaviors. Since researchers have confirmed the presence of stress associated with caring for a child with autism, coping strategies can essentially elevate high stress levels that can lead to depression. Children with autism spectrum disorders may have multiple disabilities that can cause an even greater challenge for professionals and parents. With this said, there is no single intervention or no single best approach for assisting all children with autism spectrum disorders. While evidence-based intervention methods for children with autism spectrum disorders have been identified, the need for better understanding of how to match the most effective intervention to specific child characteristics continues to puzzle educational professionals. To accomplish this, it is essential for parents, educators, and professionals to understand how autism affects an individual and then, identify strengths and weaknesses before considering any particular approach

    The Association Between Self-Efficacy, Patient Health Education, and Self-Management in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Although previous researchers have studied education for patients with chronic conditions, they have not adequately considered the relationship between self-efficacy (SE), patient health education, and perception of self-management (SM) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Educating a patient can empower them to better SM. The purpose this study was to examine these associations in this patient population. This quantitative research study featured a descriptive, nonexperimental cross-sectional survey design using nonprobability convenience sampling. The theoretical framework was the social cognitive theory. The independent variables were SE and patient health education. SM was the dependent variable. Patients with RA from a rheumatology clinic and members of a RA Facebook group (n=81) were administered a questionnaire using the SurveyMonkey platform. The questionnaire included the valid and reliable scales Self-Care Behaviors Scale (SCBS), the Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES), the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Questionnaire, and the Educational Needs Assessment Tool (ENAT). Descriptive statistics and the chi-square test were used to analyze the data. Results showed that the association between ASES and SCBS was not statistically significant (p = .594). Four out of seven domains of the ENAT showed statistically significant association with SCBS. More than half of the 81 participants indicated that patient health education was important to them. The results of this study may have a positive social change impact by informing patient health educators, physicians and policy makers of strategies that could be used to increase an RA patients\u27 health-related quality of life. RA patients want and need patient health education

    La filosofia oltre la teoria: sviluppi e prospettive del counseling filosofico.

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    Nel mio lavoro mi propongo di individuare potenzialità e limiti del counseling filosofico, che in ultima analisi analizzerò all’interno delle organizzazioni aziendali . Nella prima parte metterò in evidenza i modelli e aspetti teorici del Counseling psicologico, definito come relazione di aiuto volta a promuovere nel “cliente” la crescita e lo sviluppo delle proprie risorse di coping. Nel secondo capitolo analizzerò i presupposti teorici del Counseling filosofico, che nasce dall’integrazione dei modelli del counseling psicologico con le tecniche della pratica filosofica. Il counseling filosofico nasce dalla volontà di Achenbach di fare della filosofia uno strumento capace di dare aiuto all’uomo contemporaneo che vive nell’insensatezza del suo tempo. La terza e ultima parte del lavoro sarà dedicata all’analisi dell’applicazione del counseling filosofico in un particolare ambito: le organizzazioni aziendali. Verranno messe in evidenza le potenzialità della filosofia se affiancata alle politiche manageriali di un’azienda: la svolta verso una leadership etica. Verranno, infine, presentati degli studi eseguiti dalla KPMG corporate che dimostreranno come all’assunzione di una leadership etica corrispondano feedback positivi in termini di produttività

    Effects of Interactive Read-Aloud and Literature Discussion on Reading Comprehension for First-Grade Students With Language Impairments in a Title 1 School

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    Effects of Interactive Read-Aloud and Literature Discussion on Reading Comprehension for First-Grade Students With Language Impairments in a Title 1 School. Elizabeth Vultaggio Salah, 2014: Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler School of Education. Language Impaired, First-Grade, Title 1 Schools, Reading Comprehension, Interactive Read-Aloud, Literature Discussion, Fountas and Pinnell. This applied dissertation was designed to determine the effects of the interactive read-aloud and literature discussion on reading comprehension for first-grade students with language impairments in a Title 1 School. This study was conducted as an embedded case study design using a quantitative method for data collection and analysis. The de-identified data was collected and analyzed from two consecutive school years (i.e., 2012-2013, 2013-2014). Data on the students\u27 overtime (i.e., from kindergarten to first-grade) was collected and analyzed based upon a multiple case study design. Data points were collected using the A-B design, a two phase, basic signal-subject design. The A in the A-B design was the individual student\u27s baseline data point; whereas B, was the data point after the intervention. The researcher observed and measured individual student data from the kindergarten school year (A). The researcher administered the read-aloud intervention, and observed and measured multiple data points after the intervention (B). The students\u27 scores were determined using ongoing data collection. Since the overall design was to measure improvement in the four students overtime, no comparison groups were used. An analysis of the de-identified data revealed how individual language impaired students responded to the intervention. The researcher concluded that interactive read-aloud coupled with literature discussions improved reading comprehension of first-grade language impaired students based on results of the Oral Language Assessment and the Comprehension Conversation Assessment of the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark System 1. Recommendations were made for future research

    Mepolizumab induced palmoplantar psoriasis: A case report

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    BACKGROUND atopic dermatitis and asthma are two diseases whose pathogenesis is largely attributable to the activation, at least in the initial stages, of T helper (Th)-2 Lymphocytes, the related cytokine axis, and B lymphocytes with antibody production. psoriasis is conversely a pathology resulting from a recruitment of Th-17 and Th-1 lymphocytes, after an initial role of innate immunity. mepolizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody directed against interleukin (IL)-5, a central cytokine in the Th-2 axis, therefore involved in the pathogenesis of asthma. several authors have described the appearance of psoriatic lesions in patients with asthma or atopic dermatitis following the therapy with dupilumab, a monoclonal antibody that blocks the interleukin (IL)-4, another Th-2 cytokine.CASE SUMMARYWe present the case of a 59-year-old patient who developed psoriasiform lesions on the palms after mepolizumab therapy for asthma, for the activation of the parallel cytokine cascade after the blockade of IL-5. we successfully treated the patient with a topical calcipotriol and betamethasone ointment.CONCLUSIONWe should investigate with further attention the possible impact on the human immunological ecosystem put in place by the inhibition of the activity of individual inflammatory mediators, so as to be able to recognize the initial adverse effects early
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