89 research outputs found

    Resident macrophages of pancreatic islets have a seminal role in the initiation of autoimmune diabetes of NOD mice

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    Significance Our studies indicate that the resident macrophages of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans have a seminal role in the initiation and progression of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. In this study, islet macrophages were depleted by administration of a monoclonal antibody to the CSF-1 receptor. Macrophage depletion, either at the start of the autoimmune process or when diabetogenesis is active, leads to a significant reduction in diabetes incidence. Depletion of the islet macrophages reduces the entrance of T cells into islets and results in the absence of antigen presentation. Concordantly, a regulatory pathway develops that controls diabetes progression. We conclude that treatments that target the islet macrophages may have important clinical relevance for the control of autoimmune type 1 diabetes.</jats:p

    Pancreatic islets communicate with lymphoid tissues via exocytosis of insulin peptides.

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    Tissue-specific autoimmunity occurs when selected antigens presented by susceptible alleles of the major histocompatibility complex are recognized by T cells. However, the reason why certain specific self-antigens dominate the response and are indispensable for triggering autoreactivity is unclear. Spontaneous presentation of insulin is essential for initiating autoimmune type 1 diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice1,2. A major set of pathogenic CD4 T cells specifically recognizes the 12-20 segment of the insulin B-chain (B:12-20), an epitope that is generated from direct presentation of insulin peptides by antigen-presenting cells3,4. These T cells do not respond to antigen-presenting cells that have taken up insulin that, after processing, leads to presentation of a different segment representing a one-residue shift, B:13-214. CD4 T cells that recognize B:12-20 escape negative selection in the thymus and cause diabetes, whereas those that recognize B:13-21 have only a minor role in autoimmunity3-5. Although presentation of B:12-20 is evident in the islets3,6, insulin-specific germinal centres can be formed in various lymphoid tissues, suggesting that insulin presentation is widespread7,8. Here we use live imaging to document the distribution of insulin recognition by CD4 T cells throughout various lymph nodes. Furthermore, we identify catabolized insulin peptide fragments containing defined pathogenic epitopes in β-cell granules from mice and humans. Upon glucose challenge, these fragments are released into the circulation and are recognized by CD4 T cells, leading to an activation state that results in transcriptional reprogramming and enhanced diabetogenicity. Therefore, a tissue such as pancreatic islets, by releasing catabolized products, imposes a constant threat to self-tolerance. These findings reveal a self-recognition pathway underlying a primary autoantigen and provide a foundation for assessing antigenic targets that precipitate pathogenic outcomes by systemically sensitizing lymphoid tissues

    Blood leukocytes recapitulate diabetogenic peptide-MHC-II complexes displayed in the pancreatic islets

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    Assessing the self-peptides presented by susceptible major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules is crucial for evaluating the pathogenesis and therapeutics of tissue-specific autoimmune diseases. However, direct examination of such MHC-bound peptides displayed in the target organ remains largely impractical. Here, we demonstrate that the blood leukocytes from the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice presented peptide epitopes to autoreactive CD4 T cells. These peptides were bound to the autoimmune class II MHC molecule (MHC-II) I-Ag7 and originated from insulin B-chain and C-peptide. The presentation required a glucose challenge, which stimulated the release of the insulin peptides from the pancreatic islets. The circulating leukocytes, especially the B cells, promptly captured and presented these peptides. Mass spectrometry analysis of the leukocyte MHC-II peptidome revealed a series of β cell-derived peptides, with identical sequences to those previously identified in the islet MHC-II peptidome. Thus, the blood leukocyte peptidome echoes that found in islets and serves to identify immunogenic peptides in an otherwise inaccessible tissue

    Pandemic Pedagogy: Elements of Online Supportive Course Design

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    The purpose of this study was to identify which course design elements students perceive as supporting an easier transition to emergency remote teaching due to COVID-19, as well as to use those items to develop the Online Supportive Course Design (OSCD) measure. By asking students to rate their course with the easiest transition and hardest transition to emergency remote teaching, this study identified which structural elements were most important for supporting students during the transition. Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, a seven-item measure was developed to operationalize OSCD, and initial validity was established by examining the relationships between OSCD, autonomy support, and teacher competence. Finally, practical implications for university faculty and areas for future research are discussed

    Mapping of a hybrid insulin peptide in the inflamed islet β-cells from NOD mice

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    There is accumulating evidence that pathogenic T cells in T1D recognize epitopes formed by post-translational modifications of β-cell antigens, including hybrid insulin peptides (HIPs). The ligands for several CD4 T-cell clones derived from the NOD mouse are HIPs composed of a fragment of proinsulin joined to peptides from endogenous β-cell granule proteins. The diabetogenic T-cell clone BDC-6.9 reacts to a fragment of C-peptide fused to a cleavage product of pro-islet amyloid polypeptide (6.9HIP). In this study, we used a monoclonal antibody (MAb) to the 6.9HIP to determine when and where HIP antigens are present in NOD islets during disease progression and with which immune cells they associate. Immunogold labeling of the 6.9HIP MAb and organelle-specific markers for electron microscopy were employed to map the subcellular compartment(s) in which the HIP is localized within β-cells. While the insulin B9-23 peptide was present in nearly all islets, the 6.9HIP MAb stained infiltrated islets only in NOD mice at advanced stages of T1D development. Islets co-stained with the 6.9HIP MAb and antibodies to mark insulin, macrophages, and dendritic cells indicate that 6.9HIP co-localizes within insulin-positive β-cells as well as intra-islet antigen-presenting cells (APCs). In electron micrographs, the 6.9HIP co-localized with granule structures containing insulin alone or both insulin and LAMP1 within β-cells. Exposing NOD islets to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress inducer tunicamycin significantly increased levels of 6.9HIP in subcellular fractions containing crinosomes and dense-core granules (DCGs). This work demonstrates that the 6.9HIP can be visualized in the infiltrated islets and suggests that intra-islet APCs may acquire and present HIP antigens within islets

    Class-switched anti-insulin antibodies originate from unconventional antigen presentation in multiple lymphoid sites

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    Autoantibodies to insulin are a harbinger of autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes in humans and in non-obese diabetic mice. To understand the genesis of these autoantibodies, we investigated the interactions of insulin-specific T and B lymphocytes using T cell and B cell receptor transgenic mice. We found spontaneous anti-insulin germinal center (GC) formation throughout lymphoid tissues with GC B cells binding insulin. Moreover, because of the nature of the insulin epitope recognized by the T cells, it was evident that GC B cells presented a broader repertoire of insulin epitopes. Such broader recognition was reproduced by activating naive B cells ex vivo with a combination of CD40 ligand and interleukin 4. Thus, insulin immunoreactivity extends beyond the pancreatic lymph node–islets of Langerhans axis and indicates that circulating insulin, despite its very low levels, can have an influence on diabetogenesis

    Phenotypic Expression of ADAMTS13 in Glomerular Endothelial Cells

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    Background: ADAMTS13 is the physiological von Willebrand factor (VWF)-cleaving protease. The aim of this study was to examine ADAMTS13 expression in kidneys from ADAMTS13 wild-type (Adamts13+/+) and deficient (Adamts13-/-) mice and to investigate the expression pattern and bioactivity in human glomerular endothelial cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: Immunohistochemistry was performed on kidney sections from ADAMTS13 wild-type and ADAMTS13-deficient mice. Phenotypic differences were examined by ultramorphology. ADAMTS13 expression in human glomerular endothelial cells and dermal microvascular endothelial cells was investigated by real-time PCR, flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and immunoblotting. VWF cleavage was demonstrated by multimer structure analysis and immunoblotting. ADAMTS13 was demonstrated in glomerular endothelial cells in Adamts13+/+ mice but no staining was visible in tissue from Adamts13-/- mice. Thickening of glomerular capillaries with platelet deposition on the vessel wall was detected in Adamts13-/- mice. ADAMTS13 mRNA and protein were detected in both human endothelial cells and the protease was secreted. ADAMTS13 activity was demonstrated in glomerular endothelial cells as cleavage of VWF. Conclusions/Significance: Glomerular endothelial cells express and secrete ADAMTS13. The proteolytic activity could have a protective effect preventing deposition of platelets along capillary lumina under the conditions of high shear stress present in glomerular capillaries. © 2011 Tati et al.published_or_final_versio
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