95 research outputs found

    Tessin och Voltaire

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    Three land-snail species new to the Norwegian fauna: Pupilla pratensis (Clessin, 1871), Vertigo ultimathule von Proschwitz, 2007 and Balea sarsii Philippi, 1847 [= B. heydeni von Maltzan, 1881]

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    Three land-snail species are reported as new to Norway: Pupilla pratensis, which has been segregated from P. muscorum s. lat., occurs in three isolated, calcareous wetland sites in the counties of Hedmark and Oppland and two calcareous rock habitats in Nordland County; Vertigo ultimathule, recently described from the northernmost part of Swedish Lapland, has been found in seven localities in the adjacent Norwegian county of Finnmark – the species is probably endemic to northernmost Scandinavia; finally Balea sarsii [= B. heydeni], a pronounced Atlantic element, which has been segregated from B. perversa s. lat., is found in five sites in Hordaland County and one in Sogn og Fjordane County – the locality at Florø in the latter province is the northernmost known for the species

    A new record of Vertigo substriata (Jeffreys, 1833) in Hungary

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    Vertigo substriata - as a refugial relict species- has a highly fragmented distribution In Hungary. Similarly to Vertigo alpestris it is one of the most endangered Vertigo species in the country due to habitat requirements and forest management. Both species are recommended to be monitored and protected by nature conservation authorities

    Karyotype of Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1856 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae)

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    The diploid chromosome set of Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon consists of 52 chromosomes, with the karyotype formula: 2n = 44m+6sm+2st=52; FN = 104. The chromosome number (n = 26, 2n = 52) of A. vulgaris is identical to that of A. subfuscus sensu lato, A. ater (L.) and A. rufus (L.) which may suggest their close relationship

    The conservation status of the world's freshwater molluscs

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    With the biodiversity crisis continuing unchecked, we need to establish levels and drivers of extinction risk, and reassessments over time, to effectively allocate conservation resources and track progress towards global conservation targets. Given that threat appears particularly high in freshwaters, we assessed the extinction risk of 1428 randomly selected freshwater molluscs using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, as part of the Sampled Red List Index project. We show that close to one-third of species in our sample are estimated to be threatened with extinction, with highest levels of threat in the Nearctic, Palearctic and Australasia and among gastropods. Threat levels were higher in lotic than lentic systems. Pollution (chemical and physical) and the modification of natural systems (e.g. through damming and water abstraction) were the most frequently reported threats to freshwater molluscs, with some regional variation. Given that we found little spatial congruence between species richness patterns of freshwater molluscs and other freshwater taxa, apart from crayfish, new additional conservation priority areas emerged from our study. We discuss the implications of our findings for freshwater mollusc conservation, the adequacy of a sampled approach and important next steps to estimate trends in freshwater mollusc extinction risk over time

    Beaumarchais et le Courier de l’Europe: Documents inédits ou peu connus

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    Avant-propos Chronologie sommaire Abréviations Note sur l’argent Introduction Prologue: Beaumarchais à Londres 1774-1776 I. Un journal français à Londres: le Courier de l’Europe II. Les mots et les idées III. Une affaire politico-commerçante IV. La rédaction du Courier de l’Europe V. L’accueil en France du Courier de l’Europe VI. Débats au Parlement anglais VII. La crise politique VIII. Le dilemme du Courier de l’Europe à l’approche de la guerre IX. Réimpression du Courier de l’Europe à Boulogne-sur-Mer X. Le propriétaire du Courier de l’Europe: Samuel Swinton XI. Le règne des soupçons et la carrière de la patience XII. Les Observations sur le Mémoire justificatif de la Cour de Londres de Beaumarchais XIII. Le Courier de l’Europe et le Courier du Nord XIV. Beaumarchais négocie la soumission de Swinton XV. ‘Ce monstre s’appelle Morande’ XVI. Theveneau de Francy XVII. ‘Les affaires d’une main et la guerre de l’autre’ XVIII. Beaumarchais éditeur de Voltaire XIX. Le Mariage de Figaro XX. Au bord de la ruine XXI. ‘Le Courier de Mr de Beaumarchais’ XXII. Tarare XXIII. Mirabeau, Cagliostro, Kornman, Bergasse ou ‘un historique des charlatans’ XXIV. L’ex-ministre Calonne XXV. Morande se veut réformateur de la société française XXVI. Après la prise de la Bastille XXVII. Beaumarchais, Morande et Swinton: règlements de comptes XXVIII. Beaumarchais à Londres et la fin du Courier de l’Europe XXIX. En exil Epilogue Documents inédits ou peu connus Sources manuscrites Sources imprimées Table chronologique des documents Table des illustrations Index lexicologique Inde

    Beaumarchais et le Courier de l’Europe

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    Avant-propos Chronologie sommaire Abréviations Note sur l’argent Introduction Prologue: Beaumarchais à Londres 1774-1776 I. Un journal français à Londres: le Courier de l’Europe II. Les mots et les idées III. Une affaire politico-commerçante IV. La rédaction du Courier de l’Europe V. L’accueil en France du Courier de l’Europe VI. Débats au Parlement anglais VII. La crise politique VIII. Le dilemme du Courier de l’Europe à l’approche de la guerre IX. Réimpression du Courier de l’Europe à Boulogne-sur-Mer X. Le propriétaire du Courier de l’Europe: Samuel Swinton XI. Le règne des soupçons et la carrière de la patience XII. Les Observations sur le Mémoire justificatif de la Cour de Londres de Beaumarchais XIII. Le Courier de l’Europe et le Courier du Nord XIV. Beaumarchais négocie la soumission de Swinton XV. ‘Ce monstre s’appelle Morande’ XVI. Theveneau de Francy XVII. ‘Les affaires d’une main et la guerre de l’autre’ XVIII. Beaumarchais éditeur de Voltaire XIX. Le Mariage de Figaro XX. Au bord de la ruine XXI. ‘Le Courier de Mr de Beaumarchais’ XXII. Tarare XXIII. Mirabeau, Cagliostro, Kornman, Bergasse ou ‘un historique des charlatans’ XXIV. L’ex-ministre Calonne XXV. Morande se veut réformateur de la société française XXVI. Après la prise de la Bastille XXVII. Beaumarchais, Morande et Swinton: règlements de comptes XXVIII. Beaumarchais à Londres et la fin du Courier de l’Europe XXIX. En exil Epilogue Documents inédits ou peu connus Sources manuscrites Sources imprimées Table chronologique des documents Table des illustrations Index lexicologique Inde

    Inventering av snäckor i rikkärr på Gotland 2006

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    På uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen undersöktes landmolluskfaunan i 37 gotländska rikkärrsobjekt under hösten 2006. Ett stort antal rikkärr i Sverige har förstörts, främst genom dikning, och våtmarkstypen omfattas därför av ett så kallat åtgärdsprogram (2006-2010) som innefattar arterna större agatsnäcka och kalkkärrsgrynsnäcka. Åtgärdsprogrammet är initierat av Naturvårdsverket och inventeringen 2006 var förutom en uppföljning av tidigare markfaunainventeringar även ett led i länets rikkärrsarbete. Av 37 inventerade lokaler var 14 sådana som hyste större agatsnäcka och/eller kalkkärrsgrynsnäcka vid inventeringen 1997. De tillkommande inventeringslokalerna var främst icke undersökta Natura 2000-områden.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import från MDP 2015-05</p

    Kalkkärrgrynsnäckan - Vertigo geyeri Lindholm - I Uppsala län

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    Kalkkärrsgrynsnäckan är en art som Uppsala län har stort ansvar för. Här har den lilla snäckanett av sina starkaste fästen i landet och det viktigaste i Svealand. Kalkärrsgrynsnäckan är en av de mest sällsynta och krävande landsnäckorna i Sverige. Den lever framförallt i rikkärr ochär rödlistad i kategori NT (missgynnad).Regionala inventeringsrapporter import från MDP 2015-05</p
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