14,562 research outputs found

    Deuteron Magnetic Quadrupole Moment From Chiral Effective Field Theory

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    We calculate the magnetic quadrupole moment (MQM) of the deuteron at leading order in the systematic expansion provided by chiral effective field theory. We take into account parity and time-reversal violation which, at the quark-gluon level, results from the QCD vacuum angle and dimension-six operators that originate from physics beyond the Standard Model. We show that the deuteron MQM can be expressed in terms of five low-energy constants that appear in the parity- and time-reversal-violating nuclear potential and electromagnetic current, four of which also contribute to the electric dipole moments of light nuclei. We conclude that the deuteron MQM has an enhanced sensitivity to the QCD vacuum angle and that its measurement would be complementary to the proposed measurements of light-nuclear EDMs

    Parity- and Time-Reversal-Violating Form Factors of the Deuteron

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    We calculate the electric-dipole and magnetic-quadrupole form factors of the deuteron that arise as a low-energy manifestation of parity and time-reversal violation in quark-gluon interactions of effective dimension four and six: the QCD vacuum angle, the quark electric and chromo-electric dipole moments, and the gluon chromo-electric dipole moment. Within the framework of two-flavor chiral perturbation theory, we show that the relative sizes of the corresponding moments allow an identification of the symmetry-breaking source