172 research outputs found

    Distinct information critically distinguishes judgments of face familiarity and identity

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    Accurately determining the familiarity of another and correctly establishing their identity are vital social skills. A considerable body of work has explored their perceptual and neural underpinnings and debate remains regarding whether they are dissociable, i.e., separable parts of a dual process, or different aspects of a common retrieval process. Less is known about the specific visual information that guides familiarity judgments and how this compares to the information used to identify a face by name. Here we sought to establish the critical information underlying participants’ judgments of facial familiarity and identification. We created a new standardized stimulus set comprising 6 personally familiar and 12 unfamiliar faces and applied the Bubbles reverse-correlation methodology to establish the information driving correct performance in each task. Results revealed that markedly different information underlies familiarity and identity judgments. When categorizing familiarity, participants relied more upon lower spatial-frequency, broad facial cues (eye and face shape) than when categorizing identity, which relied on fine details in the internal features (eyes and mouth). These results provide novel evidence of qualitatively distinct information use in familiarity and identification judgments and emphasize the importance of considering the task set for participants and their processing strategy when investigating face recognition

    Анализ финансовой безопасности предприятий металлургического комплекса России

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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы финансовой безопасности предприятий черной и цветной металлургии Российской Федерации, проводится анализ согласно одной из имеющихся на сегодня эффективных методик, предлагаются выводы и сфера применения.The article is devoted to study and analysis of the financial security of Russian ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, the analysis being conducted and interpreted according to one of the present day effective methods. A conclusion is put forward and the sphere of application is suggested

    Titration procedures for nasal CPAP: Automatic CPAP or prediction formula?

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    Background: The best method for titration Of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome has not yet been established. The 90th or 95th percentiles of the pressure titrated over time by automatic CPAP (A-CPAP) have been recommended as reference for prescribing therapeutic fixed CPAP (F-CPAP). We compared A-CPAP to F-CPAP. which was determined by a common prediction formula. Methods: Forty-five patients who were habituated to F-CPAP underwent titration polysomnography. In a double-blind randomized order, each patient used an A-CPAP device in the autotitration and in the fixed pressure mode during one half of the night. Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and pressure profiles were primary outcomes. Bias and precision were additionally assessed for both CPAP modes. Results: No significant differences in various sleep parameters or in subjective sleep quality evaluation were found. The AHI was effectively lowered in both CPAP modes (A-CPAP 7.7 [10.8] events/h versus F-CPAP 5.4 (9.0] events/h, p = 0.061). Comparison of group means showed that F-CPAP closely paralleled mean (Pmean) and median (P50). but not the 95th percentile (P95) pressure. of A-CPAP. While bias was lowest for Pmean and P50. there was a lack of precision in all A-CPAP pressure categories. Conclusions: We confirm that F-CPAP set by prediction formula is not worse in terms of AHI control than A-CPAP. On average. F-CPAP parallels Pmean and P50 but not P95. However. due to imprecise matching. individual F-CPAP values cannot be derived front Pmean or P50

    Удаление имплантатов

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    In spite of the rapid development of the traumatology in the past few years the elaboration of the new materials for the metal implants and other new devices for the internal fixation, one question stays opened whether it is necessary to remove the implant. Quite many complications after the removal of the metal implants, ambiguous specialists' opinions, also insufficient attention of the Russian authors show that a common attitude is needed towards this problem. This article is based on the grounds of the most citied foreign authors as well as on our clinical experience.Несмотря на бурное развитие травматологии в последние годы, разработку новых материалов для металлофиксаторов и новых конструкций для остеосинтеза, открытым остается вопрос о показаниях и противопоказаниях к удалению установленного имплантата. Большое количество осложнений после операций удаления металлофиксаторов, неоднозначное мнение специалистов, а также недостаточное внимание отечественных авторов свидетельствуют о необходимости выработки единого подхода к данной проблеме. Статья основывается на данных наиболее цитируемых зарубежных авторов, работавших над данной проблемой, а также на собственном клиническом опыте

    Stock price forecasting over adaptive timescale using supervised learning and receptive fields

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    Pattern recognition in financial time series is not a trivial task, due to level of noise, volatile context, lack of formal definitions and high number of pattern variants. A current research trend involves machine learning techniques and online computing. However, medium-term trading is still based on human centric heuristics, and the integration with machine learning support remains relatively unexplored. The purpose of this study is to investigate potential and perspectives of a novel architectural topology providing modularity, scalability and personalization capabilities. The proposed architecture is based on the concept of Receptive Fields (RF), i.e., sub-modules focusing on specific patterns, that can be connected to further levels of processing to analyze the price dynamics on different granularities and different abstraction levels. Both Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) have been experimented as a RF. Early experiments have been carried out over the FTSEMIB index

    Irregular stimulus distribution increases the negative footprint illusion

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    As a climate change mitigation strategy, environmentally certified ‘green’ buildings with low carbon footprints are becoming more prevalent in the world. An interesting psychological question is how people perceive the carbon footprint of these buildings given their spatial distributions in a given community. Here we examine whether regular distribution (i.e., buildings organized in a block) or irregular distribution (i.e., buildings randomly distributed) influences people's perception of the carbon footprint of the communities. We first replicated the negative footprint illusion, the tendency to estimate a lower carbon footprint of a combined group of environmentally certified green buildings and ordinary conventional buildings, than the carbon footprint of the conventional buildings alone. Importantly, we found that irregular distribution of the buildings increased the magnitude of the negative footprint illusion. Potential applied implications for urban planning of green buildings are discussed

    Банкротсво российских предприятий: 10-коэффициентная модель оценки вероятности

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    The gravest consequences for the counter-agents, in the author’s view, are the risks of failure to pay the debts. An insolvent organization is a big generator of business risks, as the zeroed credit debt undermines the creditors’ financial well-being. The author’s main concern in this research was to first deal with the statistical data of bankruptcy cases of Russian companies and work out a model of 10 coefficients to forecast a possible bankruptcy in order to eliminate its consequences.В качестве цели работы автор ставит задачу разработать или усовершенствовать существующую модель, способную определить вероятность банкротства предприятия и установить характер проблемы на предприятии

    State Debt Management Methods and Practices of Application in the Russian Federation

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    State debt is an inalienable part of any developed and developing country’s economy. In connection with this arises the issue of state debt management, just as the issue of reasonable and rational use of the borrowed funds, which are, in the author’s opinion, the major concerns for the executive authorities, responsible for the budget planning.Государственный долг является неотъемлемой частью экономики любой развивающейся и развитой страны, в связи с чем актуальность проблемы управления государственным долгом, равно как и проблема оптимального и рационального использования заемных средств, по мнению автора, для любой страны оставалась и остается одной из первостепенных для органов исполнительной власти, осуществляющих планирование бюджета. Эта статья – часть более глубокого исследования данного вопроса