14 research outputs found

    SOX17 is a critical specifier of human primordial germ cell fate.

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    Specification of primordial germ cells (PGCs) marks the beginning of the totipotent state. However, without a tractable experimental model, the mechanism of human PGC (hPGC) specification remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate specification of hPGC-like cells (hPGCLCs) from germline competent pluripotent stem cells. The characteristics of hPGCLCs are consistent with the embryonic hPGCs and a germline seminoma that share a CD38 cell-surface marker, which collectively defines likely progression of the early human germline. Remarkably, SOX17 is the key regulator of hPGC-like fate, whereas BLIMP1 represses endodermal and other somatic genes during specification of hPGCLCs. Notable mechanistic differences between mouse and human PGC specification could be attributed to their divergent embryonic development and pluripotent states, which might affect other early cell-fate decisions. We have established a foundation for future studies on resetting of the epigenome in hPGCLCs and hPGCs for totipotency and the transmission of genetic and epigenetic information.We thank Rick Livesey and his lab for help with the culture of hESCs; Sohei Kitazawa and Janet Shipley for the TCam-2 cells; Nigel Miller and Andy Riddell for cell sorting, Roger Barker, Xiaoling He, and Pam Tyers for collection of human embryos; and Charles Bradshaw for help with bioinformatics. We thank members of the Surani and Hanna labs for important discussions and technical help. N.I. is supported by Grant-in-Aid for fellows of the JSPS and by BIRAX (the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership) initiative, who provided a project grant to J.H.H. and M.A.S. J.H.H. is supported by Ilana and Pascal Mantoux, the Kimmel Award, ERC (StG-2011-281906), Helmsley Charitable Trust, ISF (Bikura, Morasha, ICORE), ICRF, the Abisch Frenkel Foundation, the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Erica and Robert Drake, Benoziyo Endowment fund, and the Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute (FAMRI). J.H.H. is a New York Stem Cell Foundation Robertson Investigator. W.C.C.T. is supported by Croucher Foundation and Cambridge Trust; M.A.S. is supported by HFSP and a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award.This is the final version of the article, originally published in Cell, Volume 160, Issues 1-2, p253–268, 15 January 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.12.01

    Joint Development Involves a Continuous Influx of Gdf5-Positive Cells

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    Synovial joints comprise several tissue types, including articular cartilage, the capsule, and ligaments. All of these compartments are commonly assumed to originate from an early set of Gdf5-expressing progenitors populating the interzone domain. Here, we provide evidence that joints develop through a continuous influx of cells into the interzone, where they contribute differentially to forming joint tissues. Using a knockin Gdf5-CreERT2 mouse, we show that early labeling of Gdf5-positive interzone cells failed to mark the entire organ. Conversely, multiple Cre activation steps indicated a contribution of these cells to various joint compartments later in development. Spatiotemporal differences between Gdf5 and tdTomato reporter expression support the notion of a continuous recruitment process. Finally, differential contribution of Gdf5-positive cells to various tissues suggests that the spatiotemporal dynamics of Gdf5 expression may instruct lineage divergence. This work supports the influx model of joint development, which may apply to other organogenic processes

    Modeling genetic epileptic encephalopathies using brain organoids

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    Abstract Developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (DEE) are a group of disorders associated with intractable seizures, brain development, and functional abnormalities, and in some cases, premature death. Pathogenic human germline biallelic mutations in tumor suppressor WW domain‐containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) are associated with a relatively mild autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia‐12 (SCAR12) and a more severe early infantile WWOX‐related epileptic encephalopathy (WOREE). In this study, we generated an in vitro model for DEEs, using the devastating WOREE syndrome as a prototype, by establishing brain organoids from CRISPR‐engineered human ES cells and from patient‐derived iPSCs. Using these models, we discovered dramatic cellular and molecular CNS abnormalities, including neural population changes, cortical differentiation malfunctions, and Wnt pathway and DNA damage response impairment. Furthermore, we provide a proof of concept that ectopic WWOX expression could potentially rescue these phenotypes. Our findings underscore the utility of modeling childhood epileptic encephalopathies using brain organoids and their use as a unique platform to test possible therapeutic intervention strategies

    Neutralizing Gatad2a-Chd4-Mbd3/NuRD Complex Facilitates Deterministic Induction of Naive Pluripotency

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    Mbd3, a member of nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) co-repressor complex, was previously identified as an inhibitor for deterministic induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) reprogramming, where up to 100% of donor cells successfully complete the process. NuRD can assume multiple mutually exclusive conformations, and it remains unclear whether this deterministic phenotype can be attributed to a specific Mbd3/NuRD subcomplex. More-over, since complete ablation of Mbd3 blocks somatic cell proliferation, we aimed to explore functionally relevant alternative ways to neutralize Mbd3-dependent NuRD activity. We identify Gatad2a, a NuRD-specific subunit, whose complete deletion specifically disrupts Mbd3/NuRD repressive activity on the pluripotency circuitry during iPSC differentiation and reprogramming without ablating somatic cell proliferation. Inhibition of Gatad2a facilitates deterministic murine iPSC reprogramming within 8 days. We validate a distinct molecular axis, Gatad2a-Chd4-Mbd3, within Mbd3/NuRD as being critical for blocking reestablishment of naive pluripotency and further highlight signaling-dependent and post-translational modifications of Mbd3/NuRD that influence its interactions and assembly

    South Asia : journal of South Asian studies

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    Mononuclear phagocytes, including monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, contribute to tissue integrity, as well as innate and adaptive immune defense. Emerging evidence for labour division indicates that manipulation of these cells could bear therapeutic potential. However, specific ontogenies of individual populations and the overall functional organisation of the cellular network are not well-defined. Here we report a fate mapping study of the murine monocyte and macrophage compartment taking advantage of constitutive and conditional CX(3)CR1 promoter-driven Cre recombinase expression. We have demonstrated that major tissue resident macrophage populations, including liver Kupffer cells, lung alveolar, splenic and peritoneal macrophages, are established prior to birth and maintain themselves subsequently during adulthood independent of replenishment by blood monocytes. Furthermore, we have established that the short-lived Ly6C(+) monocytes constitute obligatory steady state precursors of blood-resident Ly6C(−) cells and that the abundance of Ly6C(+) blood monocytes dynamically controls the circulation life span of their progeny