324 research outputs found

    A morphological evaluation of botulinum neurotoxin A injections into the detrusor muscle using magnetic resonance imaging

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    Objectives: Although botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) intradetrusor injections are a recommended therapy for neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO), refractory to antimuscarinic drugs, a standardisation of injection technique is missing. Furthermore, some basic questions are still unanswered, as where the toxin solution exactly spreads after injection. Therefore, we investigated the distribution of the toxin solution after injection into the bladder wall, using magnet resonance imaging (MRI). Methods: Six patients with NDO were recruited. Three of six patients received 300U of BoNT/A+contrast agent distributed over 30 injection sites (group 1). The other three patients received 300U of BoNT/A+contrast agent distributed over 10 injection sites (group 2). Immediately after injection, MRI of the pelvis was performed. The volume of the detrusor and the total volume of contrast medium inside and outside the bladder wall were calculated. Results: In all patients, a small volume (mean 17.6%) was found at the lateral aspects of the bladder dome in the extraperitoneal fat tissue, whereas 82.4% of the injected volume reached the target area (detrusor). In both groups there was a similar distribution of the contrast medium in the target area. A mean of 33.3 and 25.3% of the total detrusor volume was covered in group 1 and 2, respectively. Six weeks after injection, five of six patients were continent and showed no detrusor overactivity in the urodynamic follow-up. No systemic side effects were observed. Conclusions: Our results provide morphological arguments that the currently used injection techniques are appropriate and saf

    К определению поверхностного натяжения, объема и площади криволинейной поверхности по форме сидячих пузырьков или висячих капель

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    The multi-user facility EXPOSE-E was designed by the European Space Agency to enable astrobiology research in space (low-Earth orbit). On 7 February 2008, EXPOSE-E was carried to the International Space Station (ISS) on the European Technology Exposure Facility (EuTEF) platform in the cargo bay of Space Shuttle STS-122 Atlantis. The facility was installed at the starboard cone of the Columbus module by extravehicular activity, where it remained in space for 1.5 years. EXPOSE-E was returned to Earth with STS-128 Discovery on 12 September 2009 for subsequent sample analysis. EXPOSE-E provided accommodation in three exposure trays for a variety of astrobiological test samples that were exposed to selected space conditions: either to space vacuum, solar electromagnetic radiation at > 110nm and cosmic radiation (trays 1 and 3) or to simulated martian surface conditions (tray 2). Data on UV radiation, cosmic radiation, and temperature were measured every 10 s and downlinked by telemetry. A parallel mission ground reference (MGR) experiment was performed on ground with a parallel set of hardware and samples under simulated space conditions. EXPOSE-E performed a successful 1.5-year mission in space

    Combination chemotherapy with or without s.c. IL-2 and IFN-α: results of a prospectively randomized trial of the Cooperative Advanced Malignant Melanoma Chemoimmunotherapy Group (ACIMM)

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    The purpose of this randomized trial was to evaluate the efficacy of combination chemoimmunotherapy compared with chemotherapy alone. A total of 124 patients were randomized to receive intravenous cisplatin (35 mg m−2, days 1–3), carmustine (150 mg m−2, day 1, cycles 1 and 3 only), dacarbacine (220 mg m−2, days 1–3) and oral tamoxifen (20 mg m−2, daily) in combination with (n=64) or without (n=60) sequential subcutaneous IL-2 and IFN-α. In those patients who received sequential immunotherapy, each cycle of chemotherapy was followed by outpatient s.c. IL-2 (10×106 IU m−2, days 3–5, week 4; 5×106 IU m−2, days 1, 3, 5, week 5) and s.c. IFN-α (5×106 IU m−2, day 1, week 4; days 1, 3, 5, week 5). The overall response rate of patients treated with the combination of chemotherapy and IL-2/IFN-α was 34.3% with seven complete responses (10.9%) and 15 partial responses (23.4%). In patients treated with chemotherapy, only, the overall response rate was 29.9% with eight complete responses (13.3%) and 10 partial responses (16.6%). There was no significant difference in median progression free survival (0 months vs 4 months) and in median overall survival (12 months vs 13 months) for combined chemoimmunotherapy and for chemotherapy, respectively

    The emergence and evolution of Neolithic cattle farming in southeastern Europe:New zooarchaeological and stable isotope data from Džuljunica-Smărdeš, in northeastern Bulgaria (ca. 6200–5500 cal. BCE)

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    Cattle were of great importance for the Neolithic farmers of southeastern Europe, in particular as farming expanded towards the well-watered regions of Džuljunica (ca. 6200–5500 cal. BCE), one of the earliest known Neolithic settlements in northeastern Bulgaria. The clear stratigraphy and the substantial Bos assemblage from Džuljunica Provided us with a great opportunity to investigate the beginning and evolution of cattle husbandry in the northern Balkans through stable isotope and zooarchaeological analyses. The relative abundance of Bos at Džuljunica leaves no doubt about the importance of beef and cattle herding. Mortality profiles suggest a transition in the early phases of the Neolithic from beef-oriented to mixed beef and milk production husbandry, enabled through intensified post-lactation culling. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of tooth enamel on a limited number of samples provides no evidence for an extended calving season for increasing milk availability or for vertical mobility. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of bone collagen suggest that cattle were kept near the site, where C3 and C4 plants were available in summer, and that they were occasionally foddered with forest resources in the winter. Cattle experience a diachronic reduction in size on a regional scale, possibly due to farmers' choices aimed at more manageable herds consisting of smaller individuals. Restricting intermixing with local aurochs and the arrival of a new type of cattle may also have contributed to this change. Local factors or inter-regional influences may have influenced the ways cattle husbandry evolved at Džuljunica in particular and in northeastern Bulgaria more generally. More data from the region are necessary to flesh out the role of the interplay among environmental factors, local developments, and inter-regional contacts that facilitate the transfer of skills and traditions relating to the changing modes of cattle husbandry

    Methane seepage in a Cretaceous greenhouse world recorded by an unusual carbonate deposit from the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco

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    During the Cretaceous major episodes of oceanic anoxic conditions triggered large scale deposition of marine black shales rich in organic carbon. Several oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) have been documented including the Cenomanian to Turonian OAE 2, which is among the best studied examples to date. This study reports on a large limestone body that occurs within a black shale succession exposed in a coastal section of the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco. The black shales were deposited in the aftermath of OAE 2 in a shallow continental sea. To decipher the mode and causes of carbonate formation in black shales, a combination of element geochemistry, palaeontology, thin section petrography, carbon and oxygen stable isotope geochemistry and lipid biomarkers are used. The ¹³C-depleted biphytanic diacids reveal that the carbonate deposit resulted, at least in part, from microbially-mediated anaerobic oxidation of methane in the shallow subseafloor at a hydrocarbon seep. The lowest obtained δ¹³Ccarbonate values of −23.5‰ are not low enough to exclude other carbon sources than methane apart from admixed marine carbonate, indicating a potential contribution from in situ remineralization of organic matter contained in the black shales. Nannofossil and trace metal inventories of the black shales and the macrofaunal assemblage of the carbonate body reveal that environmental conditions became less reducing during the deposition of the background shales that enclose the carbonate body, but the palaeoenvironment was overall mostly characterized by high productivity and episodically euxinic bottom waters. This study reconstructs the evolution of a hydrocarbon seep that was situated within a shallow continental sea in the aftermath of OAE 2, and sheds light on how these environmental factors influenced carbonate formation and the ecology at the seep site

    Controls on the barium isotope compositions of marine sediments

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    The accumulation of barium (Ba) in marine sediments is considered to be a robust proxy for export production, although this application can be limited by uncertainty in BaSO4 preservation and sediment mass accumulation rates. The Ba isotope compositions of marine sediments could potentially record insights into past changes in the marine Ba cycle, which should be insensitive to these limitations, enabling more robust interpretation of sedimentary Ba as a proxy. To investigate the controls on the Ba isotope compositions of marine sediments and their potential for paleo-oceanographic applications, we present the first Ba isotope compositions results for sediments, as well as overlying seawater depth profiles collected in the South Atlantic. Variations in Ba isotope compositions of the sediments predominantly reflect changes in the relative contributions of detrital and authigenic Ba sources, with open-ocean sediments constraining the isotope composition of authigenic Ba to be 138/134 Ba ≈ +0.1 ‰. This value is consistent with the average isotope composition inferred for sinking particulate Ba using simple mass balance models of Ba in the overlying water column and is hypothesized to reflect the removal of Ba from the upper water column with an associated isotopic fractionation of Δ 138/134 Ba diss - part ≈ +0.4 to +0.5. Perturbations to upper ocean Ba cycling, due to changes in export production and the supply of Ba via upwelling, should therefore be recorded by the isotope compositions of sedimentary authigenic Ba. Such insights will help to improve the reliable application of Ba accumulation rates in marine sediments as a proxy for past changes in export production