292 research outputs found

    Methodological approaches to the construction of an econometric model of hidden profits at the micro level

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    Application of econometric analysis methods to such relatively underexplored field of scientific knowledge as the shadow economy which is characterized by a higher degree of difficulty in getting its assessments forces in some cases to refuse to comply with mechanical use of econometric tools and formulate a number of assumptions without which the problem can not be solved. In order for the method worked well, it should be found a rational relationship between the source data, the prerequisites of the methods used, and the provisions of econometric theory. In addition, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the socioeconomic cause-effect relationships between phenomena. As practice shows, availability of information only is insufficient to obtain reliable estimates of the shadow economy and the calculations associated with their prediction. There is currently no legally established recommendations on methods of formation predictive estimates of the shadow economy. This leads to the need to find effective forecasting models and techniques as a tool for management of the shadow economy. Simulation of legally unregistered processes on the basis of correlation-regression analysis allows with a high degree of reliability to evaluate the relationship between hidden profits and the dominant factors, to rank them in order of importance, and to determine the contribution of each factor to the development of shadow economic activities at the micro level

    Convergence and stability analysis of kolmogorov system solutions in infinite-dimensional space

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    © Medwell Journals, 2017.The study studied the issues of convergence and stability of some calculation system solutions for linear differential equations, namely Kolmogorov's calculation systems in infinite-dimensional space on the basis of local integrability, non-negative coefficients and diagonal dominance properties. The conditions for operators were found with which they solve some problems of these system solution convergence and stability. On the basis of the local integrability, non-negative coefficients and diagonal dominance properties the sufficient conditions were obtained which guarantee the stability and the convergence of Kolmogorov's countable system solutions. The results of the study may be applied during the analysis of technical system various models, particularly the telecommunication system models. Besides, the results of Kolmogorov's system analysis can be used for biological system modeling. The study develops the approach to the qualitative research of Kolmogorov's systems based on the distribution of differential equation qualitative theory in infinite-dimensional spaces on Kolmogorov's systems that allowed to obtain a number of new results. Strict substantiations of the statements are presented concerning the qualitative behavior of solutions for some calculation systems of linear differential equations. One may formulate similar statements for infinite reproduction and death systems which are the particular cases of Kolmogorov's systems as the results of obtained statements

    Laser Conoscopy Study of Optical Anomalies in Uniaxial Crystals

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    New experimental possibilities of detecting fine optical anomalies in uniaxial crystals are demonstrated on a level with numerical estimation of refractive index and mechanical stress variations that cause distortions of the optical indicatrix. New possibilities are due to the use of an exact equation for isochromes derived for uniaxial crystals without mathematical simplifications commonly used by other authors. It allows one to calculate and graphically reproduce the theoretical form of isochromes of any orders in the conoscopic picture of an ideal crystal with known principal refractive indices, the thickness and orientation of the crystal surfaces, and also the wavelength of the radiation and the parameters of the optical circuit. A computer comparison of the theoretical image with an experimental conoscopic picture of a real crystal, fixed by a color digital camera on a semitransparent screen, is performed. The data on the variations of refractive indices and mechanical stresses in the crystal are retrieved from the mathematical processing of differences in the conoscopic images. The applications of the proposed method for the analysis of optical homogeneity of paratellurite and lithium niobate single crystals are presented. Keywords: method of conoscopy, isochromes, piezo-optic effec

    Distribution and prevalence of the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae in northernmost Europe: analysis of three salmonid species

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    Global climate change is altering the abundance and spread of many aquatic parasites and pathogens. Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids caused by the myxozoan Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is one such emerging disorder, and its impact is expected to increase with rising water temperature. Yet, the distribution and prevalence of T. bryosalmonae in Northern Europe remain poorly characterized. Here, we studied 43 locations in 27 rivers in northernmost Norway and Finland to describe T. bryosalmonae infection frequency and patterns in 1389 juvenile salmonids. T. bryosalmonae was discovered in 12 out of 27 rivers (44%) and prevalence ranged from 4.2 to 55.5% in Atlantic salmon and from 5.8 to 75% in brown trout among infected rivers. In sympatric populations, brown trout was more frequently infected with T. bryosalmonae than was salmon. Age-specific parasite prevalence patterns revealed that in contrast to lower latitudes, the infection of juvenile fish predominantly occurs during the second summer or later. Temperature monitoring over 2 yr indicated that the mean water temperature in June was 2.1 to 3.2°C higher in rivers containing T. bryosalmonae compared to parasite-free rivers, confirming the important role of temperature in parasite occurrence. Temporal comparison in T. bryosalmonae prevalence over a 10 yr period in 11 rivers did not reveal any signs of contemporary parasite spread to previously uninfected rivers. However, the wide distribution of T. bryosalmonae in rivers flowing to the Barents Sea indicates that climate change and heat waves may cause new disease outbreaks in northern regions.publishedVersio

    Diversification of the Defence Industry Complex as a priority direction for Russia’s innovative development

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the degree of influence of the diversification of the defence industry on the level of innovative development of the national economy. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: theoretical developments in the study of the essence and history of the development of diversification were summarised, promising directions for the development of this process in the Russian Defence Industry Complex were defined, the main problems of the development of the defence sector were revealed and the directions for their solution were substantiated.In the course of the research, the methods of empirical (observation, measurement, comparison) and experimental-theoretical (historical, logical, hypothetical) level of learning were used, with the help of which the facts of evaluating the phenomenon were collected, verified and systematised, and non-random dependencies were identified and the causes and consequences were determined. For the logical study of the collected facts and the development of concepts and judgments, the methods of the theoretical level were applied (study and generalisation, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction).The result of the study was a well-grounded conclusion that the main reasons for the development of diversification processes in our country are the reduction in the volume of state defence orders and the need to stimulate the innovative development of the production of civilian products. In turn, the development of diversification can become the basis for increasing the economic stability of the defence industry and accelerating innovative transformations in Russia