28 research outputs found

    The Opportunity Matrices for Chain Innovative Transformation of Economy: The Cite Concept

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    The array of methods available to economics can be enriched by examining its problems from different points of view and using technologies developed from complex natural systems. In this study, using the example of the creation of opportunity matriсes, we describe a method for chain innovative transformation of economic processes using an intersectoral GDP matrix directly analogous to the DNA matrix in the polymerase chain reaction that revolutionized molecular biology. The idea behind the creation of the GDP matrix is to obtain innovative products and opportunity matrices, which will be formed by chains of sectors of the economy using the following algorithm. The most innovatively developed sectors of the economy are located at the edges of the GDP matrix according to the queue (for example, 1-3-5-7-8-6-4-2). In such a scheme, innovatively less developed sectors of the economy, located in the middle of the GDP matrix, have the most contacts, which give them the opportunity to gain more skills and abilities. The most distal sectors of the matrix have fewer contacts, but in view of greater economic development, they will generate the innovative ideas and be the last link forming or receiving the end-product. Each newly formed opportunity matrix (GDP') can serve as a template for the creation of new innovative ideas and products. Using the proposed approach, the economic miracles of Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong are considered along with the prospect of innovative development of African countries that have not yet undergone industrialization

    Data for increase of Lymantria dispar male survival after topical application of single-stranded RING domain fragment of IAP-3 gene of its nuclear polyhedrosis virus

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    This data article is related to the research article entitled “The RING for gypsy moth control: topical application of fragment of its nuclear polyhedrosis virus anti-apoptosis gene as insecticide” [1]. This article reports on significantly higher survival of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar male individuals in response to topical application of single-stranded DNA, based on RING (really interesting new gene) domain fragment of LdMNPV (L. dispar multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus) IAP-3 (inhibitor of apoptosis) gene and acted as DNA insecticide

    Molecular alliance of Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus and a short unmodified antisense oligonucleotide of its anti-apoptotic IAP-3 gene: A novel approach for gypsy moth control

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    Baculovirus IAP (inhibitor-of-apoptosis) genes originated by capture of host genes. Unmodified short antisense DNA oligonucleotides (oligoDNAs) from baculovirus IAP genes can down-regulate specific gene expression profiles in both baculovirus-free and baculovirus-infected insects. In this study, gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larvae infected with multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV), and LdMNPV-free larvae, were treated with oligoDNA antisense to the RING (really interesting new gene) domain of the LdMNPV IAP-3 gene. The results with respect to insect mortality, biomass accumulation, histological studies, RT-PCR, and analysis of DNA apoptotic fragmentation suggest that oligoRING induced increased apoptotic processes in both LdMNPV-free and LdMNPV-infected insect cells, but were more pronounced in the latter. These data open up possibilities for promising new routes of insect pest control using antisense phosphodiester DNA oligonucleotides

    Molecular Alliance of Lymantria dispar Multiple Nucleopolyhedrovirus and a Short Unmodified Antisense Oligonucleotide of Its Anti-Apoptotic IAP-3 Gene: A Novel Approach for Gypsy Moth Control

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    Baculovirus IAP (inhibitor-of-apoptosis) genes originated by capture of host genes. Unmodified short antisense DNA oligonucleotides (oligoDNAs) from baculovirus IAP genes can down-regulate specific gene expression profiles in both baculovirus-free and baculovirus-infected insects. In this study, gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larvae infected with multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV), and LdMNPV-free larvae, were treated with oligoDNA antisense to the RING (really interesting new gene) domain of the LdMNPV IAP-3 gene. The results with respect to insect mortality, biomass accumulation, histological studies, RT-PCR, and analysis of DNA apoptotic fragmentation suggest that oligoRING induced increased apoptotic processes in both LdMNPV-free and LdMNPV-infected insect cells, but were more pronounced in the latter. These data open up possibilities for promising new routes of insect pest control using antisense phosphodiester DNA oligonucleotides

    A Half-Century History of Applications of Antisense Oligonucleotides in Medicine, Agriculture and Forestry: We Should Continue the Journey

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    Antisense oligonucleotides (ASO), short single-stranded polymers based on DNA or RNA chemistries and synthesized in vitro, regulate gene expression by binding in a sequence-specific manner to an RNA target. The functional activity and selectivity in the action of ASOs largely depends on the combination of nitrogenous bases in a target sequence. This simple and natural property of nucleic acids provides an attractive route by which scientists can create different ASO-based techniques. Over the last 50 years, planned and realized applications in the field of antisense and nucleic acid nanotechnologies have produced astonishing results and posed new challenges for further developments, exemplifying the essence of the post-genomic era. Today the majority of ASOs are chemically modified and/or incorporated within nanoparticles to enhance their stability and cellular uptake. This review critically analyzes some successful cases using the antisense approach in medicine to address severe diseases, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy, and suggests some prospective directions for future research. We also examine in detail the elaboration of unmodified insect-specific DNA insecticides and RNA preparations in the areas of agriculture and forestry, a relatively new branch of ASO that allows circumvention of the use of non-selective chemical insecticides. When considering the variety of successful ASO modifications with an efficient signal-to-noise ratio of action, coupled with the affordability of in vitro oligonucleotide synthesis and post-synthesis procedures, we predict that the next half-century will produce a fruitful yield of tools created from effective ASO-based end products

    A small molecule for a big transformation: Topical application of a 20-nucleotide-long antisense fragment of the DIAP-2 gene inhibits the development of Drosophila melanogaster female imagos

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    Several genes have been identified to play important roles associated with sex selection in Drosophila melanogaster. An essential part is attributed to the sex-lethal gene that depends on the expression of the X:A (number of chromosomes to autosomes) ratio signal controlling both sex selection and dosage compensation processes in D. melanogaster. Interestingly, for sex selection in D. melanogaster there are no documented data addressing the role of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) genes and their signaling influence on this biological process. In this study, we found that topical application of a 20-nucleotide-long antisense DNA fragment (oligoDIAP-2) from the death-associated inhibitor of apoptosis (DIAP)-2 gene interferes with D. melanogaster development and significantly decreases the number of female imagos and their biomass. We show that the applied antisense oligoDIAP-2 fragment downregulates the target DIAP-2 gene whose normal concentration is necessary for the development of female D. melanogaster. These data correspond to the results on downregulation of the target host IAP-Z gene of Lymantria dispar L. female imagos after topical treatment with an 18-nucleotide-long antisense DNA fragment from the L. dispar multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus IAP-3 gene at the larval stage. The observed novel phenomenon linking the downregulation of insect IAP genes and the low rate of female imago development could have practical application, especially in insect pest control and molecular pathology

    The Biotechnological “Provence” of the Future Provided by Antisense Oligoilators and Olinscides for Horticulturae

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    Successful management of the synthesis of secondary metabolites of essential oil plants is the basis for the economic growth of the essential oil industry. Against the backdrop of a growing global population and a decrease in land available for cultivation, simple and effective ways to increase the content of certain components in essential oils are becoming increasingly important. Selection is no longer keeping pace with market needs, which stimulates the search for faster methods to control the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. In this article, using the genera Lavandula and Mentha as examples, we consider the prospects for use of antisense oligonucleotides (ASO), oligoilators, to rapidly increase the concentration of valuable components in essential oil and its yield. This article discusses the use of unmodified ASOs as regulators of a plant’s secondary metabolism to increase the synthesis of individual valuable components, presenting a completely new way to increase the yield of valuable substances based on unique nucleotide sequences. The proposed approach is effective, affordable, safe, and significantly reduces the time needed to obtain plants that synthesize the required concentrations of target substances. Oligoilators can be used with oligonucleotide insecticides (olinscides) in complex formulations used for green agriculture. Further investigation is needed to determine maximum economic efficiency for this approach

    DNA Oligonucleotides as Antivirals and Vaccine Constituents against SARS Coronaviruses: A Prospective Tool for Immune System Tuning

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has demonstrated the need to create highly effective antivirals and vaccines against various RNA viruses, including SARS coronaviruses. This paper provides a short review of innovative strategies in the development of antivirals and vaccines against SARS coronaviruses, with a focus on antisense antivirals, oligonucleotide adjuvants in vaccines, and oligonucleotide vaccines. Well-developed viral genomic databases create new opportunities for the development of innovative vaccines and antivirals using a post-genomic platform. The most effective vaccines against SARS coronaviruses are those able to form highly effective memory cells for both humoral and cellular immunity. The most effective antivirals need to efficiently stop viral replication without side effects. Oligonucleotide antivirals and vaccines can resist the rapidly changing genomic sequences of SARS coronaviruses using conserved regions of their genomes to generate a long-term immune response. Oligonucleotides have been used as excellent adjuvants for decades, and increasing data show that oligonucleotides could serve as antisense antivirals and antigens in vaccine formulations, becoming a prospective tool for immune system tuning