63 research outputs found

    Nakupinski račun 9ΛBe hiperjezgre Faddeevom metodom

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    Configuration-space Faddeev calculations are performed for cluster model ααΛ of the 9 ΛBe hypernucleus using various αΛ potentials. For the αα interaction, the nuclear component is only taken into account (phenomenological Ali-Bodmer potential). The binding energy of the 9 ΛBe hypernuclei is calculated for two different potential models. In the first model, the s-wave αΛ potential acting in all partial waves in the αΛ subsystem is used. In the second model, a recent more realistic αΛ potential having the s- and p-partial components is employed. The core effect of nuclear αα potential is also studied.Načinili smo račune Faddeevom metodom u konfiguracijskom prostoru za nakupinski model ααΛ hiperjezgre 9 ΛBe primjenom različitih potencijala. Za nuklearnu sastavnicu međudjelovanja αα primijenili smo samo fenomenološki Ali-Bodmerov potencijal. Energiju vezanja hiperjezgre 9 ΛBe smo računali dvama različitim potencijalnim modelima. U prvome se rabi s-valni potencijal αΛ koji djeluje na sve parcijalne valove u podsustavu αΛ. U drugome, rabi se nov realističniji potencijal αΛ koji sadrži s- i p-parcijalne sastavnice. Proučavali smo također učinak sredice u potencijalu αα

    Geological and structural setting of the Vinodol Valley (NW Adriatic, Croatia): insights into its tectonic evolution based on structural investigations

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    The area of the Vinodol Valley and Bakar Bay represents a NW‒SE oriented valley in the NW Adriatic characterised by prominent historical and instrumentally recorded seismicity. As part of the greater geodynamic domain including the Ilirska Bistrica–Rijeka–Senj seismogenic fault zone, new geological and structural data addressing the tectonic evolution of the area were collected in order to better understand the focal mechanisms of previous earthquakes and to enable identification of potential seismogenic sources. Mapped informal lithostratigraphic units mostly correspond to the Upper Cretaceous, Palaeogene and Quaternary successions described in other parts of the External Dinarides. However, a shorter stratigraphic range of the Gornji Humac fm., the youngest Cretaceous unit in the study area, was determined and suggests that the uplifted area in the central NW part of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform already comprised several thousand km2 (from W and NW Istria to Krk and Vinodol area) at the end of the Turonian. Structural measurements of the fault planes in the study area generally correspond to the existing structural model of the tectonic evolution of the Dinarides. However, in contrast to the SW vergences typical of the Dinarides, NE-vergent reverse structures are common, especially along the SW margin of the Vinodol Valley. Cross-cutting relationships suggest that transpressional (NW–SE and NE–SW striking dextral and sinistral faults) and extensional features (NW–SE and NE–SW striking normal faults) are structurally concurrent or younger than the reverse faults, suggesting a change in the palaeostress field during the Neogene–Quaternary, with prevalent transpression and radial extension. Comparison of results of the palaeostress field analysis and the constructed synthetic focal mechanisms on one side, with available focal mechanism solutions for earthquakes within the Ilirska Bistrica–Rijeka–Senj seismogenic fault zone on the other, shows a favourable orientation of the observed NW‒SE and NE‒SW striking faults with respect to the recent compressional/transpressional stress field (N‒S oriented P-axis), indicating these as potential seismogenic sources within the study area.</p

    Early Eocene evolution of carbonate depositional environments recorded in the Čikola Canyon (North Dalmatian Foreland Basin, Croatia)

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    The stratigraphic succession in the Čikola Canyon (part of the North Dalmatian Foreland Basin) was studied in detail to describe both the sedimentological characteristics and fossil assemblages of the Lower Eocene deposits during the initial stage of the foreland basin formation. The North Dalmatian Basin now represents a part of the Outer Dinarides, and was developed in front of the evolving Dinaric structures by tectonic deformation and marine transgression of an emerged and denuded Mesozoic Adriatic Carbonate Platform (AdCP). During the initial phase, a distal ramp of a foreland basin was formed, characterised by carbonate sedimentation, lasting until the Middle Eocene. In a studied section more than 300 m thick, porcelaneous foraminifera, Alveolina, Orbitolitesand complex miliolids (Idalina, Periloculina) prevail, associated with conical agglutinated forms, nummulitids and red algae. These samples belong to the SBZ 11–12 (Ypresian), according to occurrences of Alveolina decastroi, Alveolina cremae, Alveolina multicanalifera and Coskinolina liburnica. Two main lithological units have been described: 1) mudstones to wackestones with sporadic occurrences of ostracods and charophyceae, deposited in restricted lagoonalsettings with several episodes of freshwater influences, and 2) foraminiferal packstones to grainstones with complex miliolids, alveolinids, corallinacean algae and nummulitids, deposited within inner and middle ramp settings. Palaeogene deposition of ramp carbonates in the Outer Dinarides area was mainly controlled by the continuous compressional tectonics, and the deposits today appear in more or less discontinuous outcrops. Palaeogene transgression occurred at different times over various parts of the former carbonate platform area, and subsequent carbonate sedimentation was characterised by deposition in similar environments during different time intervals over spatially restricted carbonate ramps controlled by synsedimentary tectonics.</p

    Obostrano iščašenje polumjesečastoga zgloba

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    Carpal instability is a rare injury of the wrist, but it can cause adverse disability and morbidity of the patient. Lunate dislocation is the fourth and last stage of perilunate dislocation. Bilateral perilunate dislocation is an even more uncommon injury, and only several cases have been reported in literature. We are presenting a case of bilateral perilunate dislocation of wrists in 27-year-old men who sustained injury of both wrists falling from a 7-meter-high tree.Nestabilnost pešća predstavlja rijetku ozljedu ručnoga zgloba koja može uzrokovati značajnu nesposobnost i morbiditet pacijenta. Iščašenje polumjesečaste kosti je četvrti i zadnji stadij perilunatne dislokacije. Obostrano iščašenje polumjesečaste kosti je još rjeđe stanje, te je svega nekoliko sličnih slučajeva opisano u literaturi. Ovdje prikazujemo slučaj obostranog iščašenja polumjesečaste kosti ručnoga zgloba kod 27-godišnjeg muškarca, koji je zadobio ozljede oba ručna zgloba prilikom pada s drveta visokog 7 metara