13 research outputs found

    Relational coupling of multiple streams: The case of COVID‐19 infections in German abattoirs

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    After a series of COVID-19 outbreaks among employees in the German meat-processing industry, the Work Safety Control Act protecting these workers made it on the government's agenda in July 2020. From a Multiple Streams perspective, local corona hotspots may be understood as policy windows for introducing respective measures. However, this alone is not sufficient to explain agenda setting. This study investigates the coupling of streams within policy windows. Introducing the notion of relational coupling to the MSF research agenda, discourse network analysis provides a new methodology to reveal entrepre-neurial activities. Studying the German mass media discourse on the issue identifies two stages: (1) An initial problem broker-age without coupling of core policies, followed by (2) a coupling across all streams based on a focusing event. We argue that relational coupling allows for an enhanced understanding of agenda setting

    Livestock Farming at the Expense of Water Resources?: The Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Regions with Intensive Livestock Farming

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    Policymaking in the water–energy–food nexus is characterized by complex ecological, social, and economic interdependencies. Nexus research assumes these interactions to be overseen in the respective resource governance resulting in sectoral perspectives contributing to unsustainable outcomes. In Germany, the political priority given to the formation of an internationally competitive livestock sector by means of intensification, specialization and regional concentration has exerted sustained pressure on water and soil resources. The expansion of bioenergy plants promoted by the renewable energy act has exacerbated the situation. Despite the persistency of the ecological challenges, German policymakers only reacted when the European Commission referred Germany to the European Court of Justice. Current policy eorts to tackle the ecological problems are now provoking disruptions in the agrarian sector in regions with high nitrate concentrations in water resources. By combining the social-ecological systems framework with hypotheses derived from nexus research, we explore the interactions between food, water and energy systems and aim at understanding the unsustainable outcomes. We argue that the non-consideration of the complex interdependencies between the agricultural, the water and the energy system in policymaking and the divergence of policy goals constitute a major cause of unsustainable governance

    Market-Based Governance in Farm Animal Welfare—A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Policies in Germany and France

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    The intensification of livestock production and the focus on economic gains of agricultural policy have resulted in animal welfare related challenges. In many countries the societal concern for the welfare of farmed animals is increasing. Whereas policymakers on the European Union’s level and in EU member states have passed specific farm animal protection laws, the existing policies do not always guarantee the welfare of farmed animals. At the same time, the engagement of market actors in the field is increasing. This article explores the development of public and private policies in two countries with very different levels of regulation. By conducting a comparative analysis of public and private policies in Germany and France, the findings illustrate that, although they have different starting points, retailers in both countries are getting increasingly involved in farm animal welfare. In addition, there is evidence that governmental policies are shifting from regulatory to voluntary approaches in cooperation with the private sector. Given that in both countries these dynamics are a very recent development, it remains to be seen whether governmental actors will (re-)assume the lead in the field, whether they will engage in cooperation with private actors, or whether they will leave the task of agricultural restructuring to the market

    Antimicrobial resistance policies in European countries – a comparative analysis of policy integration in the water-food-health nexus

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    Antimicrobial resistances (AMR) present an emerging concern in human and animal health policy, as well as in water policy as a consequence of the pollution of water resources by antibiotic substances stemming from manure and sewage treatment plants. In 2017, the European Commission passed an AMR Action Plan and urged member states to develop national action plans to coordinate action across human, animal and environmental health. Building on the literature on policy integration we conduct comparative case studies in order to explore how European countries address the AMR challenge and if policies respond to the cross-sectoral character of AMR. We find that policy integration varies across countries provide explanations for why this is the case and come to three main conclusions: Firstly, and confirming previous research, a pronounced executive capacity, the presence of green parties in parliament, and a consensus democracy are each necessary but not sufficient conditions in configurations leading to policy integration. Secondly, executive capacity only results in policy integration if there is no important agricultural sector articulating its interests. Thirdly, even if there is an important agricultural and/or livestock sector, green parties in parliament or consensus democracies can balance these interests towards a successful policy integration