461 research outputs found

    Anatomy, morphology and evolution of the patella in squamate lizards and tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus)

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    The patella (kneecap) is the largest and best-known of the sesamoid bones, postulated to confer biomechanical advantages including increasing joint leverage and reinforcing the tendon against compression. It has evolved several times independently in amniotes, but despite apparently widespread occurrence in lizards, the patella remains poorly characterised in this group and is, as yet, completely undescribed in their nearest extant relative Sphenodon (Rhynchocephalia). Through radiography, osteological and fossil studies we examined patellar presence in diverse lizard and lepidosauromorph taxa, and using computed tomography, dissection and histology we investigated in greater depth the anatomy and morphology of the patella in 16 lizard species and 19 Sphenodon specimens. We have found the first unambiguous evidence of a mineralised patella in Sphenodon, which appears similar to the patella of lizards and shares several gross and microscopic anatomical features. Although there may be a common mature morphology, the squamate patella exhibits a great deal of variability in development (whether from a cartilage anlage or not, and in the number of mineralised centres) and composition (bone, mineralised cartilage or fibrotendinous tissue). Unlike in mammals and birds, the patella in certain lizards and Sphenodon appears to be a polymorphic trait. We have also explored the evolution of the patella through ancestral state reconstruction, finding that the patella is ancestral for lizards and possibly Lepidosauria as a whole. Clear evidence of the patella in rhynchocephalian or stem lepidosaurian fossil taxa would clarify the evolutionary origin(s) of the patella, but due to the small size of this bone and the opportunity for degradation or loss we could not definitively conclude presence or absence in the fossils examined. The pattern of evolution in lepidosaurs is unclear but our data suggest that the emergence of this sesamoid may be related to the evolution of secondary ossification centres and/or changes in knee joint conformation, where enhancement of extensor muscle leverage would be more beneficial.Sophie Regnault, Marc E. H. Jones, Andrew A. Pitsillides, John R. Hutchinso

    Identification of novel inhibitors of auxin-induced Ca2+ signaling via a plant-based chemical screen

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    Many signal perception mechanisms are connected to Ca2+-based second messenger signaling to modulate specific cellular responses. The well-characterized plant hormone auxin elicits a very rapid Ca2+ signal. However, the cellular targets of auxin-induced Ca2+ are largely unknown. Here, we screened a biologically annotated chemical library for inhibitors of auxin-induced Ca2+ entry in plant cell suspensions to better understand the molecular mechanism of auxin-induced Ca2+ and to explore the physiological relevance of Ca2+ in auxin signal transduction. Using this approach, we defined a set of diverse, small molecules that interfere with auxin-induced Ca2+ entry. Based on annotated biological activities of the hit molecules, we found that auxin-induced Ca2+ signaling is, among others, highly sensitive to disruption of membrane proton gradients and the mammalian Ca2+ channel inhibitor bepridil. Whereas protonophores nonselectively inhibited auxin-induced and osmotic-stress-induced Ca2+ signals, bepridil specifically inhibited auxin-induced Ca2+. We found evidence that bepridil severely alters vacuolar morphology and antagonized auxin-induced vacuolar remodeling. Further exploration of this plant-tailored collection of inhibitors will lead to a better understanding of auxin-induced Ca2+ entry and its relevance for auxin responses

    Inducible Overexpression of sFlt-1 in Podocytes Ameliorates Glomerulopathy in Diabetic Mice

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    OBJECTIVE—Podocyte-specific, doxycycline (DOX)-inducible overexpression of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-1 (sFlt-1) in adult mice was used to investigate the role of the VEGF-A/VEGF receptor (VEGFR) system in diabetic glomerulopathy