138 research outputs found

    Use of systems biology to decipher host–pathogen interaction networks and predict biomarkers

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    AbstractIn systems biology, researchers aim to understand complex biological systems as a whole, which is often achieved by mathematical modelling and the analyses of high-throughput data. In this review, we give an overview of medical applications of systems biology approaches with special focus on host–pathogen interactions. After introducing general ideas of systems biology, we focus on (1) the detection of putative biomarkers for improved diagnosis and support of therapeutic decisions, (2) network modelling for the identification of regulatory interactions between cellular molecules to reveal putative drug targets and (3) module discovery for the detection of phenotype-specific modules in molecular interaction networks. Biomarker detection applies supervised machine learning methods utilizing high-throughput data (e.g. single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection, RNA-seq, proteomics) and clinical data. We demonstrate structural analysis of molecular networks, especially by identification of disease modules as a novel strategy, and discuss possible applications to host–pathogen interactions. Pioneering work was done to predict molecular host–pathogen interactions networks based on dual RNA-seq data. However, currently this network modelling is restricted to a small number of genes. With increasing number and quality of databases and data repositories, the prediction of large-scale networks will also be feasible that can used for multidimensional diagnosis and decision support for prevention and therapy of diseases. Finally, we outline further perspective issues such as support of personalized medicine with high-throughput data and generation of multiscale host–pathogen interaction models

    Double Fe-impurity charge state in the topological insulator Bi2_2Se3_3

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    The influence of individual impurities of Fe on the electronic properties of topological insulator Bi2_2Se3_3 is studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. The microscope tip is used in order to remotely charge/discharge Fe impurities. The charging process is shown to depend on the impurity location in the crystallographic unit cell, on the presence of other Fe impurities in the close vicinity, as well as on the overall doping level of the crystal. We present a qualitative explanation of the observed phenomena in terms of tip-induced local band bending. Our observations evidence that the specific impurity neighborhood and the position of the Fermi energy with respect to the Dirac point and bulk bands have both to be taken into account when considering the electron scattering on the disorder in topological insulators.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters, minor bugs were correcte

    Highly Anisotropic Dirac Cones in Epitaxial Graphene Modulated by an Island Superlattice

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    We present a new method to engineer the charge carrier mobility and its directional asymmetry in epitaxial graphene by using metal cluster superlattices self-assembled onto the moiré pattern formed by graphene on Ir(111). Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy reveals threefold symmetry in the band structure associated with strong renormalization of the electron group velocity close to the Dirac point giving rise to highly anisotropic Dirac cones. We further find that the cluster superlattice also affects the spectral-weight distribution of the carbon bands as well as the electronic gaps between graphene states
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