1,116 research outputs found

    Structure and consequences of vortex-core states in p-wave superfluids

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    It is now well established that in two-dimensional chiral p-wave paired superfluids, the vortices carry zero-energy modes which obey non-abelian exchange statistics and can potentially be used for topological quantum computation. In such superfluids there may also exist other excitations below the bulk gap inside the cores of vortices. We study the properties of these subgap states, and argue that their presence affects the topological protection of the zero modes. In conventional superconductors where the chemical potential is of the order of the Fermi energy of a non-interacting Fermi gas, there is a large number of subgap states and the mini-gap towards the lowest of these states is a small fraction of the Fermi energy. It is therefore difficult to cool the system to below the mini-gap and at experimentally available temperatures, transitions between the subgap states, including the zero modes, will occur and can alter the quantum states of the zero-modes. We show that compound qubits involving the zero-modes and the parity of the occupation number of the subgap states on each vortex are still well defined. However, practical schemes taking into account all subgap states would nonetheless be difficult to achieve. We propose to avoid this difficulty by working in the regime of small chemical potential mu, near the transition to a strongly paired phase, where the number of subgap states is reduced. We develop the theory to describe this regime of strong pairing interactions and we show how the subgap states are ultimately absorbed into the bulk gap. Since the bulk gap vanishes as mu -> 0 there is an optimum value mu_c which maximises the combined gap. We propose cold atomic gases as candidate systems where the regime of strong interactions can be explored, and explicitly evaluate mu_c in a Feshbach resonant K-40 gas.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures; v2: main text as published version, additional detail included as appendice

    Strongly-resonant p-wave superfluids

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    We study theoretically a dilute gas of identical fermions interacting via a p-wave resonance. We show that, depending on the microscopic physics, there are two distinct regimes of p-wave resonant superfluids, which we term "weak" and "strong". Although expected naively to form a BCS-BEC superfluid, a strongly-resonant p-wave superfluid is in fact unstable towards the formation of a gas of fermionic triplets. We examine this instability and estimate the lifetime of the p-wave molecules due to the collisional relaxation into triplets. We discuss consequences for the experimental achievement of p-wave superfluids in both weakly- and strongly-resonant regimes

    Knots in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We show that knots of spin textures can be created in the polar phase of a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate, and discuss experimental schemes for their generation and probe, together with their lifetime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Lorentz-noninvariant neutrino oscillations: model and predictions

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    We present a three-parameter neutrino-oscillation model for three flavors of massless neutrinos with Fermi-point splitting and tri-maximal mixing angles. One of these parameters is the T-violating phase \epsilon, for which the experimental results from K2K and KamLAND appear to favor a nonzero value. In this article, we give further model predictions for neutrino oscillations. Upcoming experiments will be able to test this simple model and the general idea of Fermi-point splitting. Possible implications for proposed experiments and neutrino factories are also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, v5: final version to appear in IJMP

    Birman-Schwinger and the number of Andreev states in BCS superconductors

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    The number of bound states due to inhomogeneities in a BCS superconductor is usually established either by variational means or via exact solutions of particularly simple, symmetric perturbations. Here we propose estimating the number of sub-gap states using the Birman-Schwinger principle. We show how to obtain upper bounds on the number of sub-gap states for small normal regions and derive a suitable Cwikel-Lieb-Rozenblum inequality. We also estimate the number of such states for large normal regions using high dimensional generalizations of the Szego theorem. The method works equally well for local inhomogeneities of the order parameter and for external potentials.Comment: Final version to appear in Phys Rev

    \hbar as parameter of Minkowski metric in effective theory

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    With the proper choice of the dimensionality of the metric components, the action for all fields becomes dimensionless. Such quantities as the vacuum speed of light c, the Planck constant \hbar, the electric charge e, the particle mass m, the Newton constant G never enter equations written in the covariant form, i.e., via the metric g^{\mu\nu}. The speed of light c and the Planck constant are parameters of a particular two-parametric family of solutions of general relativity equations describing the flat isotropic Minkowski vacuum in effective theory emerging at low energy: g^{\mu\nu}=diag(-\hbar^2, (\hbar c)^2, (\hbar c)^2, (\hbar c)^2). They parametrize the equilibrium quantum vacuum state. The physical quantities which enter the covariant equations are dimensionless quantities and dimensionful quantities of dimension of rest energy M or its power. Dimensionless quantities include the running coupling `constants' \alpha_i; topological and geometric quantum numbers (angular momentum quantum number j, weak charge, electric charge q, hypercharge, baryonic and leptonic charges, number of atoms N, etc). Dimensionful parameters include the rest energies of particles M_n (or/and mass matrices); the gravitational coupling K with dimension of M^2; cosmological constant with dimension M^4; etc. In effective theory, the interval s has the dimension of 1/M; it characterizes the dynamics of particles in the quantum vacuum rather than geometry of space-time. We discuss the effective action, and the measured physical quantities resulting from the action, including parameters which enter the Josepson effect, quantum Hall effect, etc.Comment: 18 pages, no figures, extended version of the paper accepted in JETP Letter

    Quantum phase transition for the BEC--BCS crossover in condensed matter physics and CPT violation in elementary particle physics

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    We discuss the quantum phase transition that separates a vacuum state with fully-gapped fermion spectrum from a vacuum state with topologically-protected Fermi points (gap nodes). In the context of condensed-matter physics, such a quantum phase transition with Fermi point splitting may occur for a system of ultracold fermionic atoms in the region of the BEC-BCS crossover, provided Cooper pairing occurs in the non-s-wave channel. For elementary particle physics, the splitting of Fermi points may lead to CPT violation, neutrino oscillations, and other phenomena.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, v3: published versio

    Self-tuning vacuum variable and cosmological constant

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    A spacetime-independent variable is introduced which characterizes a Lorentz-invariant self-sustained quantum vacuum. For a perfect (Lorentz-invariant) quantum vacuum, the self-tuning of this variable nullifies the effective energy density which enters the low-energy gravitational field equations. The observed small but nonzero value of the cosmological constant may then be explained as corresponding to the effective energy density of an imperfect quantum vacuum (perturbed by, e.g., the presence of thermal matter).Comment: 28 pages with revtex4; v6: preprint version of published paper with detailed reference