23 research outputs found
Gender as a moderator and age as a mediator variable in predicting the school adjustment based on self-evaluated symptoms of ADHD
The aim of the research was to examine the moderating role of gender and the mediating role of age in predicting the school adjustment by self-evaluating the symptoms of ADHD. The study included 501 students from higher grades of primary school, of which 50.7% were boys and the average age was M=12.72. They completed Hyperactivity-impulsivity-attention Scale (HIP, Vulić-Prtorić, 2006), Self-efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C, Vulić- Prtorić & Sorić, 2006) and were given some general information. Research showed that gender had only main effect on the school success, meaning that being female predicted better school success. Age had completely mediating role for symptoms of hyperactivity and school success (i.e. as the students’ age increases, there is no correlation between hyperactivity and school success) and partial mediating role for symptoms of inattention and both measures of school adjustment (i.e. as the students’ age increases the correlation between symptoms of inattention and academic self- efficacy and school success become weaker)
Personality traits, goal orientations and learning strategies
Learning strategies are defined as every behaviour or opinion that facilitates information coding in a way that increases their integration and finding. The research have pointed that using learning strategies has positive effects on learning and academic achievement, but many students do not use them. This could be attributed either to the lack of knowledge about the learning strategies: which strategies exist, how and when to use them or to different motivational factors. Some research show that using different strategies can be anticipated based on the personality traits. In this research, we tested the relationship model between personality traits, learning strategies and physics grades. It has been shown that conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness significantly predict educational outcomes, while metacognitive control cycle and surface processing significantly predict physics grades. The obtained results in this research indicate the need to encourage specific learning strategies with students which will increase understanding the material and at the end which will result with better grades
Metacognition and Intelligence as Predictors of Academic Success
Schraw i Moshman (1995 ; prema Schraw, Crippen i Hartley, 2006) definiraju metakogniciju kao znanje i regulaciju kognitivnih procesa. Za razliku od kognicije koja obuhvaća samo izvršavanje zadatka, metakognicija obuhvaća razumijevanje na koji način je zadatak izvršen. Metakognitivni procesi su važni jer dovode do konceptualnih promjena u učenju što omogućuje duže zadržavanje materijala i primjenu na nov način (Georghiades, 2000). Kognitivne sposobnosti su se u različitim istraživanjima pokazale kao važan prediktor školskog uspjeha, koeficijenti korelacije između opće inteligencije i školskih ocjena u osnovnoj školi iznose u prosjeku oko 0, 5 (Neisser i sur., 1996). Istraživanja metakognicije i inteligencije su pokazala da su metakognicija i kognitivne sposobnosti dva različita konstrukta, te da (Howard, McGee, Shia i Hong, 2001) visok stupanj metakognitivne samoregulacije može kompenzirati niže sposobnosti u uspješnosti rješavanja problemskih zadataka. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je provjeriti mogućnost predviđanja školskog uspjeha na temelju stupnja kognitivnog i metakognitivnog razvoja kod učenika sedmih i osmih razreda osnovne škole. U istraživanju su korišteni slijedeći instrumenti: Upitnik metakognicije (Vizek-Vidović, 1995 ; prema Zoričić, 1995), Kognitivno-neverbalni test (Sučević, Momirović, Fruk i Auguštin, 2004) i ljestvica rječnika Mill Hill (Lewis i sur., 1977 ; prema Križan i Matešić, ml., 2001). Rezultati su pokazali da je metakognicija, izuzev inteligencije, značajan prediktor školskog uspjeha. Dobiveni rezultate imaju i direktne implikacije na praksu jer su veći rezultati na Upitniku metakognicije povezani s većim ocjenama iz hrvatskog i matematike, te općim uspjehom, a metakognicija je nešto čemu možemo podučavati učenike
Predicting Procrastination: The Role of Academic Achievement, Self-efficacy and Perfectionism
The aim of this study was to examine the relations of academic achievement, self-efficacy, and perfectionism with procrastination in University students, and to examine whether procrastination can be predicted by academic achievement, self-efficacy, and perfectionism dimensions. 227 University students from different faculties completed Tuckmans' procrastination scale, Almost Perfect Scale – Revised (APS-R; Slaney Rice, Mobley, Trippi, & Ashby, 2001) and General self-Efficacy Scale (GSE; Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995), as well as data about academic achievement at the end of last academic year. Results have shown negative correlations of academic achievement, self-efficacy and adaptive perfectionism with procrastination, and a positive correlation between maladaptive perfectionism and procrastination. Results have also shown that self-efficacy is positively correlated with adaptive perfectionism and negatively with maladaptive perfectionism. Maladaptive perfectionism was a positive predictor of procrastination, while academic achievement, self-efficacy and adaptive perfectionism were all negative predictors. Finally, we used Hayes bootstrapping method to examine possible mediations. The results have shown that self-efficacy, by its self, is not a significant mediator, while paths containing self-efficacy and adaptive or maladaptive perfectionism mediate the relation between academic achievement and procrastination. Furthermore, both adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism mediated the relation between self-efficacy and procrastination
Predviđanje akademskog uspjeha na temelju ciljnih orijentacija i pristupa učenju
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between goal orientations, learning approaches and academic achievement, and to examine the possibility of predicting academic achievement through goal orientations and learning approaches. A sample of N = 346 male and female second and third year undergraduate and first year graduate students of different colleges and sections of the University of J.J.Strossmayer in Osijek participated in this study. The results indicate that academic achievement is in a positive correlation with the mastery and performance goal orientations and deep and strategic learning approaches, and in a negative correlation with the work-avoidance goal orientation and surface learning approach. Furthermore, the results indicate a positive relationship between the mastery goal orientation and deep and strategic learning approaches and positive relationship between the work-avoidance goal orientation and surface learning approach, and negative between the work-avoidance goal orientation and deep learning approach. Also, mastery, performance goal orientations and deep learning approach were positive predictors of academic achievement. College was significant moderator of relationship between deep learning approach and academic achievement. Deep learning approach was a positive predictor of achievement in "hard" study disciplines and was not a significant predictor of academic achievement in "soft" study disciplines.Cilj je ovog rada bio ispitati odnos ciljnih orijentacija u učenju, pristupa učenju i akademskog uspjeha kod studenata te provjeriti mogućnost predviđanja akademskog uspjeha na temelju ciljnih orijentacija u učenju i pristupa učenju. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo N=346 studenata i studentica drugih i trećih godina preddiplomskih i prvih godina diplomskih studija različitih fakulteta i odsjeka osječkog sveučilišta. Rezultati pokazuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost akademskog uspjeha s ciljnom orijentacijom na znanje i izvedbu te s dubinskim i strateškim pristupima učenju, a negativna povezanost akademskog uspjeha s ciljnom orijentacijom na izbjegavanje truda i površinskim pristupom učenju. Osim toga, rezultati pokazuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost ciljne orijentacije na znanje s dubinskim i strateškim pristupima učenju kao i pozitivna povezanost ciljne orijentacije na izbjegavanje truda s površinskim i negativna s dubinskim pristupima učenju. Nadalje, kao pozitivni prediktori akademskog uspjeha pokazale su se ciljne orijentacije na znanje i izvedbu te dubinski pristup učenju. Vrsta studija pokazala se značajnim moderatorom veze između dubinskog procesiranja i akademskog uspjeha. Dubinsko procesiranje značajan je prediktor uspjeha kod studenata prirodoslovnih i tehničkih studija, a nije značajan prediktor kod studenata društveno-humanističkih studija
Schraw and Mohsman (1995; according to Schraw, Crippen and Hartley, 2006) define metacognition as the knowledge and regulation of cognitive processes. Unlike cognition, which only involves the execution of tasks, metacognition encompasses the understanding of how a task is accomplished. Metacognitive processes are important because they bring about conceptual changes in learning, thus enabling longer retention and different application of the material. In various studies, cognitive abilities have proven to be a significant predictor of academic success, the correlation coefficients between the general intelligence and school grades in primary school amounting to an average of about 0.5 (Neisser et al., 1996). Studies of metacognition and intelligence have shown that metacognition and cognitive abilities are two different constructs, and that a high degree of metacognitive self-regulation can compensate for a lower problem solving ability (Howard, McGee, Shia and Hong, 2001).
The aim of our study was to examine the possibility to predict academic success on the basis of the level of cognitive and metacognitive development (with seventh and eighth grade primary school pupils). The following instruments were used in the study: the Metacognitive questionnaire (Vizek-Vidović, 1995; according to Zoričić, 1995), the Cognitive-non-verbal test (Sučević, Momirović, Fruk and Auguštin, 2004), and the Mill Hill vocabulary test (Lewis et al., 1977; according to Križan and Matešić, jr., 2001). The results have shown that metacognition, apart from intelligence, is a significant predictor of academic success. The obtained results have direct implications for the teaching practice because they show that pupils who score higher on the Metacognitive questionnaire have higher grades in school, and we can teach metacognition to our pupils.Schraw i Moshman (1995; prema Schraw, Crippen i Hartley, 2006) definiraju metakogniciju kao znanje i regulaciju kognitivnih procesa. Za razliku od kognicije koja obuhvaća samo izvršavanje zadatka, metakognicija obuhvaća razumijevanje na koji način je zadatak izvršen. Metakognitivni procesi su važni jer dovode do konceptualnih promjena u učenju što omogućuje duže zadržavanje materijala i primjenu na nov način (Georghiades, 2000). Kognitivne sposobnosti su se u različitim istraživanjima pokazale kao važan prediktor školskog uspjeha, koeficijenti korelacije između opće inteligencije i školskih ocjena u osnovnoj školi iznose u prosjeku oko 0,5 (Neisser i sur., 1996). Istraživanja metakognicije i inteligencije su pokazala da su metakognicija i kognitivne sposobnosti dva različita konstrukta, te da (Howard, McGee, Shia i Hong, 2001) visok stupanj metakognitivne samoregulacije može kompenzirati niže sposobnosti u uspješnosti rješavanja problemskih zadataka.
Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je provjeriti mogućnost predviđanja školskog uspjeha na temelju stupnja kognitivnog i metakognitivnog razvoja kod učenika sedmih i osmih razreda osnovne škole. U istraživanju su korišteni slijedeći instrumenti: Upitnik metakognicije (Vizek-Vidović, 1995; prema Zoričić, 1995), Kognitivno-neverbalni test (Sučević, Momirović, Fruk i Auguštin, 2004) i ljestvica rječnika Mill Hill (Lewis i sur., 1977; prema Križan i Matešić, ml., 2001). Rezultati su pokazali da je metakognicija, izuzev inteligencije, značajan prediktor školskog uspjeha. Dobiveni rezultate imaju i direktne implikacije na praksu jer su veći rezultati na Upitniku metakognicije povezani s većim ocjenama iz hrvatskog i matematike, te općim uspjehom, a metakognicija je nešto čemu možemo podučavati učenike
Personality traits, goal orientations and learning strategies
Learning strategies are defined as every behaviour or opinion that facilitates information coding in a way that increases their integration and finding. The research have pointed that using learning strategies has positive effects on learning and academic achievement, but many students do not use them. This could be attributed either to the lack of knowledge about the learning strategies: which strategies exist, how and when to use them or to different motivational factors. Some research show that using different strategies can be anticipated based on the personality traits. In this research, we tested the relationship model between personality traits, learning strategies and physics grades. It has been shown that conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness significantly predict educational outcomes, while metacognitive control cycle and surface processing significantly predict physics grades. The obtained results in this research indicate the need to encourage specific learning strategies with students which will increase understanding the material and at the end which will result with better grades
Metacognition and Intelligence as Predictors of Academic Success
Schraw i Moshman (1995 ; prema Schraw, Crippen i Hartley, 2006) definiraju metakogniciju kao znanje i regulaciju kognitivnih procesa. Za razliku od kognicije koja obuhvaća samo izvršavanje zadatka, metakognicija obuhvaća razumijevanje na koji način je zadatak izvršen. Metakognitivni procesi su važni jer dovode do konceptualnih promjena u učenju što omogućuje duže zadržavanje materijala i primjenu na nov način (Georghiades, 2000). Kognitivne sposobnosti su se u različitim istraživanjima pokazale kao važan prediktor školskog uspjeha, koeficijenti korelacije između opće inteligencije i školskih ocjena u osnovnoj školi iznose u prosjeku oko 0, 5 (Neisser i sur., 1996). Istraživanja metakognicije i inteligencije su pokazala da su metakognicija i kognitivne sposobnosti dva različita konstrukta, te da (Howard, McGee, Shia i Hong, 2001) visok stupanj metakognitivne samoregulacije može kompenzirati niže sposobnosti u uspješnosti rješavanja problemskih zadataka. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je provjeriti mogućnost predviđanja školskog uspjeha na temelju stupnja kognitivnog i metakognitivnog razvoja kod učenika sedmih i osmih razreda osnovne škole. U istraživanju su korišteni slijedeći instrumenti: Upitnik metakognicije (Vizek-Vidović, 1995 ; prema Zoričić, 1995), Kognitivno-neverbalni test (Sučević, Momirović, Fruk i Auguštin, 2004) i ljestvica rječnika Mill Hill (Lewis i sur., 1977 ; prema Križan i Matešić, ml., 2001). Rezultati su pokazali da je metakognicija, izuzev inteligencije, značajan prediktor školskog uspjeha. Dobiveni rezultate imaju i direktne implikacije na praksu jer su veći rezultati na Upitniku metakognicije povezani s većim ocjenama iz hrvatskog i matematike, te općim uspjehom, a metakognicija je nešto čemu možemo podučavati učenike
Relación entre las metas de logro, las estrategias del aprendizaje y las notas en la enseñanza de física en la escuela media
Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti odnos ciljeva postignuća, strategija učenja i ocjena u srednjoškolskoj nastavi fizike. Ciljevi postignuća predstavljaju važan motivacijski konstrukt koji je razvijen u okviru teorija samoreguliranog učenja te se dovode u vezu s različitim obrazovnim ishodima kao što su strategije učenja i ocjene. Istraživanje je provedeno na 208 učenika drugog i trećeg razreda općega gimnazijskog usmjerenja. U svrhu ispitivanja ciljeva postignuća i strategija učenja korišteni su Upitnik ciljeva postignuća (Elliot i McGregor, 2001), koji se sastoji od 12 čestica i mjeri četiri cilja postignuća: ovladavanje uključivanjem, ovladavanje izbjegavanjem, izvedbu uključivanjem i izvedbu izbjegavanjem, te Skala strategija učenja (Lončarić, 2014), koja se sastoji od 39 čestica i mjeri tri supskale strategija učenja: ciklus (meta)kognitivne kontrole, dubinsko kognitivno procesiranje i površinsko kognitivno procesiranje. Mjera uspjeha u fizici bila je ocjena na kraju prethodnog razreda. Pretpostavljeni su odnosi među varijablama testirani metodom analize traga unutar strukturalnog modeliranja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ciljevi postignuća značajno predviđaju obrazovne ishode u nastavi fizike (strategije učenja i ocjene) te da su se pretpostavljeni odnosi, koji se temelje na ranije provedenim istraživanjima, u velikoj mjeri potvrdili. Ciljevi postignuća s tendencijom uključivanja imaju značajan pozitivan efekt na poželjne obrazovne ishode. Ciljevi postignuća s tendencijom izbjegavanja pozitivno su povezane s površinskim procesiranjem. Rezultati su potvrdili i posredujući učinak strategija učenja u odnosu ciljeva postignuća na ovladavanje uključivanjem i ocjena iz fizike. Ovo istraživanje naglašava potrebu za usmjeravanjem učenika na učenje radi stjecanja znanja i kompetencija te potrebu za poticanjem korištenja metakognitivnih strategija. Istraživanje, također, upućuje na moguće nedostatke obrazovnog sustava, kao što je nepostojanje značajnog efekta dubinskoga kognitivnog procesiranja na ocjene iz fizike, što pretpostavlja potrebu i važnost daljnjeg istraživanja u ovom području.The aim of this paper was to examine relations between achievement goals, learning strategies and grades in high school physics class. Achievement goals represent an important motivational construct that has been developed within the theories of the self-regulatory learning and are connected to various educational outcomes, for instance, learning strategies and grades. The study was conducted on 208 second- and third-grade grammar school students. In order to examine the above-mentioned variables, the study used: Achievement Goal Questionnaire (Elliot & McGregor, 2001) which contains 12 items and measures four achievement goals: mastery approach, mastery avoidance, performance approach, and performance avoidance; Learning Strategies Scale (Lončarić, 2014) which contains 39 items and measures three learning strategy subscales: cycles of metacognitive control, deep cognitive processing, and surface cognitive processing. Class success criterion was previous year\u27s physics grade. The relations between variables were verified by path analysis method. The study greatly confirmed anticipated relations (based on previous research). The achievement goals with approach tendencies have significantly positive effect on preferable educational outcomes. Achievement goals with avoidance tendencies are positively connected to surface processing. The results also confirmed the mediating effect of learning strategies in relation to mastery-approach goals and physics grades. This study emphasizes the necessity to direct students to learn in order to acquire the knowledge and competencies, and encourage the use of metacognitive strategies. This study, also, indicates some potential problems within the educational system (for instance, the absence of significant effect of the deep cognitive processing on the physics grades) which suggest the need for further research in this area.El objetivo de este trabajo fue verificar la relación entre las metas de logro, las estrategias del aprendizaje y las notas en la enseñanza de física en la escuela media. Las metas de logro representan un constructo de motivación importante que se desarrolló en el marco de teorías del aprendizaje autorregulado y se asocian con diferentes resultados educativos como por ejemplo estrategias del aprendizaje y notas. La investigación se llevó a cabo con 208 participantes, alumnos de la segunda y la tercera clase del instituto general de educación secundaria. Con el fin de verificar las metas de logro y estrategias del aprendizaje se utilizó el Cuestionario de Metas de Logro (Elliot y McGregor, 2001) que consta de 12 partículas y mide cuatro metas de logro: dominación por inclusión, dominación por evitación, realización por inclusión y realización por evitación. También fue utilizada la Escala de Estrategias del Aprendizaje (Loncaric, 2014) que consta de 39 partículas y mide tres subescalas de estrategias del aprendizaje: ciclo del control metacognitivo, procesamiento cognitivo profundo y procesamiento cognitivo superficial. Como medida de éxito en física se tomó la nota al final de la clase anterior. Las supuestas relaciones entre variables se verificaron a través del método de análisis del camino dentro del modelado estructural. La investigación demostró que las metas de logro predicen significativamente los resultados educativos en la enseñanza de física: estrategias del aprendizaje y notas. También demostró que las supuestas relaciones (basadas en las investigaciones previas) se confirmaron en gran medida. Las metas de logro con tendencia a inclusión tienen un efecto positivo significativo sobre resultados educativos deseables. Las metas de logro con tendencia a evitación tienen una relación positiva con el procesamiento superficial. Los resultados confirmaron también el efecto mediador que tienen las estrategias del aprendizaje en relación entre las metas de logro para la dominación por inclusión y notas de física. Esta investigación acentúa la necesidad de guiar a los alumnos para que estudien con el fin de adquirir conocimiento y competencias. También acentúa la necesidad de estimular para usar las estrategias metacognitivas. Además, esta investigación indica posibles defectos del sistema educativo (como, por ejemplo, la falta de efecto significativo del procesamiento cognitivo profundo sobre las notas de física), lo que indica la necesidad de futuras investigaciones en este campo
Rodna (ne)ravnopravnost majke i oca u odgoju i kućanskim poslovima - perspektiva djeteta
Gender (in)equality between mothers and fathers is observed in their involvement
in child-rearing and housework. Despite both international and Croatian national
documents promoting gender equality in various segments of society, there is still
research showing that mothers are disadvantaged in comparison to fathers. The
aim of the research is to establish the pupils’ assessment of the involvement of
mothers and fathers in child-rearing and housework. The research was conducted
by surveying 290 primary school pupils in Osijek-Baranja County in the Republic
of Croatia. Research findings have shown that mothers are more involved in childrearing
and housework than fathers. Fathers are more involved in child-rearing
and housework in urban areas, whereas mothers are equally involved in childrearing
and housework regardless of whether they live in urban or rural areas.
There is also a difference in the involvement of fathers depending on whether they
have a daughter or a son; fathers are more involved in problem-solving and the
extracurricular activities of sons than daughters.Rodna (ne)ravnopravnost majki i očeva uočava se u uključenosti istih u odgoj
djece i brigu o kućanskim poslovima. Unatoč međunarodnim i hrvatskim
nacionalnim dokumentima koji promiču ravnopravnost spolova u različitim
segmentima društva, još uvijek postoje istraživanja koja pokazuju da su majke u
neravnopravnom položaju u odnosu na očeve. Cilj je istraživanja utvrditi procjenu
učenika o uključenosti majki i očeva u odgoj djeteta i brigu o kućanskim poslovima.
Istraživanje je provedeno anketiranjem 290 učenika osnovnih škola Osječkobaranjske
županije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati su istraživanja pokazali da
su majke uključenije u odgoj i brigu o kućanskim poslovima u odnosu na očeve.
Očevi su više uključeni u odgoj djece i kućanske poslove u urbanim područjima,
dok su majke podjednako uključene u odgoj djece i kućanske poslove neovisno žive
li u urbanom ili ruralnom području. Pokazala se i razlika u uključenosti očeva
ovisno o tome imaju li kćer ili sina, očevi su više uključeni u rješavanje problema
i slobodne aktivnosti sinova, nego kćeri