617 research outputs found

    Magnetic field generated resistivity maximum in graphite

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    In zero magnetic field, B, the electrical resistivity, rho(O,T) of highly oriented pyrolytic (polycrystalline) graphite drops smoothly with decreasing T, becoming constant below 4 K. However, in a fixed applied magnetic field B, the resistivity rho(B,T) goes through a maximum as a function of T, with larger maximum for larger B. The temperature of the maximum increases with B, but saturates to a constant value near 25 K (exact T depends on sample) at high B. In single crystal graphite a maximum in rho(B,T) as a function of T is also present, but has the effects of Landau level quantization superimposed. Several possible explanations for the rho(B,T) maximum are proposed, but a complete explanation awaits detailed calculations involving the energy band structure of graphite, and the particular scattering mechanisms involved

    Flipped gaming-testing three simulation games

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    © 2018 IEEE. At the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences 'flipped gaming' has been tested with two student groups (in 2017). This paper will present a newer version of the 'flipping' and also how a total of eight groups utilized tree different types of simulators to play the scenarios. The scenarios were developed by the student themselves as this was their mandatory assignment. The mandatory assignment was handed out in January. The assignment was about making a playable script for an incident, in addition to conduct the planning, execution and evaluation of a complete exercise in crisis management. They were given feedback once before the workshop where they presented and played the script. The tools that were used was Rayvn (https://rayvn.global/), Microsoft HoloLens (https://www.microsoft.com/nb-no/hololens) and a simulator based on a platform from Bohemia Interactive Solutions (https://bisimulations.com/)-the same platform as Virtual Battle Space 3 uses. Rayvn is an incident management tool, mainly for communication. The written messages can then be logged and stored for later reflections. Microsoft HoloLens is a tool for 3D vision, a tool that can show environments in 3D and allow the player to carry out operations using movements that are recorded and executed. This was a prototype. The game based simulator is computer based. The different views are 2D maps and 3D environments. The players use the keyboard and mouse to move the vehicles and avatars around. This in a 'disaster town', called 'Lyngvik', a very poor planned city centre with a large accident/crisis potential. The study is based on the previous study of the learning outcome from assignment that is based on student input. The mandatory assignment was to develop a playable scenario and they could choose in which of the three different simulation tools they were to play their scenario. Two by two, the groups are to play each other's scenario. They have received some supervision and the lecturers have remarked on that the students may lack insight in what a 'playable scenario' require. One of the groups operates as the exercise management staff(the ones that makes the incidents happen and 'play out') and the other group is the ones who man the different roles in handling the scenario e.g.,-different call out services. This group is also calledmain training audience (MTA). The students are in their 6th and last semester in their Bachelor in Crisis Management. The students have been subjected to diverse teaching methods, but this is the first time they have a simulation tool to work with in order to enhance their learning outcome. The preliminary reports from the reflections after the simulating are very positive. The students report on a learning outcome, both from making the scenarios and from simulating. There is also a final report to be written where the students are to reflect on their learning outcome from the simulation and the work on the assignment. The paper shows the results from the whole undertaking and presents further details from the different phases. We also present the theoretical backdrop and the methodological reasoning behind the data collection and analysis

    Using games for teaching crisis communication in higher education and training

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    © 2016 IEEE. Terror actions and catastrophes are frequently described in media. As more and more countries experience terror actions and natural disasters, there has been a greater focus on learning how to handle and to manage them. In Norway on the 22nd of July 2011, Anders Behring Breivik placed a bomb in a car that exploded near the Governmental Offices killing 8 persons. He went on to an island where there was a political camp for youths killing another 67. The rescue operations unveiled an unprepared task force. The Gjrv-report provide a massive critique towards the call out services [1]. This kicked off a major work on updating safety routines in all municipalities. The municipalities are now obliged to have a plan for crisis preparedness [2]. This again triggered the need for education within the area of crisis preparedness, crisis training and crisis management. Hedmark University of Applied Science now offers different study programs, including a BA within these areas. It is, however, very expensive to train realistically and the need for different approaches regarding training has been discussed. One of the solutions that the University is currently working on, is the use of games. Game based learning, also called 'serious games', has become an academic genre and using games for learning and training has proven fruitful [3-12]. In the military, games have been used for simulation purposes [13] and spin offs from these have also reached a commercial market [14, 15]. Using games in education opens up a range of opportunities. One of them is within the area of Crisis Communication. Crisis Communication as a curriculum is about how to approach the area of crisis communication, understanding the key concepts and develop skills within the curriculum. Games that support communication between the gamers can for instance contribute towards a greater understanding of communication in a crisis situation. What is needed to communicate and how messages are received, in order to support handling a crisis, are amongst the concrete learning objectives one can attribute towards this type of training. To use games to support the hands on training can thus provide the learners with valuable know how, and support their learning outcome. The learning from this will be beneficial to the organizations they work in as they will have an experience that will aid them in the work on planning for and preparing for crisis in their own organizations

    Student input-A case of an extended flipped classroom

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    © 2017 IEEE. The idea from Socrates about the knowledge being a part of the students' knowledge base or ability of combining accessible knowledge forms the backdrop for how the most recent course in Knowledge Management (spring of 2017) was conducted. The course is 7,5 ECTS and the students are primarily adults in a worklife. The course is net and seminar based, with three seminars per semester. During the seminars the concept of Flipped Classroom is used. This means that the students are provided with a recorded lecture in beforehand and only highlights are presented. The rest of the time during the seminar is used to activate the students through tasks and problem solving. However, the tasks are not predefined and prefabricated. The way this course is structured, the students themselves are giving the input to the tasks and assignments. This is based on the idea that the students themselves, coming from a worklife where knowledge management is a part of their every day worklife, should reflect upon their own practice. Also, it is important to share knowledge and by utilizing each students own experiences it is possible to enrich the 'database' of cases or tasks for the students to solve and work with in order to incorporate the new theory from the course curriculum. Basing the problem solving on student input provide the lecturer AND the students with a richer knowledge base and case portfolio. This does, however, require some effort from the lecturers side. The input from the students are generally key words and fragments. The session is facilitated by the lecturer, encouraging the students to bring forward own experiences or situations they would like resolved, either real or fiction. The key words and fragments are discussed amongst the students and the lecturer makes notes on a blackboard or on a digital canvas (MS PowerPoint or similar). The students are given a break and the lecturer collects the key words and synthesizes this into a case. Upon the return of the students, they solve the cases in groups and discuss possible solutions and what theory that apply to the different aspects of the case. Then a plenary session is facilitated where a suggested solution is developed. During a one-day seminar three to four cases are developed as a 'joint venture' amongst the students and the lecturer. The feedback from the students is very positive. They claim that this way of working strongly contributes to an enhanced learning outcome. Some students also report on utilizing knowledge acquired at these seminars back at their workplace. These are some results from the survey and interviews. This research will be presented in detail in the paper. We will also elaborate on how this way of flipping the classroom can be utilized in different courses and areas

    Estimation of the Prevalence of Progressive Fibrosing Interstitial Lung Diseases: Systematic Literature Review and Data from a Physician Survey

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    Some patients with interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) other than idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis exhibit a progressive clinical phenotype. These chronic progressive fibrosing ILDs have a variety of underlying diseases, and their prevalence is currently unknown. Here we carry out the first systematic review of literature on the prevalence of fibrosing ILDs and progressive fibrosing ILDs using data from physician surveys to estimate frequency of progression among different ILDs. We searched MEDLINE and Embase for studies assessing prevalence of ILD, individual ILDs associated with fibrosis and progressive fibrosing ILDs. These were combined with data from previously published physician surveys to obtain prevalence estimates of each chronic fibrosing ILD with a progressive phenotype and of progressive fibrosing ILDs overall. We identified 16 publications, including five reporting overall ILD prevalence, estimated at 6.3\u201376.0 per 100,000 people in Europe (four studies) and 74.3 per 100,000 in the USA (one study). In total, 13\u201340% of ILDs were estimated to develop a progressive fibrosing phenotype, with overall prevalence estimates for progressive fibrosing ILDs of 2.2\u201320.0 per 100,000 in Europe and 28.0 per 100,000 in the USA. Prevalence estimates for individual progressive fibrosing ILDs varied up to 16.7 per 100,000 people. These conditions represent a sizeable fraction of chronic respiratory disorders and have a high unmet need

    An Anisotropic Ballistic Deposition Model with Links to the Ulam Problem and the Tracy-Widom Distribution

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    We compute exactly the asymptotic distribution of scaled height in a (1+1)--dimensional anisotropic ballistic deposition model by mapping it to the Ulam problem of finding the longest nondecreasing subsequence in a random sequence of integers. Using the known results for the Ulam problem, we show that the scaled height in our model has the Tracy-Widom distribution appearing in the theory of random matrices near the edges of the spectrum. Our result supports the hypothesis that various growth models in (1+1)(1+1) dimensions that belong to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class perhaps all share the same universal Tracy-Widom distribution for the suitably scaled height variables.Comment: 5 pages Revtex, 3 .eps figures included, new references adde

    The Parallel Complexity of Growth Models

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    This paper investigates the parallel complexity of several non-equilibrium growth models. Invasion percolation, Eden growth, ballistic deposition and solid-on-solid growth are all seemingly highly sequential processes that yield self-similar or self-affine random clusters. Nonetheless, we present fast parallel randomized algorithms for generating these clusters. The running times of the algorithms scale as O(log⁥2N)O(\log^2 N), where NN is the system size, and the number of processors required scale as a polynomial in NN. The algorithms are based on fast parallel procedures for finding minimum weight paths; they illuminate the close connection between growth models and self-avoiding paths in random environments. In addition to their potential practical value, our algorithms serve to classify these growth models as less complex than other growth models, such as diffusion-limited aggregation, for which fast parallel algorithms probably do not exist.Comment: 20 pages, latex, submitted to J. Stat. Phys., UNH-TR94-0

    Model-Independent Global Constraints on New Physics

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    Using effective-lagrangian techniques we perform a systematic survey of the lowest-dimension effective interactions through which heavy physics might manifest itself in present experiments. We do not restrict ourselves to special classes of effective interactions (such as `oblique' corrections). We compute the effects of these operators on all currently well-measured electroweak observables, both at low energies and at the ZZ resonance, and perform a global fit to their coefficients. Despite the fact that a great many operators arise in our survey, we find that most are quite strongly bounded by the current data. We use our survey to systematically identify those effective interactions which are {\it not} well-bounded by the data -- these could very well include large new-physics contributions. Our results may also be used to efficiently confront specific models for new physics with the data, as we illustrate with an example.Comment: plain TeX, 68 pages, 2 figures (postscript files appended), McGill-93/12, NEIPH-93-008, OCIP/C-93-6, UQAM-PHE-93/08, UdeM-LPN-TH-93-15
