2,505 research outputs found

    Stellar Populations and the White Dwarf Mass Function: Connections To Supernova Ia Luminosities

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    We discuss the luminosity function of SNe Ia under the assumption that recent evidence for dispersion in this standard candle is related to variations in the white dwarf mass function (WDMF) in the host galaxies. We develop a simple parameterization of the WDMF as a function of age of a stellar population and apply this to galaxies of different morphological types. We show that this simplified model is consistent with the observed WDMF of Bergeron et al. (1992) for the solar neighborhood. Our simple models predict that WDMF variations can produce a range of more than 1.8 mag in MB_B(SN Ia), which is comparable to the observed value using the data of Phillips (1993) and van den Bergh (1996). We also predict a galaxy type dependence of MB_B(SN Ia) under standard assumptions of the star formation history in these galaxies and show that MB_B(SN Ia) can evolve with redshift. In principle both evolutionary and galaxy type corrections should be applied to recover the intrinsic range of MB_B(SN Ia) from the observed values. Our current inadequate knowledge of the star formation history of galaxies coupled with poor physical understanding of the SN Ia mechanism makes the reliable estimation of these corrections both difficult and controversial. The predictions of our models combined with the observed galaxy and redshift correlations may have the power to discriminate between the Chandrasekhar and the sub-Chandrasekhar progenitor scenarios for SNe Ia.Comment: 20 pages, latex + 7 postscript figures, to be published in AJ, September 199

    The White Dwarf Cooling Age of the Open Cluster NGC 2420

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    We have used deep HST WFPC2 observations of two fields in NGC 2420 to produce a cluster CMD down to V = 27. After imposing morphological selection criteria we find eight candidate white dwarfs in NGC 2420. Our completeness estimates indicate that we have found the terminus of the WD cooling sequence. We argue that the cluster distance modulus is likely to be close to 12.10 with E(B-V) = 0.04. With these parameters we find a white dwarf cooling age for NGC 2420 of 2.0 +- 0.20 (1 sigma) Gyrs. The 0.20 Gyr uncertainty includes errors in the photometry, sequence fitting, precursor time scales, and theoretical white dwarf cooling time scales. Comparing the cluster white dwarf cooling age to ages derived from stellar isochrone fitting we find a preference for ages derived from models incorporating convective overshoot

    From Young and Hot to Old and Cold: Comparing White Dwarf Cooling Theory to Main Sequence Stellar Evolution in Open Clusters

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    I explore the current ability of both white dwarf cooling theory and main sequence stellar evolution theory to accurately determine stellar population ages by comparing ages derived using both techniques for open clusters ranging from 0.1 to 4 Gyr. I find good agreement between white dwarf and main sequence evolutionary ages over the entire age range currently available for study. I also find that directly comparing main sequence turn-off ages to white dwarf ages is only weakly sensitive to realistic levels of errors in cluster distance, metallicity, and reddening. Additional detailed comparisons between white dwarf and main sequence ages have tremendous potential to refine and calibrate both of these important clocks, and I present new simulations of promising open cluster targets. The most demanding requirement for these white dwarf studies are very deep (V > 25-28) cluster observations made necessary by the faintness of the oldest white dwarfs.Comment: 25 pages, incl. 10 figures, ApJ accepted for April, 200

    WIYN Open Cluster Study 1: Deep Photometry of NGC 188

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    We have employed precise V and I photometry of NGC 188 at WIYN to explore the cluster luminosity function (LF) and study the cluster white dwarfs (WDs). Our photometry is offset by V = 0.052 (fainter) from Sandage (1962) and Eggen & Sandage (1969). All published photometry for the past three decades have been based on these two calibrations, which are in error by 0.05 +- 0.01. We employ the Pinsonneault etal (1998) fiducial main sequence to derive a cluster distance modulus of 11.43 +- 0.08. We report observations that are >= 50% complete to V = 24.6 and find that the cluster central-field LF peaks at M_I ~ 3 to 4. This is unlike the solar neighborhood LF and unlike the LFs of dynamically unevolved portions of open and globular clusters, which rise continuously until M_I ~ 9.5. Although we find that >= 50% of the unresolved cluster objects are multiple systems, their presence cannot account for the shape of the NGC 188 LF. For theoretical reasons (Terlevich 1987; Vesperini & Heggie 1997) having to do with the survivability of NGC 188 we believe the cluster is highly dynamically evolved and that the missing low luminosity stars are either in the cluster outskirts or have left the cluster altogether. We identify nine candidate WDs, of which we expect three to six are bona fide cluster WDs. The luminosities of the faintest likely WD indicates an age (Bergeron, Wesemael, & Beauchamp 1995) of 1.14 +- 0.09 Gyrs. This is a lower limit to the cluster age and observations probing to V = 27 or 28 will be necessary to find the faintest cluster WDs and independently determine the cluster age. While our age limit is not surprising for this ~6 Gyr old cluster, our result demonstrates the value of the WD age technique with its very low internal errors. (abridged)Comment: 26 pages, uuencoded gunzip'ed latex + 16 postscrip figures, to be published in A

    Radiative corrections to the lattice gluon action for highly improved staggered quarks (HISQ) and the effect of such corrections on the static potential

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    We perform a perturbative calculation of the influence of dynamical HISQ fermions on the perturbative improvement of the gluonic action in the same way as we have previously done for asqtad fermions. We find the fermionic contributions to the radiative corrections in the Luescher-Weisz gauge action to be somewhat larger for HISQ fermions than for asqtad. Using one-loop perturbation theory as a test, we estimate that omission of the fermion-induced radiative corrections in dynamical asqtad simulations will give a measurable effect. The one-loop result gives a systematic shift of about -0.6% in (r_1/a) on the coarsest asqtad improved staggered ensembles. This is the correct sign and magnitude to explain the scaling violations seen in Phi_B on dynamical lattice ensembles.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Minor corrections suggested by refere

    The White Dwarf Cooling Age of M67

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    A deep imaging survey covering the entire 23\arcmin diameter of the old open cluster M67 to V=25V = 25 has been carried out using the mosaic imager (UHCam) on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. The cluster color-magnitude diagram (CMD) can be traced from stars on its giant branch at MV=+1M_{V} = +1 down through main sequence stars at least as faint as MV=13.5M_{V} = 13.5. Stars this low in luminosity have masses below 0.15M⊙0.15 M_{\odot}. A modest white dwarf (WD) cooling sequence is also observed commencing slightly fainter than MV=10M_V = 10 and, after correction for background galaxy and stellar field contamination, terminating near MV=14.6M_V = 14.6. The observed WDs follow quite closely a theoretical cooling sequence for 0.7M⊙0.7 M_{\odot} pure carbon core WDs with hydrogen-rich atmospheres (DA WDs). The cooling time to an MVM_V of 14.6 for such WDs is 4.3 Gyr which we take as the WD cooling age of the cluster. A fit of a set of isochrones to the cluster CMD indicates a turnoff age of 4.0 Gyr. The excellent agreement between these results suggests that ages derived from white dwarf cooling should be considered as reliable as those from other dating techniques. The WDs currently contribute about 9% of the total cluster mass but the number seen appears to be somewhat low when compared with the number of giants observed in the cluster.Comment: 15 pages plus 3 diagrams, minor corrections, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, to be published September 10, 199
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