316 research outputs found

    Continuous Association Schemes and Hypergroups

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    Classical finite association schemes lead to a finite-dimensional algebras which are generated by finitely many stochastic matrices. Moreover, there exist associated finite hypergroups. The notion of classical discrete association schemes can be easily extended to the possibly infinite case. Moreover, the notion of association schemes can be relaxed slightly by using suitably deformed families of stochastic matrices by skipping the integrality conditions. This leads to larger class of examples which are again associated to discrete hypergroups. In this paper we propose a topological generalization of the notion of association schemes by using a locally compact basis space XX and a family of Markov-kernels on XX indexed by a further locally compact space DD where the supports of the associated probability measures satisfy some partition property. These objects, called continuous association schemes, will be related to hypergroup structures on DD. We study some basic results for this new notion and present several classes of examples. It turns out that for a given commutative hypergroup the existence of an associated continuous association scheme implies that the hypergroup has many features of a double coset hypergroup. We in particular show that commutative hypergroups, which are associated with commutative continuous association schemes, carry dual positive product formulas for the characters. On the other hand, we prove some rigidity results in particular in the compact case which say that for given spaces X,DX,D there are only a few continuous association schemes

    Central limit theorems for multivariate Bessel processes in the freezing regime

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    Multivariate Bessel processes are classified via associated root systems and positive multiplicity constants. They describe the dynamics of interacting particle systems of Calogero-Moser-Sutherland type. Recently, Andraus, Katori, and Miyashita derived some weak laws of large numbers for these processes for fixed positive times and multiplicities tending to infinity. In this paper we derive associated central limit theorems for the root systems of types A, B and D in an elementary way. In most cases, the limits will be normal distributions, but in the B-case there are freezing limits where distributions associated with the root system A or one-sided normal distributions on half-spaces appear. Our results are connected to central limit theorems of Dumitriu and Edelman for beta-Hermite and beta-Laguerre ensembles

    Product formulas for a two-parameter family of Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric functions of type BC

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    In this paper we present explicit product formulas for a continuous two-parameter family of Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric functions of type BC on Weyl chambers CqRqC_q\subset \mathbb R^q of type BB. These formulas are related to continuous one-parameter families of probability-preserving convolution structures on Cq×RC_q\times\mathbb R. These convolutions on Cq×RC_q\times\mathbb R are constructed via product formulas for the spherical functions of the symmetric spaces U(p,q)/(U(p)×SU(q))U(p,q)/ (U(p)\times SU(q)) and associated double coset convolutions on Cq×TC_q\times\mathbb T with the torus T\mathbb T. We shall obtain positive product formulas for a restricted parameter set only, while the associated convolutions are always norm-decreasing. Our paper is related to recent positive product formulas of R\"osler for three series of Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric functions of type BC as well as to classical product formulas for Jacobi functions of Koornwinder and Trimeche for rank q=1q=1

    Dispersion and limit theorems for random walks associated with hypergeometric functions of type BC

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    The spherical functions of the noncompact Grassmann manifolds Gp,q(F)=G/KG_{p,q}(\mathbb F)=G/K over the (skew-)fields F=R,C,H\mathbb F=\mathbb R, \mathbb C, \mathbb H with rank q1q\ge1 and dimension parameter p>qp>q can be described as Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric functions of type BC, where the double coset space G//KG//K is identified with the Weyl chamber CqBRq C_q^B\subset \mathbb R^q of type B. The corresponding product formulas and Harish-Chandra integral representations were recently written down by M. R\"osler and the author in an explicit way such that both formulas can be extended analytically to all real parameters p[2q1,[p\in[2q-1,\infty[, and that associated commutative convolution structures p*_p on CqBC_q^B exist. In this paper we introduce moment functions and the dispersion of probability measures on CqBC_q^B depending on p*_p and study these functions with the aid of this generalized integral representation. Moreover, we derive strong laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for associated time-homogeneous random walks on (CqB,p)(C_q^B, *_p) where the moment functions and the dispersion appear in order to determine drift vectors and covariance matrices of these limit laws explicitely. For integers pp, all results have interpretations for GG-invariant random walks on the Grassmannians G/KG/K. Besides the BC-cases we also study the spaces GL(q,F)/U(q,F)GL(q,\mathbb F)/U(q,\mathbb F), which are related to Weyl chambers of type A, and for which corresponding results hold. For the rank-one-case q=1q=1, the results of this paper are well-known in the context of Jacobi-type hypergroups on [0,[[0,\infty[.Comment: Extended version of arXiv:1205.4866; some corrections to prior version. Accepted for publication in J. Theor. Proba

    Olshanski spherical functions for infinite dimensional motion groups of fixed rank

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    Consider the Gelfand pairs (Gp,Kp):=(Mp,qUp,Up)(G_p,K_p):=(M_{p,q} \rtimes U_p,U_p) associated with motion groups over the fields F=R,C,H\mathbb F=\mathbb R,\mathbb C,\mathbb H with pqp\geq q and fixed qq as well as the inductive limit pp\to\infty,the Olshanski spherical pair (G,K)(G_\infty,K_\infty). We classify all Olshanski spherical functions of (G,K)(G_\infty,K_\infty) as functions on the cone Πq\Pi_q of positive semidefinite q×qq\times q-matrices and show that they appear as (locally) uniform limits of spherical functions of (Gp,Kp)(G_p,K_p) as pp\to\infty. The latter are given by Bessel functions on Πq\Pi_q. Moreover, we determine all positive definite Olshanski spherical functions and discuss related positive integral representations for matrix Bessel functions. We also extend the results to the pairs (Mp,q(Up×Uq),(Up×Uq))(M_{p,q} \rtimes (U_p\times U_q),(U_p\times U_q)) which are related to the Cartan motion groups of non-compact Grassmannians. Here Dunkl-Bessel functions of type B (for finite pp) and of type A (for pp\to\infty) appear as spherical functions

    A Limit Relation for Dunkl-Bessel Functions of Type A and B

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    We prove a limit relation for the Dunkl-Bessel function of type BNB_N with multiplicity parameters k1k_1 on the roots ±ei\pm e_i and k2k_2 on ±ei±ej\pm e_i\pm e_j where k1k_1 tends to infinity and the arguments are suitably scaled. It gives a good approximation in terms of the Dunkl-type Bessel function of type AN1A_{N-1} with multiplicity k2k_2. For certain values of k2k_2 an improved estimate is obtained from a corresponding limit relation for Bessel functions on matrix cones.Comment: This is a contribution to the Special Issue on Dunkl Operators and Related Topics, published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    A multivariate version of the disk convolution

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    We present an explicit product formula for the spherical functions of the compact Gelfand pairs (G,K1)=(SU(p+q),SU(p)×SU(q))(G,K_1)= (SU(p+q), SU(p)\times SU(q)) with p2qp\ge 2q, which can be considered as the elementary spherical functions of one-dimensional KK-type for the Hermitian symmetric spaces G/KG/K with K=S(U(p)×U(q))K= S(U(p)\times U(q)). Due to results of Heckman, they can be expressed in terms of Heckman-Opdam Jacobi polynomials of type BCqBC_q with specific half-integer multiplicities. By analytic continuation with respect to the multiplicity parameters we obtain positive product formulas for the extensions of these spherical functions as well as associated compact and commutative hypergroup structures parametrized by real p]2q1,[p\in]2q-1,\infty[. We also obtain explicit product formulas for the involved continuous two-parameter family of Heckman-Opdam Jacobi polynomials with regular, but not necessarily positive multiplicities. The results of this paper extend well known results for the disk convolutions for q=1q=1 to higher rank