222 research outputs found

    Classification of anticorruption procedural legislation of the Russian Federation subjects

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    Objective to identify the relationship of regional anticorruption procedural legislation with other branches of legislation for its further improvement. Methods dialectical approach to cognition of social phenomena using general scientific methods of cognition based on it analysis synthesis comparison grouping etc. Results the current anticorruption procedural legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation is classified on the following grounds status of the Russian Federation subject which adopted the legislative act sector subject of legal regulation and the circle of persons. As a result of the classification the interrelations of the Russian regional anticorruption procedural legislation with the federal and regional state constitutional statutory administrative municipal informational and labor legislation were revealed. nbsp Scientific novelty for the first time in the Russian legal science classification of anticorruption procedural legislation of the Russian Federation subjects was carried out which allowed drawing the following conclusions. First the anticorruption procedural legislation of the Russian Federation subjects is an intersectoral institution interconnected with various branches of regional legislation state constitutional statutory administrative municipal informational and labor which define its structure and content. Second the proposed classification of the anticorruption procedural legislation of the Russian Federation subjects status of the Russian Federation subject which adopted the legislative act sector subject of legal regulation and the circle of persons showed possible criteria and directions of systematization including future codification of this legislation. Third on the basis of the proposed classification of anticorruption procedural legislation of the Russian Federation subjects it is possible to determine the most relevant and practically significant areas of its research in the near future state anticorruption procedural legislation administrative anticorruption procedural legislation municipal anticorruption procedural legislation informational anticorruption procedural legislation and labor anticorruption procedural legislation. Practical significance the research results can be used in lawmaking activities for systematization and codification of the Russian regional anticorruption legislation

    Infrastructure of Cultural Leisure in Consumer Society in Student View: Prospects and Problems of Promotion

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    The formation of the cultural leisure infrastructure structures the modern space in a special way and contributes to the formation of a new leisure sphere of modern society. The cultural leisure industry today is not only and not so much a training field, but a huge segment of the country's leisure market. The purpose of the study is to study the features of the cultural leisure infrastructure and its role in the representation of students. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to students' ideas about the ways and problems associated with spending free time. Research results: the article considers the role of leisure in the consumer society. The features of the development of leisure infrastructure are revealed. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the field of leisure is considered in the representation of students. It is revealed that leisure time for students is a criterion for identifying the status of a person, acts, as a social marker of a certain lifestyle, is a sphere of manifestation of different capabilities of an individual. It is determined that leisure is often aimed not so much at enjoying free time, as at filling the consumption of non-working time. For the first time, the reasons for the visiting of students in leisure studios are shown. It is revealed that there is a randomness of choice; the desire to find new meanings; a way of searching for oneself. It is shown that students note the leisure industry as a sector where, for a certain fee, the client buys not only the opportunity to spend time, but also new goals and ways of self-expression. It is determined that today leisure studios are not just a place where classes are held twice a week, but also a well-organized recreational space. Leisure studios are organized in such a way that a person who is engaged in, who is interested in it, feels that he belongs to a certain clan. It is revealed that the leisure industry sells not just services, but mood, and it is the leisure studios organized on this principle that are the most successful in the market of leisure services. From the point of view of students, an important role in the leisure industry is played by the teacher, as a guide to the world of hobbies. It is determined that it is the presence of a teacher that structures training in a special way. Practical significance: The data obtained in this work can be used in marketing research, economic sciences, advertising psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Infrastructure of Cultural Leisure in Consumer Society in Student View: Prospects and Problems of Promotion

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    The formation of the cultural leisure infrastructure structures the modern space in a special way and contributes to the formation of a new leisure sphere of modern society. The cultural leisure industry today is not only and not so much a training field, but a huge segment of the country's leisure market. The purpose of the study is to study the features of the cultural leisure infrastructure and its role in the representation of students. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to students' ideas about the ways and problems associated with spending free time. Research results: the article considers the role of leisure in the consumer society. The features of the development of leisure infrastructure are revealed. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the field of leisure is considered in the representation of students. It is revealed that leisure time for students is a criterion for identifying the status of a person, acts, as a social marker of a certain lifestyle, is a sphere of manifestation of different capabilities of an individual. It is determined that leisure is often aimed not so much at enjoying free time, as at filling the consumption of non-working time. For the first time, the reasons for the visiting of students in leisure studios are shown. It is revealed that there is a randomness of choice; the desire to find new meanings; a way of searching for oneself. It is shown that students note the leisure industry as a sector where, for a certain fee, the client buys not only the opportunity to spend time, but also new goals and ways of self-expression. It is determined that today leisure studios are not just a place where classes are held twice a week, but also a well-organized recreational space. Leisure studios are organized in such a way that a person who is engaged in, who is interested in it, feels that he belongs to a certain clan. It is revealed that the leisure industry sells not just services, but mood, and it is the leisure studios organized on this principle that are the most successful in the market of leisure services. From the point of view of students, an important role in the leisure industry is played by the teacher, as a guide to the world of hobbies. It is determined that it is the presence of a teacher that structures training in a special way. Practical significance: The data obtained in this work can be used in marketing research, economic sciences, advertising psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Infrastructure of Cultural Leisure in Consumer Society in Student View: Prospects and Problems of Promotion

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    The formation of the cultural leisure infrastructure structures the modern space in a special way and contributes to the formation of a new leisure sphere of modern society. The cultural leisure industry today is not only and not so much a training field, but a huge segment of the country's leisure market. The purpose of the study is to study the features of the cultural leisure infrastructure and its role in the representation of students. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to students' ideas about the ways and problems associated with spending free time. Research results: the article considers the role of leisure in the consumer society. The features of the development of leisure infrastructure are revealed. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the field of leisure is considered in the representation of students. It is revealed that leisure time for students is a criterion for identifying the status of a person, acts, as a social marker of a certain lifestyle, is a sphere of manifestation of different capabilities of an individual. It is determined that leisure is often aimed not so much at enjoying free time, as at filling the consumption of non-working time. For the first time, the reasons for the visiting of students in leisure studios are shown. It is revealed that there is a randomness of choice; the desire to find new meanings; a way of searching for oneself. It is shown that students note the leisure industry as a sector where, for a certain fee, the client buys not only the opportunity to spend time, but also new goals and ways of self-expression. It is determined that today leisure studios are not just a place where classes are held twice a week, but also a well-organized recreational space. Leisure studios are organized in such a way that a person who is engaged in, who is interested in it, feels that he belongs to a certain clan. It is revealed that the leisure industry sells not just services, but mood, and it is the leisure studios organized on this principle that are the most successful in the market of leisure services. From the point of view of students, an important role in the leisure industry is played by the teacher, as a guide to the world of hobbies. It is determined that it is the presence of a teacher that structures training in a special way. Practical significance: The data obtained in this work can be used in marketing research, economic sciences, advertising psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Youth Leisure in Cultural Space of Modern City: State and Prospects of Development

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    The relevance of this article is the need to study the leisure sphere of modern youth, since free time is one of the important means of forming a young person's personality. The use of free time by young people is a kind of indicator of culture, the range of spiritual needs and interests of a particular personality of a young person. The aim of the study is to analyze the strategy of youth leisure in the cultural space of the modern city. Research methods: as a research method, we used the questionnaire method, which allows us to analyze in detail the main forms and dynamics of the development of modern youth’s leisure practices living in an urban environment. Results of the research: the article considers the problems and prospects of leisure strategies’ development of young people living in the city. The features of organizing youth leisure in the city are described. The preferences of young people in leisure activities are revealed. The degree of satisfaction of young people with forms of leisure is analyzed. The article considers the respondents' awareness of the work of institutions of the social and cultural sphere in organizing leisure activities for young people in the city. The reasons that prevent young people from spending leisure time in accordance with their needs are identified. Alternative forms of leisure activities are considered. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the reasons why young people do not have the opportunity to build their leisure strategy in accordance with their needs are investigated: external reasons (lack of places, disinterest of organizers, certain forms of leisure are unattractive or unprofitable for entrepreneurs); internal reasons (strong employment at work, lack of energy after work, laziness). The reasons for the lack of interaction of young people with leisure and cultural organizations (lack of time; ignorance of where to address on this issue; unwillingness of the organizers to change the situation that is, ignoring the position of young people) are determined. It is revealed that young people show little interest in leisure activities organized by the authorities, since they are formal in nature and do not correspond to the leisure preferences of young people. For the first time, the main strategies for leisure activities for young people living in the city (meetings with friends, relatives, walks, computer games, viewing content, relaxing in silence, and reading) were identified. The strategies of leisure activities that are used to a lesser extent (visiting the cinema, theater; active recreation (Cycling, skating, various sports); attending concerts, exhibitions, master classes; learning foreign languages) are considered. It is revealed that young people are not satisfied with the available leisure opportunities in the city. The reasons for discontent are determined (limited material resources in the city for interesting forms of leisure; lack of cultural and leisure institutions in the city that would meet the requirements of young people; limited choice of institutions where you can spend your free time). There is a gap between the needs of young people in the field of leisure and the activities of the city's youth policy Department, which conducts events according to its own plan, without taking into account the opinion of young people. Young people's knowledge about events is examined and the problem is determined about unawareness of cultural and entertainment events that are associated with the lack of interest of young people and lack of desire of the organizers of the Department of culture to find out what interests this age group. Alternative forms of leisure that young people would like to see in the urban environment, as well as take part in them, are identified (such as cinemas, theaters, restaurants; amusement parks, attractions, water parks, bowling; master classes, courses, exhibitions; interest clubs (language, discussion, computer); Bicycle rental, roller skates, Quad bikes, go-karts; paragliding school; industrial tourism). Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in social psychology, pedagogy, age psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Diversity of immunoglobulin light chain genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish uncovers IgL subdivision into five ancient isotypes

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    <p>The aim of this study was to fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of immunoglobulins by examining the structure and diversity of IgL genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish. First, based on the bioinformatic analysis of recent transcriptomic and genomic resources, we experimentally characterized the IgL genes in the chondrostean fish, Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet). We show that this species has three loci encoding IgL kappa-like chains with a translocon-type gene organization and a single VJC cluster, encoding homogeneous lambda-like light chain. In addition, sterlet possesses sigma-like VL and J-CL genes, which are transcribed separately and both encode protein products with cleavable leader peptides. The Acipenseriformes IgL dataset was extended by the sequences mined in the databases of species belonging to other non-teleost lineages of ray-finned fish: Holostei and Polypteriformes. Inclusion of these new data into phylogenetic analysis showed a clear subdivision of IgL chains into five groups. The isotype described previously as the teleostean IgL lambda turned out to be a kappa and lambda chain paralog that emerged before the radiation of ray-finned fish. We designate this isotype as lambda-2. The phylogeny also showed that sigma-2 IgL chains initially regarded as specific for cartilaginous fish are present in holosteans, polypterids, and even in turtles. We conclude that there were five ancient IgL isotypes, which evolved differentially in various lineages of jawed vertebrates.</p

    Heliospheric Response to Different Possible Interstellar Environments

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    At present, the heliosphere is embedded in a warm, low-density interstellar cloud that belongs to a cloud system flowing through the local standard of rest with a velocity near ~18 km s-1. The velocity structure of the nearest interstellar material (ISM), combined with theoretical models of the local interstellar cloud (LIC), suggest that the Sun passes through cloudlets on timescales of ≀103-104 yr, so the heliosphere has been, and will be, exposed to different interstellar environments over time. By means of a multifluid model that treats plasma and neutral hydrogen self-consistently, the interaction of the solar wind with a variety of partially ionized ISM is investigated, with the focus on low-density cloudlets such as are currently near the Sun. Under the assumption that the basic solar wind parameters remain/were as they are today, a range of ISM parameters (from cold neutral to hot ionized, with various densities and velocities) is considered. In response to different interstellar boundary conditions, the heliospheric size and structure change, as does the abundance of interstellar and secondary neutrals in the inner heliosphere, and the cosmic-ray level in the vicinity of Earth. Some empirical relations between interstellar parameters and heliospheric boundary locations, as well as neutral densities, are extracted from the models
