481 research outputs found

    Nitrogen uptake and the importance of internal nitrogen loading in Lake Balaton

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    1. The importance of various forms of nitrogen to the nitrogen supply of phytoplankton has been investigated in the mesotrophic eastern and eutrophic western basin of Lake Balaton.<br /> 2. Uptake rates of ammonium, urea, nitrate and carbon were measured simultaneously. The uptake rates were determined using N-15 and C-14 methodologies, and N-2-fixation was measured using the acetylene-reduction method. The light dependence of uptake was described with an exponential saturation equation and used to calculate surface-related (areal) daily uptake. <br /> 3. The contribution of ammonium, urea and nitrate to the daily nitrogen supply of phytoplankton varied between 11 and 80%, 17 and 73% and 1 and 15%, respectively. N- 2-fixation was negligible in the eastern basin and varied between 5 and 30% in the western region of the lake. The annual external nitrogen load was only 10% of that utilized by algae.<br /> 4. The predominant process supplying nitrogen to the phytoplankton in the lake is the rapid recycling of ammonium and urea in the water column, The importance of the internal nutrient loading is emphasized

    A nonextensive entropy approach to solar wind intermittency

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    The probability distributions (PDFs) of the differences of any physical variable in the intermittent, turbulent interplanetary medium are scale dependent. Strong non-Gaussianity of solar wind fluctuations applies for short time-lag spacecraft observations, corresponding to small-scale spatial separations, whereas for large scales the differences turn into a Gaussian normal distribution. These characteristics were hitherto described in the context of the log-normal, the Castaing distribution or the shell model. On the other hand, a possible explanation for nonlocality in turbulence is offered within the context of nonextensive entropy generalization by a recently introduced bi-kappa distribution, generating through a convolution of a negative-kappa core and positive-kappa halo pronounced non-Gaussian structures. The PDFs of solar wind scalar field differences are computed from WIND and ACE data for different time lags and compared with the characteristics of the theoretical bi-kappa functional, well representing the overall scale dependence of the spatial solar wind intermittency. The observed PDF characteristics for increased spatial scales are manifest in the theoretical distribution functional by enhancing the only tuning parameter Îș\kappa, measuring the degree of nonextensivity where the large-scale Gaussian is approached for Îș→∞\kappa \to \infty. The nonextensive approach assures for experimental studies of solar wind intermittency independence from influence of a priori model assumptions. It is argued that the intermittency of the turbulent fluctuations should be related physically to the nonextensive character of the interplanetary medium counting for nonlocal interactions via the entropy generalization.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophys.

    Functional Relations in Stokes Multipliers and Solvable Models related to U_q(A^{(1)}_n)

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    Recently, Dorey and Tateo have investigated functional relations among Stokes multipliers for a Schr{\"o}dinger equation (second order differential equation) with a polynomial potential term in view of solvable models. Here we extend their studies to a restricted case of n+1-th order linear differential equations.Comment: 20 pages, some explanations improved, To appear in J. Phys.

    Scar Intensity Statistics in the Position Representation

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    We obtain general predictions for the distribution of wave function intensities in position space on the periodic orbits of chaotic ballistic systems. The expressions depend on effective system size N, instability exponent lambda of the periodic orbit, and proximity to a focal point of the orbit. Limiting expressions are obtained that include the asymptotic probability distribution of rare high-intensity events and a perturbative formula valid in the limit of weak scarring. For finite system sizes, a single scaling variable lambda N describes deviations from the semiclassical N -> infinity limit.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. E, 10 pages, including 4 figure

    Universality in the flooding of regular islands by chaotic states

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    We investigate the structure of eigenstates in systems with a mixed phase space in terms of their projection onto individual regular tori. Depending on dynamical tunneling rates and the Heisenberg time, regular states disappear and chaotic states flood the regular tori. For a quantitative understanding we introduce a random matrix model. The resulting statistical properties of eigenstates as a function of an effective coupling strength are in very good agreement with numerical results for a kicked system. We discuss the implications of these results for the applicability of the semiclassical eigenfunction hypothesis.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Fermi Edge Singularities in the Mesoscopic Regime: II. Photo-absorption Spectra

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    We study Fermi edge singularities in photo-absorption spectra of generic mesoscopic systems such as quantum dots or nanoparticles. We predict deviations from macroscopic-metallic behavior and propose experimental setups for the observation of these effects. The theory is based on the model of a localized, or rank one, perturbation caused by the (core) hole left behind after the photo-excitation of an electron into the conduction band. The photo-absorption spectra result from the competition between two many-body responses, Anderson's orthogonality catastrophe and the Mahan-Nozieres-DeDominicis contribution. Both mechanisms depend on the system size through the number of particles and, more importantly, fluctuations produced by the coherence characteristic of mesoscopic samples. The latter lead to a modification of the dipole matrix element and trigger one of our key results: a rounded K-edge typically found in metals will turn into a (slightly) peaked edge on average in the mesoscopic regime. We consider in detail the effect of the "bound state" produced by the core hole.Comment: 16 page

    Weyl's symbols of Heisenberg operators of canonical coordinates and momenta as quantum characteristics

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    The knowledge of quantum phase flow induced under the Weyl's association rule by the evolution of Heisenberg operators of canonical coordinates and momenta allows to find the evolution of symbols of generic Heisenberg operators. The quantum phase flow curves obey the quantum Hamilton's equations and play the role of characteristics. At any fixed level of accuracy of semiclassical expansion, quantum characteristics can be constructed by solving a coupled system of first-order ordinary differential equations for quantum trajectories and generalized Jacobi fields. Classical and quantum constraint systems are discussed. The phase-space analytic geometry based on the star-product operation can hardly be visualized. The statement "quantum trajectory belongs to a constraint submanifold" can be changed e.g. to the opposite by a unitary transformation. Some of relations among quantum objects in phase space are, however, left invariant by unitary transformations and support partly geometric relations of belonging and intersection. Quantum phase flow satisfies the star-composition law and preserves hamiltonian and constraint star-functions.Comment: 27 pages REVTeX, 6 EPS Figures. New references added. Accepted for publication to JM

    Fractional-Power-Law Level-Statistics due to Dynamical Tunneling

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    For systems with a mixed phase space we demonstrate that dynamical tunneling universally leads to a fractional power law of the level-spacing distribution P(s) over a wide range of small spacings s. Going beyond Berry-Robnik statistics, we take into account that dynamical tunneling rates between the regular and the chaotic region vary over many orders of magnitude. This results in a prediction of P(s) which excellently describes the spectral data of the standard map. Moreover, we show that the power-law exponent is proportional to the effective Planck constant h.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Artificial trapping of a stable high-density dipolar exciton fluid

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    We present compelling experimental evidence for a successful electrostatic trapping of two-dimensional dipolar excitons that results in stable formation of a well confined, high-density and spatially uniform dipolar exciton fluid. We show that, for at least half a microsecond, the exciton fluid sustains a density higher than the critical density for degeneracy if the exciton fluid temperature reaches the lattice temperature within that time. This method should allow for the study of strongly interacting bosons in two dimensions at low temperatures, and possibly lead towards the observation of quantum phase transitions of 2D interacting excitons, such as superfluidity and crystallization.Comment: 11 pages 4 figure
