1,288 research outputs found

    1-D Profiling Guided Wave Profiling Using Travel Time and Amplitude Loss

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    Corrosion is one of the industries major issues regarding the integrity of assets. Currently inspections are conducted at regular intervals to ensure a sufficient integrity level of these assets. There are many situations where the actual defect location is not accessible, e.g., a pipe support or a partially buried pipe. Last year an approach was presented using a phase inversion of guided waves that propagated around the circumference of a pipe. This approach works well for larger corrosion spots, but shows significant under-sizing of small spots due to lack of sufficient phase rotation. In this paper the use of arrival time and amplitude loss of higher order circumferential passes is evaluated. Using higher order passes increases sensitivity for sizing smaller defects. Gaussian shaped defect profiles are assumed and the change in arrival time and amplitude loss are calculated using a wave equation based approach for different defect widths and depths. This produces a differential travel time and amplitude change map as function of defect depth and defect width. The actually measured travel time change and amplitude change produces two contours in these maps. Calculating the intersection point gives the defect dimensions. The contours for amplitude loss and travel time change are quite orthogonal, this yields a good discrimination between deep and shallow defects. The approach is evaluated using experimental data from different pipes contain artificial and real defects

    Toward a Li‐Ion Battery Ontology Covering Production and Material Structure

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    An ontology for the structured storage, retrieval, and analysis of data on lithium-ion battery materials and electrode-to-cell production is presented. It provides a logical structure that is mapped onto a digital architecture and used to visualize, correlate, and make predictions in battery production, research, and development. Materials and processes are specified using a predetermined terminology; a chain of unit processes (steps) connects raw materials and products (items) of battery cell production. The ontology enables the attachment of analytical methods (characterization methods) to items. Workshops and interviews with experts in battery materials and production processes are conducted to ensure that the structure is conformable both for industrial-scale and laboratory-scale data generation and implementation. Raw materials and intermediate products are identified and defined for all steps to the final battery cell. Steps and items are defined based on current standard materials and process chains using terms that are in common use. Alternative structures and the connection of the ontology to other existing ontologies are discussed. The contribution provides a pragmatic, accessible way to unify the storage of materials-oriented lithium-ion battery production data. It aids the linkage of such data with domain knowledge and the automation of data analysis in production and research

    Hyperelastic tuning of one dimensional phononic band-gaps using directional stress

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    JMC acknowledges EPSRC Fellowship (EP/K027611/1) and the ERC advanced investigator award (340117 - Biophononics).In this paper we show that acoustoelasticity in hyperelastic materials can be understood using the framework of non-linear wave mixing, which, when coupled with an induced static stress, leads to a change in the phase velocity of the propagating wave with no change in frequency. By performing Floquet wave eigenvalue analysis, we also show that band-gaps for periodic composites, acting as 1D phononic crystals, can be tuned using this static stress. In the presence of second order elastic nonlinearities, the phase velocity of propagating waves in the phononic structure changes, leading to observable shifts in the band-gaps. Finally, we present numerical examples as evidence that the band-gaps are tuned by both the direction of the stress and its magnitude.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Auswirkungen des Elbehochwassers 2002 auf ausgewählte Artengruppen : eine Einführung in das Projekt HABEX

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    Die Auswirkungen extremer Wetterereignisse auf die Biodiversität sind bisher nur unzureichend bekannt. In den letzten Jahren steigen daher die Bemühungen, Effekte solcher Ereignisse auf Arten und Ökosysteme zu quantifizieren und Schutzstrategien zu entwickeln. Das vom BMBF geförderte Verbundprojekt RIVA – Robustes Indikationssystem für ökologische Veränderungen in Auen (Scholz et al. 2001, 2009, Dziock et al. 2006) stellte eine hervorragende Grundlage für Untersuchungen der ökologischen Auswirkungen nach den extremen Hochwasserereignissen im Sommer 2002 und im Winter 2002/2003 sowie der folgenden extremen Trockenheit im Sommer 2003 dar. Für die Artengruppen Laufkäfer, Mollusken und Pflanzen bestand deshalb im Rahmen des hier vorgestellten HABEX-Projektes (AuenHABitate nach EXtremhochwasserereignissen am Beispiel der Mittleren Elbe) die einmalige Gelegenheit, die Auswirkungen dieses in Zeitpunkt und Intensität ungewöhnlichen Hochwassers auf denselben Probeflächen durch einen Zustandsvergleich der Jahre vor der Flut (1998/99) und danach (2003-2006) zu untersuchen

    Strategies to improve energy and power density of Li-ion batteries by virtual electrode design

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    Technologically, a significant increase in energy density is a declared development goal for lithium-ion batteries for applications in electric vehicles. Developments are currently driven by the automotive industry and in order to reach their requirements for next-generation electric vehicles regarding safety, life-time, energy density, and fast charging further developments are inevitable. Additionally, a reduction of material and production costs is needed to improve the price competitiveness

    Flexible large-area ultrasound arrays for medical applications made using embossed polymer structures

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    With the huge progress in micro-electronics and artificial intelligence, the ultrasound probe has become the bottleneck in further adoption of ultrasound beyond the clinical setting (e.g. home and monitoring applications). Today, ultrasound transducers have a small aperture, are bulky, contain lead and are expensive to fabricate. Furthermore, they are rigid, which limits their integration into flexible skin patches. New ways to fabricate flexible ultrasound patches have therefore attracted much attention recently. First prototypes typically use the same lead-containing piezo-electric materials, and are made using micro-assembly of rigid active components on plastic or rubber-like substrates. We present an ultrasound transducer-on-foil technology based on thermal embossing of a piezoelectric polymer. High-quality two-dimensional ultrasound images of a tissue mimicking phantom are obtained. Mechanical flexibility and effective area scalability of the transducer are demonstrated by functional integration into an endoscope probe with a small radius of 3 mm and a large area (91.2×14 mm2) non-invasive blood pressure sensor.</p

    System size and centrality dependence of the balance function in A+A collisions at sqrt[sNN]=17.2 GeV

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    Electric charge correlations were studied for p+p, C+C, Si+Si, and centrality selected Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt[sNN]=17.2 GeV with the NA49 large acceptance detector at the CERN SPS. In particular, long-range pseudorapidity correlations of oppositely charged particles were measured using the balance function method. The width of the balance function decreases with increasing system size and centrality of the reactions. This decrease could be related to an increasing delay of hadronization in central Pb+Pb collisions

    System size and centrality dependence of the balance function in A + A collisions at sqrt s NN = 17.2 GeV

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    Electric charge correlations were studied for p+p, C+C, Si+Si and centrality selected Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt s_NN = 17.2$ GeV with the NA49 large acceptance detector at the CERN-SPS. In particular, long range pseudo-rapidity correlations of oppositely charged particles were measured using the Balance Function method. The width of the Balance Function decreases with increasing system size and centrality of the reactions. This decrease could be related to an increasing delay of hadronization in central Pb+Pb collisions