141 research outputs found

    On Fractional Approach to Analysis of Linked Networks

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    In this paper, we present the outer product decomposition of a product of compatible linked networks. It provides a foundation for the fractional approach in network analysis. We discuss the standard and Newman's normalization of networks. We propose some alternatives for fractional bibliographic coupling measures

    Weighted degrees and truncated derived bibliographic networks

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    Large bibliographic networks are sparse -- the average node degree is small. This is not necessarily true for their product -- in some cases, it can ``explode'' (it is not sparse, increases in time and space complexity). An approach in such cases is to reduce the complexity of the problem by limiting our attention to a selected subset of important nodes and computing with corresponding truncated networks. The nodes can be selected by different criteria. An option is to consider the most important nodes in the derived network -- nodes with the largest weighted degree. It turns out that the weighted degrees in the derived network can be computed efficiently without computing the derived network itself

    Inductive definition of two restricted classes of triangulations

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    AbstractThe inductive definitions of (i) the class of all triangulations (of the sphere) without vertices of degree 3; and (ii) the class of all triangulations with all vertices of even degree are given. The dual rules give us (i) the class of all 3-connected planar cubic graphs without triangles; and (ii) the class of all 3-connected bipartite planar cubic graphs (related to Barnette's hamiltonicity conjecture)

    An inductive definition of the class of 3-connected quadrangulations of the plane

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    AbstractAn inductive definition of the class of all 3-connected quadrangulations of the plane is given. The dual inductive definition determines the class of all 3-connected 4-regular planar graphs

    Exactly mergeable summaries

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    In the analysis of large/big data sets, aggregation (replacing values of a variable over a group by a single value) is a standard way of reducing the size (complexity) of the data. Data analysis programs provide different aggregation functions. Recently some books dealing with the theoretical and algorithmic background of traditional aggregation functions were published. A problem with traditional aggregation is that often too much information is discarded thus reducing the precision of the obtained results. A much better, preserving more information, summarization of original data can be achieved by representing aggregated data using selected types of complex data. In complex data analysis the measured values over a selected group AA are aggregated into a complex object Σ(A)\Sigma(A) and not into a single value. Most of the aggregation functions theory does not apply directly. In our contribution, we present an attempt to start building a theoretical background of complex aggregation. We introduce and discuss exactly mergeable summaries for which it holds for merging of disjoint sets of units \[ \Sigma(A \cup B) = F( \Sigma(A),\Sigma(B)),\qquad \mbox{ for } \quad A\cap B = \emptyset .\
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