43 research outputs found

    On the Way to Non-Hierarchical Communication: Methods of Reading and Writing in Teaching Philosophy to University Students

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    The article is devoted to the problem of organizing non-hierarchical communication in the university classroom. The authors suggest that some teaching methods can bring the gap in communication between teacher and student. The authors describe and analyze their experience with the use of reading and writing methods adopted in the liberal arts education system for teaching the philosophy to non-humanities majors at a Russian university. This case is significant because it reflects the five-year experience of using reading and writing methods in isolation from the entire humanitarian system. This isolation affects the choice of methods and their transformation. The article outlines the main difficulties that instructors face and the limitations of these methods. Difficulties in assessing the effectiveness of the considered methods are revealed. An analysis of student feedback on the seminars shows that these methods help bridge the gap in communication between teacher and student and create a supportive environment conducive to more effective work on philosophical texts. Keywords: liberal arts education, reading and writing, philosophy education, communication ga

    Dialogue as a Model of Business Language Training in the Teaching Methods of Russian as a Second Language

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    This article reviews the methods of training foreign students in the fluent dialogic communication skill of the business sphere. Training of the dialogic communication in business sphere is understood to be a key method of professional competences' development with the students. The system of the dialogic communication skills development in the business sphere is included in the general system of the development of oral communication skills in teaching Russian as a Second Language. Described are the linguistic fundamentals of the oral and written communication skills development in business sphere. The system of tasks is based on the communicative law in teaching Russian as a Second Language. It presents the training model of the tasks arrangement to develop the skills of business dialogue in a foreign language

    Improving the bank reliability evaluation framework

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    Due to recent insolvency, bankruptcy, rehabilitation, license withdrawals of commercial banks, and lack of proper deposit insurance framework, the significance of bank reliability (BR) evaluation framework’ improvement rapidly increases. The paper reveals that the Russia’s banking system needs further development of existing reliability evaluation frameworks. BR evaluation framework consists in defining the basic criteria that effects the reliability in common. Legal entities as well as individuals are involved into banking system when being credited or committing a deposit, that’s the reason why high reliability is relevant for all economic actors. The paper reveals some features of adapting the conventional CAMELS reliability evaluation pattern to the Russian economics. A set of additions based on pros and cons of CAMELS is suggested. In addition to modified calculation terms, CAMELS framework is suggested to be adjusted via embedding into RiCAMELS framework considering the additional IT-equipment feature of iCAMELS. Herein RiCAMELS represents the embedding of iCAMELS into Russian economics and banking system. The paper highlights the so-called IT-index explaining the IT-equipment ratio from 0 to 100. Thus, RiCAMELS is considered to be an IT-oriented and Russian banking system-embedded CAMELS framework with an extra scale of reliability evaluation.peer-reviewe

    Comparative analysis of simulated kinetic schemes when calculating the nitrogen oxide formation in solid fuel flaring

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of the kinetic schemes with the numerical analysis of the generation of nitrogen oxides during the combustion of the pulverized fuel. The distributions of the concentration of nitrogen oxides of two studied kinetic schemes with height of the combustion chamber are obtained. The conclusions about the accuracy of numerical researches and the choice of optimal kinetic scheme are made

    Comparative analysis of simulated kinetic schemes when calculating the nitrogen oxide formation in solid fuel flaring

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of the kinetic schemes with the numerical analysis of the generation of nitrogen oxides during the combustion of the pulverized fuel. The distributions of the concentration of nitrogen oxides of two studied kinetic schemes with height of the combustion chamber are obtained. The conclusions about the accuracy of numerical researches and the choice of optimal kinetic scheme are made

    The role of human factors in the bank capital evaluation framework

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    The article assesses various versions of «Bank capital» definitions, and the own bank capital definition is suggested by authors. It assumes that bank capital is a monetary value of the bank’s debts and equities. Milestones of managing the bank capital such as formation and application are provided in the paper. Two groups of bank capital users such as external and internal stakeholders are highlighted. The key-note of the paper is defining the role of human capital in evaluating the bank capital. Human capital is suggested to play positive and negative role through the whole bank capital evaluation. Both subjective pros and cons of the human factor are revealed in the paper. Typical errors such as low-skilled staff, non-flexible mind, inconsistent risk policy in decision-making, deficient analytical framework, lack of useful forecasting are defined. Authors also defined a set of advantages of the human factors such as: quality education, professional skills, professional development, and diplomatic, highly analytical and independent mind, stress tolerance, and so on. The paper highlights the concept that entities’ benefits which are in evaluating the bank capital could be structured in importance and effect of the parties concerned. The hierarchical framework of interests completely depends on the person arranging the framework. The paper stresses that interests of the parties concerned should be listed in the bank capital’s evaluation policy. A set of key indicators such as capital profitability rate, adequacy ratio to highlight stakeholders’ interests are defined. Key features of bank capital management are described. Objectives of internal and external stakeholders’ activity are defined. The set of factors indicating the impact of human factors on evaluating the bank capital are discussed.peer-reviewe

    Theory and practice of capital estimation methods : an application in bank management

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    The mechanism of the banking institution’s capital management is a complex array of effective management’s actions and activities aimed at maximization of profit. Banking institutions should carry out theoretical and practical analysis of existing methods of capital estimation in order to develop appropriate management decisions. Nowadays, every banking institution should accentuate the key points and properly define priorities in the bank management system, as it directly influences the main goal of the bank’s activity, i.e., profit-making. Special attention should be paid to bank capital estimation, as the correct capital estimation influences the bank’s activity; the capital plays a dominant role and is considered to be a base value for planning, forecasting and implementing banking transactions. Taking into consideration the existing legislative framework and the experience of various countries in bank capital estimation, it is proposed to identify strengths and weaknesses of the existing methods of bank capital estimation to determine proposals for appropriate estimation.peer-reviewe

    Methodology and results in bank capital assessment

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    In the context of the present financial and economic environment, bank capital assessment requires new methods adapted to current situations. So, the selective model of bank capital assessment has been developed and proposed, which aims at the selection of the most important indices of capital’s structure. The main groups of indices are outlined, which are reasonable and practical to be used in the selective model: a group of liquidity indices, a group of bank reliability indices, a group of risk indices, a group of capital sufficiency indices and an index of IT-implementation level. Moreover, a notion of the bank capital factor is introduced. For the key index – bank capital factor – calculation values are structured according to the integral principle, i.e., by summing all reasonable values with the use of normalization, which contributes to the qualitative capital assessment. The calculation is carried out for the main banks of Crimea, which provide open information on the results of their activity. Bank activity data is taken from open sources. The data is ranked in the summary Table according to the value of the bank capital factor. The banks operating in Crimea have been found to work successfully, however, some problematic banks have been identified, which are advised to reconsider their capital management policy.peer-reviewe


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    The paper provides insight in to the concept of cryptocurrency as considered by national and foreign authors, the principles of its functioning and the need to establish its legal status. Formulated is the definition of cryptocurrency, and the thesis that cryptocurrency can be classified as "other property" is grounded. The need for an official legislative definition of cryptocurrency attributes to the growth of transactions, cryptocurrencies trading at "official" marketplaces, and a change in the Russian government’sattitude towards cryptocurrencies from its banning to acceptance. One of the threats to the cryptocurrency turnover in financial markets was its "imaginary" anonymity –it has been generally accepted that cryptocurrency transactions are completely anonymous. However, all transactions are recorded on a public blockchain, and the key problem is to identify the account holder. Thus, it is not the account holder's identity that is anonymous, but rather an actual transaction. In our opinion, this problem can be solved by applying a series of computer-aided tests.El documento proporciona información sobre el concepto de criptomoneda según lo considerado por autores nacionales y extranjeros, los principios de su funcionamiento y la necesidad de establecer su estado legal. Formulada es la definición de criptomoneda, y la tesis de que la criptomoneda se puede clasificar como "otra propiedad" se basa. La necesidad de una definición legislativa oficial de las criptomonedas se atribuye al crecimiento de las transacciones, el comercio de criptomonedas en los mercados "oficiales" y un cambio en la actitud del gobierno ruso hacia las criptomonedas desde su prohibición hasta su aceptación. Una de las amenazas para la rotación de las criptomonedas en los mercados financieros fue su anonimato "imaginario", se ha aceptado generalmente que las transacciones de criptomonedas son completamente anónimas. Sin embargo, todas las transacciones se registran en una cadena de bloques pública, y el problema clave es identificar al titular de la cuenta. Por lo tanto, no es la identidad del titular de la cuenta lo que es anónimo, sino más bien una transacción real. En nuestra opinión, este problema se puede resolver aplicando una serie de pruebas asistidas por computadora.В статье рассмотрены мнения отечественных и зарубежных авторов о понятии криптовалюты, принципах ее функционирования и необходимости установления ее правового статуса. Сформулировано определение криптовалюты и обоснован тезис о том, что криптовалюту можно отнести к категории «иное имущество». Необходимость официального законодательного определения криптовалюты обусловлена ростом транзакций, выведением криптовалют на «официальные» торговые площадки, изменение отношения к криптовалютам со стороны государства. Одной из угроз оборота крипотовалюты на финансовых рынках являлась ее «мнимая» анонимность – долгое время, считалось, что транзакции с криптовалютой полностью анонимны. Однако, каждая транзакция имеет запись в публичном блокчейне, и главная проблема – установить личность владельца счета. Таким образом, анонимна не сама транзакция, а личность владельца счета. Данная проблема на наш взгляд, может быть решена путем проведения ряда компьютерных экспертиз. Сегодня немало физических и юридических лиц осуществляют покупку криптовалюты или используют ее в расчетах за товары, работы, услуги. Росфинмониторинг почти пять лет назад говорил о том, что федеральными органами исполнительной власти и ЦБ РФ осуществляется мониторинг обращения «денежных суррогатов» и что по его результатам будет рассмотрен вопрос регулирования выпуска и оборота криптовалют. Однако в настоящее время правовой статус криптовалюты на территории РФ ни в гражданском, ни в отраслевом законодательстве не определен. Принятие в Российской Федерации основополагающего закона, содержащего необходимые термины и понятия относительно криптовалютной деятельности и регламентирующего статус криптовалюты в России, позволит в дальнейшем разработать меры правовой охраны объектов посягательств, которые в настоящее время никак не регулируются

    Soil bacterial communities of Sahara and Gibson deserts: Physiological and taxonomical characteristics

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the structure of soil bacteria communities present in the Gibson (Australia) and the Sahara (Egypt) deserts, as well as to estimate strain survivability under different environmental factors. It should be noticed that the screening of bacterial resistance to wide spectra of principally different stress conditions was performed for the first time. Experiments were conducted with culturable bacterial communities. Strains were identified using 16S rRNA sequencing, and stress-tolerance was estimated by growing strains in various nutrient media. In order to characterize the community the epifluorescent microscopy and multisubstrate testing were also performed. High bacterial abundance in the desert soils was detected, and there was seen a significant proportion of culturable cells. The close numbers of psychotropic and mesophilic bacteria in arid ecosystems were revealed. The representatives of the Actinobacteria phylum were dominant in the microbial communities, and Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes phyla representatives were also identified. Tolerance of the axenic bacterial cultures, isolated from arid desert ecotopes, to temperature, pH, salts (KCl, NaCl, MgSO4, NaHCO3), strong oxidizers (Mg(ClO4)2), and antibiotics (ampicillin, cephalexin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, doxycycline, kanamycin, rifampicin) was studied. The bacterial isolates were characterized by polyextremotolerance and by the ability to maintain metabolic activity in vitro while influenced by a wide range of physicochemical and biotic factors