2 research outputs found

    Method of increasing accuracy of analysis by chromatographic-mass spectrometer measuring system

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    Om贸wiono zastosowanie strukturalno-algorytmicznych metod poprawy dok艂adno艣ci ilo艣ciowej analizy chemicznej chromatograficznych system贸w pomiarowych z detekcj膮 spektrometrem mas. Zaproponowano zwi臋kszenie dok艂adno艣ci wynik贸w przez wyeliminowanie wp艂ywu niepewno艣ci w procesie przygotowania pr贸bki. Dla bezpo艣rednio skalibrowanego spektrometru mas pozwala to oszacowa膰 dyspersj臋 i ca艂kowit膮 niepewno艣膰 wyniku analizy. Podano przyk艂ad liczbowy.Features of the application of structural-algorithmic methods of increasing the accuracy of the results of quantitative chemical analysis with the use of chromatographic-mass-spectrometric measuring system are considered. Proposed is method of excluding the influence of the uncertainty of the sample preparation stage. It allows for the directly calibrated mass spectrometer to assess the output data dispersion and to determine the overall uncertainty analysis. Formulas for such analysis of uncertainty are presented. As illustration numerical example of uncertainty calculations is included and conclusions are formulated

    Uncertainty as a measure of the confidence level to results of experimental procedures

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    Wykazano, 偶e jako艣膰 procedur eksperymentalnych, takich jak zliczanie, kontrola oparta na pomiarach i badania w艂a艣ciwo艣ci substancji mo偶na charakteryzowa膰 poprzez szacowanie niepewno艣ci rezultat贸w tych procedur. Om贸wiono wp艂yw parametr贸w zmiennych kontrolowanych na rodzaj i prawdopodobie艅stwo niepoprawnych decyzji oraz niepewno艣膰 kalibracji.In this paper it is shown that it is possible to characterize the quality of the experimental procedures such as score of particles, control, testing, and research of material properties - all based on measurements, by using approaches based on estimating of the uncertainty of the results of these procedures. Formulas for uncer-tainty of these procedures are given. Also general formula of the probability of proper decisions based on the results of above proce-dures is given. Results of decisions for different relations between parameters of controlled variables are given in Table 1 and discussed in detail. Main conclusion is: such approach with estimation of the experimental procedure uncertainty can be used in practice to compare results of such procedures independently from their place and time of realization