2,296 research outputs found

    On Finite Noncommutativity in Quantum Field Theory

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    We consider various modifications of the Weyl-Moyal star-product, in order to obtain a finite range of nonlocality. The basic requirements are to preserve the commutation relations of the coordinates as well as the associativity of the new product. We show that a modification of the differential representation of the Weyl-Moyal star-product by an exponential function of derivatives will not lead to a finite range of nonlocality. We also modify the integral kernel of the star-product introducing a Gaussian damping, but find a nonassociative product which remains infinitely nonlocal. We are therefore led to propose that the Weyl-Moyal product should be modified by a cutoff like function, in order to remove the infinite nonlocality of the product. We provide such a product, but it appears that one has to abandon the possibility of analytic calculation with the new product.Comment: 13 pages, reference adde

    Charge and potential distributions for particles approaching substrates with regular structures

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    The charge and potential distributions for insulating particles approaching a substrate with regular insulating structures are studied by particle-in-cell numerical simulations. An elongated particle and substrate with elongated structures are considered for flowing plasmas. The role of the relative position of the particle and the substrate in their interactions is investigated. It is also demonstrated that the interactions are modified by photoemission due to directed UV light. The simulations are two dimensional with ions and electrons treated as individual particles.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to IEEE Trans Plasma Sc

    The fundamental solution of the unidirectional pulse propagation equation

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    The fundamental solution of a variant of the three-dimensional wave equation known as "unidirectional pulse propagation equation" (UPPE) and its paraxial approximation is obtained. It is shown that the fundamental solution can be presented as a projection of a fundamental solution of the wave equation to some functional subspace. We discuss the degree of equivalence of the UPPE and the wave equation in this respect. In particular, we show that the UPPE, in contrast to the common belief, describes wave propagation in both longitudinal and temporal directions, and, thereby, its fundamental solution possesses a non-causal character.Comment: accepted to J. Math. Phy

    Fuzzy Geometry of Phase Space and Quantization of Massive Fields

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    The quantum space-time and the phase space with fuzzy structure is investigated as the possible quantization formalism. In this theory the state of nonrelativistic particle corresponds to the element of fuzzy ordered set (Foset) - fuzzy point. Due to Foset partial (weak) ordering, particle's space coordinate x acquires principal uncertainty dx. It's shown that Shroedinger formalism of Quantum Mechanics can be completely derived from consideration of particle evolution in fuzzy phase space with minimal number of axioms.Comment: 13 pages, Talk given at QFEXT07 Workshop, Leipzig, Sept. 200

    Discretized rotation has infinitely many periodic orbits

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    For a fixed k in (-2,2), the discretized rotation on Z^2 is defined by (x,y)->(y,-[x+ky]). We prove that this dynamics has infinitely many periodic orbits.Comment: Revised after referee reports, and added a quantitative statemen

    p-Adic and Adelic Harmonic Oscillator with Time-Dependent Frequency

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    The classical and quantum formalism for a p-adic and adelic harmonic oscillator with time-dependent frequency is developed, and general formulae for main theoretical quantities are obtained. In particular, the p-adic propagator is calculated, and the existence of a simple vacuum state as well as adelic quantum dynamics is shown. Space discreteness and p-adic quantum-mechanical phase are noted.Comment: 10 page

    Distributional versions of Littlewood's Tauberian theorem

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    We provide several general versions of Littlewood's Tauberian theorem. These versions are applicable to Laplace transforms of Schwartz distributions. We apply these Tauberian results to deduce a number of Tauberian theorems for power series where Ces\`{a}ro summability follows from Abel summability. We also use our general results to give a new simple proof of the classical Littlewood one-sided Tauberian theorem for power series.Comment: 15 page

    Leading infrared logarithms for sigma-model with fields on arbitrary Riemann manifold

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    We derive non-linear recursion equation for the leading infrared logarithms (LL) in four dimensional sigma-model with fields on an arbitrary Riemann manifold. The derived equation allows one to compute leading infrared logarithms to essentially unlimited loop order in terms of geometric characteristics of the Riemann manifold. We reduce the solution of the SU(oo) principal chiral field in arbitrary number of dimensions in the LL approximation to the solution of very simple recursive equation. This result paves a way to the solution of the model in arbitrary number of dimensions at N-->ooComment: Talk given by MVP at the conference devoted to memory of A.N. Vasilie
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