25 research outputs found

    The mRubyFT Protein, Genetically Encoded Blue-to-Red Fluorescent Timer.

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    peer reviewedGenetically encoded monomeric blue-to-red fluorescent timers (mFTs) change their fluorescent color over time. mCherry-derived mFTs were used for the tracking of the protein age, visualization of the protein trafficking, and labeling of engram cells. However, the brightness of the blue and red forms of mFTs are 2-3- and 5-7-fold dimmer compared to the brightness of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). To address this limitation, we developed a blue-to-red fluorescent timer, named mRubyFT, derived from the bright mRuby2 red fluorescent protein. The blue form of mRubyFT reached its maximum at 5.7 h and completely transformed into the red form that had a maturation half-time of 15 h. Blue and red forms of purified mRubyFT were 4.1-fold brighter and 1.3-fold dimmer than the respective forms of the mCherry-derived Fast-FT timer in vitro. When expressed in mammalian cells, both forms of mRubyFT were 1.3-fold brighter than the respective forms of Fast-FT. The violet light-induced blue-to-red photoconversion was 4.2-fold less efficient in the case of mRubyFT timer compared to the same photoconversion of the Fast-FT timer. The timer behavior of mRubyFT was confirmed in mammalian cells. The monomeric properties of mRubyFT allowed the labeling and confocal imaging of cytoskeleton proteins in live mammalian cells. The X-ray structure of the red form of mRubyFT at 1.5 Å resolution was obtained and analyzed. The role of the residues from the chromophore surrounding was studied using site-directed mutagenesis

    The Crystal Structure of Nα-p-tosyl-lysyl Chloromethylketone-Bound Oligopeptidase B from Serratia Proteamaculans Revealed a New Type of Inhibitor Binding

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    A covalent serine protease inhibitor—Na-p-Tosyl-Lysyl Chloromethylketone (TCK) is a modified lysine residue tosylated at the N-terminus and chloromethylated at the C-terminus, one molecule of which is capable of forming two covalent bonds with both Ser and His catalytic residues, was co-crystallized with modified oligopeptidase B (OpB) from Serratia proteomaculans (PSPmod). The kinetics study, which preceded crystallization, shows that the stoichiometry of TCK-dependent inhibition of PSPmod was 1:2 (protein:inhibitor). The crystal structure of the PSPmod-TCK complex, solved at a resolution of 2.3 Å, confirmed a new type of inhibitor binding. Two TCK molecules were bound to one enzyme molecule: one with the catalytic Ser, the other with the catalytic His. Due to this mode of binding, the intermediate state of PSPmod and the disturbed conformation of the catalytic triad were preserved in the PSPmod-TCK complex. Nevertheless, the analysis of the amino acid surroundings of the inhibitor molecule bound to the catalytic Ser and its comparison with that of antipain-bound OpB from Trypanosoma brucei provided an insight in the structure of the PSPmod substrate-binding pocket. Supposedly, the new type of binding is typical for the interaction of chloromethylketone derivatives with two-domain OpBs. In the open conformational state that these enzymes are assumed in solution, the disordered configuration of the catalytic triad prevents simultaneous interaction of one inhibitor molecule with two catalytic residues

    Elucidation of the Conformational Transition of Oligopeptidase B by an Integrative Approach Based on the Combination of X-ray, SAXS, and Essential Dynamics Sampling Simulation

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    Oligopeptidase B (OPB) is the least studied group from the prolyl oligopeptidase family. OPBs are found in bacteria and parasitic protozoa and represent pathogenesis factors of the corresponding infections. OPBs consist of two domains connected by a hinge region and have the characteristics of conformational dynamics, which include two types of movements: the bridging/separation of α/β-hydrolase catalytic and β-propeller-regulatory domains and the movement of a loop carrying catalytic histidine, which regulates an assembly/disassembly of the catalytic triad. In this work, an elucidation of the interdomain dynamics of OPB from Serratia proteamaculans (SpOPB) with and without modification of the hinge region was performed using a combination of X-ray diffraction analysis and small-angle X-ray scattering, which was complemented with an essential dynamics sampling (EDS) simulation. The first crystal structure of catalytically deficient SpOPB (SpOPBS532A) with an intact hinge sequence is reported. Similarly to SpOPB with modified hinges, SpOPBS532A was crystallized in the presence of spermine and adopted an intermediate conformation in the crystal lattice. Despite the similarity of the crystal structures, a difference in the catalytic triad residue arrangement was detected, which explained the inhibitory effect of the hinge modification. The SpOPBS532A structure reconstituted to the wild-type form was used as a starting point to the classical MD followed by EDS simulation, which allowed us to simulate the domain separation and the transition of the enzyme from the intermediate to open conformation. The obtained open state model was in good agreement with the experimental SAXS data

    LSSmScarlet2 and LSSmScarlet3, Chemically Stable Genetically Encoded Red Fluorescent Proteins with a Large Stokes’ Shift

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    Red fluorescent proteins with a large Stokes’ shift (LSSRFPs) are genetically encoded and efficiently excited by 488 nm light, allowing simultaneous dual-color one- and two-photon fluorescence imaging and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in combination with green fluorescent proteins FPs. Recently, based on the conventional bright mScarlet RFP, we developed the LSSRFP LSSmScarlet. LSSmScarlet is characterized by two pKa values at pH values of 1.9 and 5.8. In this study, we developed improved versions of LSSmScarlet, named LSSmScarlet2 and LSSmScarlet3, which are characterized by a Stokes’ shift of 128 nm and extreme pH stability with a single pKa value of 2.2. LSSmScarlet2 and LSSmScarlet3 had 1.8-fold faster and 3-fold slower maturation than LSSmScarlet, respectively. In addition, both LSSRFPs were 1.5- to 1.6-fold more photostable and more chemically resistant to denaturation by guanidinium chloride and guanidinium thiocyanate. We also compared the susceptibility of the LSSmScarlet2, LSSmScarlet3, and other LSSRFPs to the reagents used for whole-mount imaging, expansion microscopy, and immunostaining techniques. Due to higher pH stability and faster maturation, the LSSmScarlet3-LAMP3 fusion was 2.2-fold brighter than LSSmScarlet-LAMP3 in lysosomes of mammalian cells. The LSSmScarlet3-hLAMP2A fusion was similar in brightness to LSSmScarlet-hLAMP2A in lysosomes. We successfully applied the monomeric LSSmScarlet2 and LSSmScarlet3 proteins for confocal imaging of structural proteins in live mammalian cells. We also solved the X-ray structure of the LSSmScarlet2 protein at a resolution of 1.41 Å. Site-directed mutagenesis of the LSSmScarlet2 protein demonstrated the key role of the T74 residue in improving the pH and chemical stability of the LSSmScarlet2 protein

    Elucidation of the Conformational Transition of Oligopeptidase B by an Integrative Approach Based on the Combination of X-ray, SAXS, and Essential Dynamics Sampling Simulation

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    Oligopeptidase B (OPB) is the least studied group from the prolyl oligopeptidase family. OPBs are found in bacteria and parasitic protozoa and represent pathogenesis factors of the corresponding infections. OPBs consist of two domains connected by a hinge region and have the characteristics of conformational dynamics, which include two types of movements: the bridging/separation of α/β-hydrolase catalytic and β-propeller-regulatory domains and the movement of a loop carrying catalytic histidine, which regulates an assembly/disassembly of the catalytic triad. In this work, an elucidation of the interdomain dynamics of OPB from Serratia proteamaculans (SpOPB) with and without modification of the hinge region was performed using a combination of X-ray diffraction analysis and small-angle X-ray scattering, which was complemented with an essential dynamics sampling (EDS) simulation. The first crystal structure of catalytically deficient SpOPB (SpOPBS532A) with an intact hinge sequence is reported. Similarly to SpOPB with modified hinges, SpOPBS532A was crystallized in the presence of spermine and adopted an intermediate conformation in the crystal lattice. Despite the similarity of the crystal structures, a difference in the catalytic triad residue arrangement was detected, which explained the inhibitory effect of the hinge modification. The SpOPBS532A structure reconstituted to the wild-type form was used as a starting point to the classical MD followed by EDS simulation, which allowed us to simulate the domain separation and the transition of the enzyme from the intermediate to open conformation. The obtained open state model was in good agreement with the experimental SAXS data

    YTnC2, an improved genetically encoded green calcium indicator based on toadfish troponin C

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    Genetically encoded calcium indicators based on truncated troponin C are attractive probes for calcium imaging due to their relatively small molecular size and twofold reduced calcium ion buffering. However, the best‐suited members of this family, YTnC and cNTnC, suffer from low molecular brightness, limited dynamic range, and/or poor sensitivity to calcium transients in neurons. To overcome these limitations, we developed an enhanced version of YTnC, named YTnC2. Compared with YTnC, YTnC2 had 5.7‐fold higher molecular brightness and 6.4‐fold increased dynamic range in vitro. YTnC2 was successfully used to reveal calcium transients in the cytosol and in the lumen of mitochondria of both mammalian cells and cultured neurons. Finally, we obtained and analyzed the crystal structure of the fluorescent domain of the YTnC2 mutant

    Combined Structural and Computational Study of the mRubyFT Fluorescent Timer Locked in Its Blue Form

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    The mRubyFT is a monomeric genetically encoded fluorescent timer based on the mRuby2 fluorescent protein, which is characterized by the complete maturation of the blue form with the subsequent conversion to the red one. It has higher brightness in mammalian cells and higher photostability compared with other fluorescent timers. A high-resolution structure is a known characteristic of the mRubyFT with the red form chromophore, but structural details of its blue form remain obscure. In order to obtain insight into this, we obtained an S148I variant of the mRubyFT (mRubyFTS148I) with the blocked over time blue form of the chromophore. X-ray data at a 1.8 Å resolution allowed us to propose a chromophore conformation and its interactions with the neighboring residues. The imidazolidinone moiety of the chromophore is completely matured, being a conjugated π-system. The methine bridge is not oxidized in the blue form bringing flexibility to the phenolic moiety that manifests itself in poor electron density. Integration of these data with the results of molecular dynamic simulation disclosed that the OH group of the phenolic moiety forms a hydrogen bond with the side chain of the T163 residue. A detailed comparison of mRubyFTS148I with other available structures of the blue form of fluorescent proteins, Blue102 and mTagBFP, revealed a number of characteristic differences. Molecular dynamic simulations with the combined quantum mechanic/molecular mechanic potentials demonstrated that the blue form exists in two protonation states, anion and zwitterion, both sharing enolate tautomeric forms of the C=C–O− fragment. These two forms have similar excitation energies, as evaluated by calculations. Finally, excited state molecular dynamic simulations showed that excitation of the chromophore in both protonation states leads to the same anionic fluorescent state. The data obtained shed light on the structural features and spectral properties of the blue form of the mRubyFT timer

    Blue-to-Red TagFT, mTagFT, mTsFT, and Green-to-FarRed mNeptusFT2 Proteins, Genetically Encoded True and Tandem Fluorescent Timers

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    True genetically encoded monomeric fluorescent timers (tFTs) change their fluorescent color as a result of the complete transition of the blue form into the red form over time. Tandem FTs (tdFTs) change their color as a consequence of the fast and slow independent maturation of two forms with different colors. However, tFTs are limited to derivatives of the mCherry and mRuby red fluorescent proteins and have low brightness and photostability. The number of tdFTs is also limited, and there are no blue-to-red or green-to-far-red tdFTs. tFTs and tdFTs have not previously been directly compared. Here, we engineered novel blue-to-red tFTs, called TagFT and mTagFT, which were derived from the TagRFP protein. The main spectral and timing characteristics of the TagFT and mTagFT timers were determined in vitro. The brightnesses and photoconversions of the TagFT and mTagFT tFTs were characterized in live mammalian cells. The engineered split version of the TagFT timer matured in mammalian cells at 37 °C and allowed the detection of interactions between two proteins. The TagFT timer under the control of the minimal arc promoter, successfully visualized immediate-early gene induction in neuronal cultures. We also developed and optimized green-to-far-red and blue-to-red tdFTs, named mNeptusFT and mTsFT, which were based on mNeptune-sfGFP and mTagBFP2-mScarlet fusion proteins, respectively. We developed the FucciFT2 system based on the TagFT-hCdt1-100/mNeptusFT2-hGeminin combination, which could visualize the transitions between the G1 and S/G2/M phases of the cell cycle with better resolution than the conventional Fucci system because of the fluorescent color changes of the timers over time in different phases of the cell cycle. Finally, we determined the X-ray crystal structure of the mTagFT timer and analyzed it using directed mutagenesis

    Blue-to-Red TagFT, mTagFT, mTsFT, and Green-to-FarRed mNeptusFT2 Proteins, Genetically Encoded True and Tandem Fluorescent Timers

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    True genetically encoded monomeric fluorescent timers (tFTs) change their fluorescent color as a result of the complete transition of the blue form into the red form over time. Tandem FTs (tdFTs) change their color as a consequence of the fast and slow independent maturation of two forms with different colors. However, tFTs are limited to derivatives of the mCherry and mRuby red fluorescent proteins and have low brightness and photostability. The number of tdFTs is also limited, and there are no blue-to-red or green-to-far-red tdFTs. tFTs and tdFTs have not previously been directly compared. Here, we engineered novel blue-to-red tFTs, called TagFT and mTagFT, which were derived from the TagRFP protein. The main spectral and timing characteristics of the TagFT and mTagFT timers were determined in vitro. The brightnesses and photoconversions of the TagFT and mTagFT tFTs were characterized in live mammalian cells. The engineered split version of the TagFT timer matured in mammalian cells at 37 °C and allowed the detection of interactions between two proteins. The TagFT timer under the control of the minimal arc promoter, successfully visualized immediate-early gene induction in neuronal cultures. We also developed and optimized green-to-far-red and blue-to-red tdFTs, named mNeptusFT and mTsFT, which were based on mNeptune-sfGFP and mTagBFP2-mScarlet fusion proteins, respectively. We developed the FucciFT2 system based on the TagFT-hCdt1-100/mNeptusFT2-hGeminin combination, which could visualize the transitions between the G1 and S/G2/M phases of the cell cycle with better resolution than the conventional Fucci system because of the fluorescent color changes of the timers over time in different phases of the cell cycle. Finally, we determined the X-ray crystal structure of the mTagFT timer and analyzed it using directed mutagenesis

    cNTnC and fYTnC2, Genetically Encoded Green Calcium Indicators Based on Troponin C from Fast Animals

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    NTnC-like green fluorescent genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) with two calcium ion binding sites were constructed using the insertion of truncated troponin C (TnC) from Opsanus tau into green fluorescent proteins (GFPs). These GECIs are small proteins containing the N- and C-termini of GFP; they exert a limited effect on the cellular free calcium ion concentration; and in contrast to calmodulin-based calcium indicators they lack undesired interactions with intracellular proteins in neurons. The available TnC-based NTnC or YTnC GECIs had either an inverted response and high brightness but a limited dynamic range or a positive response and fast kinetics in neurons but lower brightness and an enhanced but still limited dF/F dynamic range. Here, we solved the crystal structure of NTnC at 2.5 Å resolution. Based on this structure, we developed positive NTnC2 and inverted iNTnC2 GECIs with a large dF/F dynamic range in vitro but very slow rise and decay kinetics in neurons. To overcome their slow responsiveness, we swapped TnC from O. tau in NTnC2 with truncated troponin C proteins from the muscles of fast animals, namely, the falcon, hummingbird, cheetah, bat, rattlesnake, and ant, and then optimized the resulting constructs using directed molecular evolution. Characterization of the engineered variants using purified proteins, mammalian cells, and neuronal cultures revealed cNTnC GECI with truncated TnC from Calypte anna (hummingbird) to have the largest dF/F fluorescence response and fast dissociation kinetics in neuronal cultures. In addition, based on the insertion of truncated TnCs from fast animals into YTnC2, we developed fYTnC2 GECI with TnC from Falco peregrinus (falcon). The purified proteins cNTnC and fYTnC2 had 8- and 6-fold higher molecular brightness and 7- and 6-fold larger dF/F responses to the increase in Ca2+ ion concentration than YTnC, respectively. cNTnC GECI was also 4-fold more photostable than YTnC and fYTnC2 GECIs. Finally, we assessed the developed GECIs in primary mouse neuronal cultures stimulated with an external electric field; in these conditions, cNTnC had a 2.4-fold higher dF/F fluorescence response than YTnC and fYTnC2 and was the same or slightly slower (1.4-fold) than fYTnC2 and YTnC in the rise and decay half-times, respectively