143 research outputs found

    Hard colloidal rods near a soft wall: wetting, drying, and symmetry breaking

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    Within an Onsager-like density functional theory we explore the thermodynamic and structural properties of an isotropic and nematic fluid of hard needle-like colloids in contact with a hard substrate coated with a soft short-ranged attractive or repulsive layer. As a function of the range and the strength of the soft interactions we find wetting and drying transitions, a pre-drying line, and a symmetry-breaking transition from uniaxial to biaxial in the wetting and drying film.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Nematic order of model goethite nanorods in a magnetic field

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    We explore the nematic order of model goethite nanorods in an external magnetic field within Onsager-Parsons density functional theory. The goethite rods are represented by monodisperse, charged spherocylinders with a permanent magnetic moment along the rod main axis, forcing the particles to align parallel to the magnetic field at low field strength. The intrinsic diamagnetic susceptibility anisometry of the rods is negative which leads to a preferred perpendicular orientation at higher field strength. It is shown that these counteracting effects may give rise to intricate phase behavior, including a pronounced stability of biaxial nematic order and the presence of reentrant phase transitions and demixing phenomena. The effect of the applied field on the nematic-to-smectic transition will also be addressed.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Determination of the Critical Exponents for the Isotropic-Nematic Phase Transition in a System of Long Rods on Two-dimensional Lattices: Universality of the Transition

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    Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analysis have been carried out to study the critical behavior and universality for the isotropic-nematic phase transition in a system of long straight rigid rods of length kk (kk-mers) on two-dimensional lattices. The nematic phase, characterized by a big domain of parallel kk-mers, is separated from the isotropic state by a continuous transition occurring at a finite density. The determination of the critical exponents, along with the behavior of Binder cumulants, indicate that the transition belongs to the 2D Ising universality class for square lattices and the three-state Potts universality class for triangular lattices.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, uses epl2.cls, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Kinetic pathways of the Nematic-Isotropic phase transition as studied by confocal microscopy on rod-like viruses

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    We investigate the kinetics of phase separation for a mixture of rodlike viruses (fd) and polymer (dextran), which effectively constitutes a system of attractive rods. This dispersion is quenched from a flow-induced fully nematic state into the region where the nematic and the isotropic phase coexist. We show experimental evidence that the kinetic pathway depends on the overall concentration. When the quench is made at high concentrations, the system is meta-stable and we observe typical nucleation-and-growth. For quenches at low concentration the system is unstable and the system undergoes a spinodal decomposition. At intermediate concentrations we see the transition between both demixing processes, where we locate the spinodal point.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter as symposium paper for the 6th Liquid Matter Conference in Utrech

    Dimensional crossover of the fundamental-measure functional for parallel hard cubes

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    We present a regularization of the recently proposed fundamental-measure functional for a mixture of parallel hard cubes. The regularized functional is shown to have right dimensional crossovers to any smaller dimension, thus allowing to use it to study highly inhomogeneous phases (such as the solid phase). Furthermore, it is shown how the functional of the slightly more general model of parallel hard parallelepipeds can be obtained using the zero-dimensional functional as a generating functional. The multicomponent version of the latter system is also given, and it is suggested how to reformulate it as a restricted-orientation model for liquid crystals. Finally, the method is further extended to build a functional for a mixture of parallel hard cylinders.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, uses revtex style files and multicol.sty, for a PostScript version see http://dulcinea.uc3m.es/users/cuesta/cross.p

    Isotropic-nematic phase transition in suspensions of filamentous virus and the neutral polymer Dextran

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    We present an experimental study of the isotropic-nematic phase transition in an aqueous mixture of charged semi-flexible rods (fd virus) and neutral polymer (Dextran). A complete phase diagram is measured as a function of ionic strength and polymer molecular weight. At high ionic strength we find that adding polymer widens the isotropic-nematic coexistence region with polymers preferentially partitioning into the isotropic phase, while at low ionic strength the added polymer has no effect on the phase transition. The nematic order parameter is determined from birefringence measurements and is found to be independent of polymer concentration (or equivalently the strength of attraction). The experimental results are compared with the existing theoretical predictions for the isotropic-nematic transition in rods with attractive interactions.Comment: 8 Figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. E. For more information see http://www.elsie.brandeis.ed

    Modeling oscillatory Microtubule--Polymerization

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    Polymerization of microtubules is ubiquitous in biological cells and under certain conditions it becomes oscillatory in time. Here simple reaction models are analyzed that capture such oscillations as well as the length distribution of microtubules. We assume reaction conditions that are stationary over many oscillation periods, and it is a Hopf bifurcation that leads to a persistent oscillatory microtubule polymerization in these models. Analytical expressions are derived for the threshold of the bifurcation and the oscillation frequency in terms of reaction rates as well as typical trends of their parameter dependence are presented. Both, a catastrophe rate that depends on the density of {\it guanosine triphosphate} (GTP) liganded tubulin dimers and a delay reaction, such as the depolymerization of shrinking microtubules or the decay of oligomers, support oscillations. For a tubulin dimer concentration below the threshold oscillatory microtubule polymerization occurs transiently on the route to a stationary state, as shown by numerical solutions of the model equations. Close to threshold a so--called amplitude equation is derived and it is shown that the bifurcation to microtubule oscillations is supercritical.Comment: 21 pages and 12 figure

    Predicting phase equilibria in polydisperse systems

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    Many materials containing colloids or polymers are polydisperse: They comprise particles with properties (such as particle diameter, charge, or polymer chain length) that depend continuously on one or several parameters. This review focusses on the theoretical prediction of phase equilibria in polydisperse systems; the presence of an effectively infinite number of distinguishable particle species makes this a highly nontrivial task. I first describe qualitatively some of the novel features of polydisperse phase behaviour, and outline a theoretical framework within which they can be explored. Current techniques for predicting polydisperse phase equilibria are then reviewed. I also discuss applications to some simple model systems including homopolymers and random copolymers, spherical colloids and colloid-polymer mixtures, and liquid crystals formed from rod- and plate-like colloidal particles; the results surveyed give an idea of the rich phenomenology of polydisperse phase behaviour. Extensions to the study of polydispersity effects on interfacial behaviour and phase separation kinetics are outlined briefly.Comment: 48 pages, invited topical review for Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter; uses Institute of Physics style file iopart.cls (included