28 research outputs found


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    Frosts that occur in the Southern Brazil limit the development and survival of seedlings used for restoration projects and may cause significant losses. The objectives of this study were: evaluating the effect of frosts on seedlings produced by seeds collected around a degraded area inside the Serra do Itajaí National Park (PNSI) and used to restore this area; and validating the use of polyester printed labels for marking seedlings. Planting was carried out in adapted Anderson Groups, with 25 seedlings per module. Survival rates for frost were evaluated in 750 seedlings, identified at the species level, classified according to their ecological group, and used in three areas designated as A, B and C. 80% of the seedlings were planted in sloping area and 20%, in lowland area. For the identification of the seedlings, labels printed by a laser printer were used on matte polyester film and affixed with plastic polyamide clamps. This method proved to be practical, inexpensive and resistant to the climate action (heat, humidity and precipitation). Besides, it does not suffer attacks from the local fauna. The overall survival rate was 55.87%, whereas survival rates by ecological groups were 76.67% for shadow tolerant climax, 53.75% for light demanding climax, and 55.63% for the pioneer. The highest survival rates were the ones from seedlings located on the slopes. It was possible to verify that the local germplasm is well adapted to the frosts that occur in the region.Frosts that occur in the Southern Brazil limit the development and survival of seedlings used for restoration projects and may cause significant losses. The objectives of this study were: evaluating the effect of frosts on seedlings produced by seeds collected around a degraded area inside the Serra do Itajaí National Park (PNSI) and used for the restoration of this area; and validating the use of polyester printed labels for marking seedlings. Planting was carried out in adapted Anderson Groups, with 25 seedlings per module. Survival rates for frost were evaluated in 750 seedlings, identified at the species level, classified according to their ecological group, and used in three areas designated as A, B and C, with 80% of the seedlings planted in sloping area and 20%, in lowland area. For the identification of the seedlings, labels printed by a laser printer were used on matte polyester film and affixed with plastic polyamide clamps. This method proved to be practical, inexpensive and resistant to the climate action (heat, humidity and precipitation). Besides, it does not suffer attacks from the local fauna. The overall survival rate was 55.87%, whereas survival rates by ecological groups were 76.67% for shadow tolerant climax, 53.75% for light demanding climax, and 55.63% for the pioneer. The highest survival rates were the ones from seedlings located on the slopes. It was possible to verify that the local germplasm is well adapted to the frosts that occur in the region

    Aspectos biologicos e de especificidade de Tectococcus ovatus Hempel, 1900 (Homoptera, ericoccidae) para o controle biologico do Araçazeiro Psidium cattleianum Sabine, 1821 (Myrtaceae)

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar aspectos biológicos e de especificidade de Tectococcus ovatus (Homoptera, Eriococcidae), inseto causador da galha da folha do araçazeiro, Psidium cattleianum (Myrtaceae), com a finalidade de se obterem dados para a realização do controle biológico desta mirtácea, pela ação do referido eriococcídeo. Foram realizadas coletas em três municípios do primeiro planalto paranaense: Piraquara, Colombo e São José dos Pinhais. Com os dados obtidos pôde-se conhecer aspectos da biologia e do comportamento do inseto, determinar a variação de tamanho do inseto durante o seu desenvolvimento, conhecer a época do ataque à planta, qualificar e quantificar o tipo de dano, reconhecer a forma de disseminação do inseto, identificar e conhecer aspectos do comportamento de seus inimigos naturais, determinar um modo para a disseminação artificial das ninfas de Tectococcus ovatus, tendo sido possível também, realizar testes preliminares de especificidade com várias espécies de plantas. Os estudos foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Proteção Florestal do curso de Engenharia Florestal da UFPR. Alguns dos principais resultados obtidos foram: do número total de galhas estudadas 45,45% continham T. ovatus, 49,57% foram parasitadas e 4,98% foram predadas. Foram encontradas galhas de T. ovatus em araçazeiros das variedades amarela e vermelha, e também, em maria-preta Psidium spathulatum. A variação encontrada no número de galhas por folha foi de 1 a 97. A reprodução de T. ovatus foi partenogenética facultativa. As ninfas de T. ovatus sugaram a seiva das brotações principalmente entre os meses de maio e julho, sendo este o fator que causa as galhas. Foram encontradas duas espécies de parasitóides e uma de predador atacando T. ovatus. O melhor meio de disseminação foi no campo com pincel


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    Insects stand out for their diversity, representativeness, ecological importance, and sensitivity to environmental changes that are affected by anthropogenic changes in natural ecosystems. This study aimed to characterize the leaf litter insect fauna in four different areas that included two native forests and two pastures in Serra do Itajaí National Park. Data were collected from August 2014 to August 2015 from pitfall trap installations. The abundance, richness, diversity, family composition, and functional groups were analyzed. In total, 16,062 individuals were collected that were distributed across 16 orders and 101 families. Abundance, family richness, and diversity were similar among the areas. However, the composition differed, demonstrating that the environments possessed different insect fauna communities based on the composition of families. The Coleoptera order with the Ptiliidae family was more abundant in the native forest, while the Hemiptera (Cercopidae and Cicadellidae) were more abundant in the pasture area. The composition of fungivores and phytophagous fungi differed significantly among the areas. The number of exclusive families and their composition demonstrated a leaf litter insect fauna that was adapted to the environmental conditions and resources available within each environmen

    EFEITO DO ÓLEO ESSENCIAL DAS FOLHAS DE Drimys angustifolia EM COLÔNIAS DE Acromyrmex spp. EM PLANTIO DE Pinus taeda

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    Ants cause damage and economic losses in plantation forests, mainly in Pinus taeda; their control implies agrochemicals that can contaminate the ecological processes, and the search for alternative ways to control these insects in the forest activities is a desirable practice. Among the various existing alternative forms of control, such as the habitat management and biological control, there is the control with use of extracts and essential oils of plants with insecticidal properties. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the essential oil extracted from the leaves of Drimys angustifolia, in colonies of leaf cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex spp., in planting P. taeda, as an alternative control. The essential oil was applied in two treatments with 100% and 10% concentrations within eight active nests with a hand sprayer and compared with four nests as control. The final result showed that the eight nests treated with the oil were abandoned, highlighting the potential activity of the essential oil to ants, compared to control nests that remained active. The essential oil of D. angustifolia exhibited potential to be applied as alternative control of leaf-cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex.Formigas causam danos e perdas econômicas em florestas plantadas, principalmente em plantios de Pinus taeda, e no seu controle são utilizados agroquímicos que podem contaminar os processos ecológicos, sendo que a busca por formas alternativas de controle destes insetos nas atividades florestais é prática desejável. Entre as várias formas de controle alternativo existentes, como o manejo do habitat e o controle biológico, há o controle com a utilização de extratos e óleos essenciais obtidos de plantas com propriedades inseticidas. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do óleo essencial extraído das folhas de Drimys angustifolia, em colônias de formigas cortadeiras do gênero Acromyrmex spp., em plantio de P. taeda, como alternativa de controle. O óleo essencial foi aplicado em dois tratamentos com concentração de 100% e 10% no interior de oito formigueiros ativos com um pulverizador manual e comparado com quatro formigueiros de controle. O resultado final demonstrou que os oito formigueiros tratados com óleo estavam abandonados, evidenciando a potencial atividade do óleo essencial sobre as formigas, comparado com os formigueiros de controle que se mantiveram ativos. O óleo essencial de D. angustifolia apresentou potencial para ser aplicado como controle alternativo de formigas cortadeiras do gênero Acromyrmex. AbstractEffect of essential oil from leaves of Drimys angustifolia in colonies of Acromyrmex spp. in pinus taeda planting. Ants cause damage and economic losses in plantation forests, mainly in Pinus taeda; their control implies agrochemicals that can contaminate the ecological processes, and the search for alternative ways to control these insects in the forest activities is a desirable practice. Among the various existing alternative forms of control, such as the habitat management and biological control, there is the control with use of extracts and essential oils of plants with insecticidal properties. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the essential oil extracted from the leaves of Drimys angustifolia, in colonies of leaf cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex spp., in planting P. taeda, as an alternative control. The essential oil was applied in two treatments with 100% and 10% concentrations within eight active nests with a hand sprayer and compared with four nests as control. The final result showed that the eight nests treated with the oil were abandoned, highlighting the potential activity of the essential oil to ants, compared to control nests that remained active. The essential oil of D. angustifolia exhibited potential to be applied as alternative control of leaf-cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex.Keywords:  Leaf cutting ants; alternative control; extraction by steam distillation; bark-of-anta; secondary metabolites.


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     A espécie Psidium cattleianum é considerada uma das maiores ameaças ao ecossistema e à biodiversidade nas ilhas do Havaí. Buscando controlar sua disseminação, adotaram-se técnicas de controle biológico. Dentre as várias espécies estudadas como agente de controle, Tectococcus ovatus (Heteroptera: Eriococcidae) apresentou o maior nível de especificidade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a existência de variabilidade genética entre e dentro das diferentes populações de Tectococcus ovatus amostradas, utilizando a técnica de PCR-RAPD. As análises foram realizadas a partir de fêmeas coletadas nos estados do Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. Dos oito iniciadores de PCR-RAPD testados, quatro foram utilizados nas análises, revelando marcadores monomórficos e polimórficos com uma freqüência variável, tanto para os indivíduos de uma mesma localidade quanto para os indivíduos de localidades diferentes. Através da análise de agrupamento de caracterização molecular, foi possível verificar a formação de dois grupos distintos, A e B, apresentando uma variabilidade genética de 44%. Os resultados obtidos através da análise dos marcadores RAPD foram úteis na verificação de variação e forneceram informações sobre os níveis de variabilidade e similaridade entre e dentro das diferentes populações de Tectococcus ovatus.Palavras-chave:  Controle biológico; variabilidade genética; PCR-RAPD. AbstractSurvey of dispersal and genetic variability of Tectococcus ovatus (Heteroptera: Eriococcidae) in the regions of natural occurence of Psidium cattleianum (Myrtaceae). The species Psidium cattleianum is considered one of the greatest threats to the ecosystem and biodiversity of the islands from Hawaii. Seeking to control its dissemination, techniques of biological control were used. Among the various species studied, as a biological control agent, Tectococcus ovatus showed a higher level of specificity. This work had as its aim to verify the existence of genetic variability among and inside different populations of Tectococcus ovatus sampled, using the technique of PCR-RAPD. The analyses were made from females collected in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. From the eight initiators of PCR-RAPD tested, four were used in the analyses, revealing monomorphic and polimorphic markers with a variable frequency, to the individuals of one place as well as to the individuals of different places. Through the analysis of the grouping of molecular characterization it was possible to verify a formation of two distinctive groups A and B, presenting a genetic variability of 44%. The results obtained through the analysis of RAPD markers were useful to variation verification and provided safe information about the levels of variability and similarity amongst and inside the different populations of Tectococcus ovatus.Keywords:  Biological control; genetic variability; PCR-RAPD.AbstractThe species Psidium cattleianum is considered one of the greatest threats to the ecosystem and biodiversity of the islands from Hawaii. Seeking to control its dissemination, techniques of biological control were used. Among the various species studied, as a biological control agent, Tectococcus ovatus showed a higher level of specificity. This work had as its aim to verify the existence of genetic variability among and inside different populations of Tectococcus ovatus sampled, using the technique of PCR-RAPD. The analyses were made from females collected in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. From the eight initiators of PCR-RAPD tested, four were used in the analyses, revealing monomorphic and polimorphic markers with a variable frequency, to the individuals of one place as well as to the individuals of different places. Through the analysis of the grouping of molecular characterization it was possible to verify a formation of two distinctive groups A and B, presenting a genetic variability of 44%. The results obtained through the analysis of RAPD markers were useful to variation verification and provided safe information about the levels of variability and similarity amongst and inside the different populations of Tectococcus ovatus.Keywords:  Biological control; genetic variability; PCR-RAPD


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    This research was conducted in an Araucaria angustifolia plantation owned by Florestal Gateados company, located in Campo Belo do Sul county, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The main objectives of the study were to characterize the forest fuel accumulated in 5 stands of different class ages (8, 19, 24, 25 and 38 years old). A total of 100 plots, proportionally distributed among the 5 stands were established, with a minimum sampling intensity of 4 plots per hectare, and an average of 20 plots per age class. In each plot, the basal area, the mean understory vegetation height, the live and dead fuel weights by size class were measured. Results showed that the total fuel loading measured in the 5 stands were 20.13; 10.76; 15.84; 14.81 and 13.24 Mg.ha-¹ for the 8, 19, 24, 25 and 38 years old plantations, respectively. Except for the 8 year old stand, the rate between dead and live fuel loading was approximately 9:1. Miscellaneous (38.6%) and araucaria leaves and twigs (30.46%) were the fuel classes with higher contribution to the total fuel loading.Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em um reflorestamento de Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze., pertencente à empresa Florestal Gateados, localizada no município de Campo Belo do Sul (SC), com o objetivo principal de quantificar o material combustível existente em 5 povoamentos com diferentes idades, sendo elas, 8, 19, 24, 25 e 38 anos. Foram estabelecidas para este estudo um total de 100 parcelas, divididas proporcionalmente entre os 5 povoamentos, com uma intensidade amostral mínima de 4 parcelas por hectare e média de 20 parcelas por classe de idade. Foram determinadas, em cada parcela, a área basal, a altura média da vegetação do sub-bosque, as cargas do material combustível vivo e morto, carga total por idade e cargas por classe de diâmetro dos combustíveis florestais. A carga total foi de 20,13 Mg ha-¹ para o povoamento de 8 anos, 10,76 Mg ha-¹ para o de 19 anos, 15,84 Mg ha-¹ para o de 24 anos, 14,81 Mg ha-¹ para o de 25 anos e 13,24 Mg ha-¹ para o de 38 anos. Verificou-se uma proporção aproximada de 9:1 entre as cargas dos combustíveis mortos e vivos, respectivamente, sendo miscelânea (38,6%) e grimpa (30,46%) as classes de maior participação na constituição da carga total

    Pseudophilothrips ichini rising release in field and its effects on development of Schinus terebinthifolius

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    A manipulative field experiment replicated over a 2-year period was conducted with Pseudophilothrips ichini (Hood), 1949 (Thysanoptera: Tubulifera: Phlaeothripidae) in order to determinate damage on shoot production of its host Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae). In the first trial, conducted from August 2001 to May 2002, 40 Brazilian peppertree seedlings of the same age, class and size were planted and randomly assigned by two treatment groups. Half of the plants (n=20) were sprayed with 1% ai of Deltamethrin 25CE, the other half was manually infested with 400 thrips, adults and larvae (n=20 per plant). 60 Brazilian peppertree seedlings subjected to three treatments constituted the second experiment, conducted from July 2002 to May 2003 at the same location. Twenty plants were artificially infested with 800 thrips adults and larvae (n=40 per plant). A second group of 20 seedlings suffered natural infestation. The third group of 20 seedlings was sprayed with insecticide each 15 days to exclude P. ichini. In the first experiment biomass of Brazilian peppertree was reduced by 20% in plants artificially infested with P. ichini whereas a 62% reduction rate was observed in the second experiment. Plants naturally infested with the thrips in the second experiment exhibited a 22% loss in biomass in relation to the control group. The experiment demonstrated P. ichini as a potential biological control agent of Brazilian peppertree.Experimentos de campo foram conduzidos com Pseudophilothrips ichini (Hood), 1949 (Thysanoptera: Tubulifera: Phlaeothripidae) por dois anos, para determinar o dano na produção de brotação na aroeira, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae). O primeiro experimento com 40 mudas de aroeira eqüiâneas foi executado entre agosto de 2001 e maio de 2002. O tratamento-testemunha (n = 20) foi pulverizado com solução aquosa (1% i.a.) do inseticida Deltametrina 25CE; o outro recebeu infestações forçadas de 400 espécimes, adultos e ninfas. O segundo experimento, de julho de 2002 a maio de 2003, foi realizado com 60 mudas, submetidas a três tratamentos. Vinte plantas foram infestadas artificialmente com 800 espécimes, adultos e ninfas (n = 40 por planta). No segundo grupo de mudas (n = 20), ocorreu infestação natural. O terceiro grupo (n = 20) foi pulverizado a cada 15 dias para excluir P. ichini. A perda de biomassa nos experimentos foi de 20% no primeiro e 62% no segundo; a infestação natural causou perda de 22%. Os resultados mostraram que P. ichini é um potencial agente de controle da aroeira

    Germinação de sementes de Vernonanthura discolor (Spreng.) H.Rob. (Asteraceae) procedentes de diferentes árvores matrizes

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    O comportamento germinativo das espécies florestais nativas tem exigido atenção no meio científico, principalmente na obtenção de informações referentes às condições ideais de germinação e utilização em ambientes de restauração e recuperação de áreas degradadas. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da idade das árvores matrizes de Vernonanthura discolor (Spreng.) H. Rob. (Asteraceae) sobre o poder germinativo e o índice da velocidade de germinação (IVG) de sementes submetidas a diferentes períodos de armazenamento. Foram selecionadas quatro árvores matrizes para a coleta de sementes, das quais duas de aspecto adulto-senil (A1 e A2) e duas de aspecto adulto-jovem (B1 e B2). Foram avaliados o poder germinativo e o IVG com períodos de 30 e 75 dias de armazenamento. Nas sementes armazenadas por 30 dias, o percentual germinativo foi estatisticamente superior para as matrizes A, porém o IVG foi superior nas matrizes B. O experimento apontou que as espécies adulto-senis mostraram melhores condições de germinação, assim como que fatores associados a características fenológicas e maturidade das matrizes podem alterar a taxa germinativa

    Species complex diversification by host plant use in an herbivorous insect: The source of Puerto Rican cactus mealybug pest and implications for biological control

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    Cryptic taxa have often been observed in the form of host-associated species that diverged as the result of adaptation to alternate host plants. Untangling cryptic diversity in species complexes that encompass invasive species is a mandatory task for pest management. Moreover, investigating the evolutionary history of a species complex may help to understand the drivers of their diversification. The mealybug Hypogeococcus pungens was believed to be a polyphagous species from South America and has been reported as a pest devastating native cacti in Puerto Rico, also threatening cactus diversity in the Caribbean and North America. There is neither certainty about the identity of the pest nor the source population from South America. Recent studies pointed to substantial genetic differentiation among local populations, suggesting that H. pungens is a species complex. In this study, we used a combination of genome-wide SNPs and mtDNA variation to investigate species diversity within H. pungens sensu lato to establish host plant ranges of each one of the putative members of the complex, to evaluate whether the pattern of host plant association drove diversification in the species complex, and to determine the source population of the Puerto Rican cactus pest. Our results suggested that H. pungens comprises at least five different species, each one strongly associated with specific host plants. We also established that the Puerto Rican cactus pest derives from southeastern Brazilian mealybugs. This is an important achievement because it will help to design reliable strategies for biological control using natural enemies of the pest from its native range.Fil: Poveda Martínez, Daniel Alexander. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución; Argentina. Universidad del Quindio; ColombiaFil: Aguirre, María Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; ArgentinaFil: Logarzo, Guillermo Alejandro. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; ArgentinaFil: Hight, Stephen D.. United States Department of Agriculture; Estados UnidosFil: Triapitsyn, Serguei V.. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Diaz Sotero, Hilda. United States Department of Agriculture; Estados UnidosFil: Diniz Vitorino, Marcelo. Universidade Regional de Blumenau; BrasilFil: Hasson, Esteban Ruben. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución; Argentin

    Implementation of access and benefit-sharing measures has consequences for classical biological control of weeds

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    The Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol establish that genetic resources shall be accessed only upon the existence of prior informed consent of the country that provides those resources and that benefits arising from their utilization shall be shared. Pursuant to both agreements several countries have adopted regulations on access and benefit-sharing. These regulations have created a challenging obstacle to classical biological control of weeds. This paper reviews the experiences of Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, the USA, Canada and CABI in implementing access and benefit-sharing regulations and the implications these measures have on the effective and efficient access, exchange and utilization of biological control agents. We conclude that policy makers should be made aware of the key role biological control plays for agriculture and the environment and they are encouraged to develop tailored access and benefit-sharing legal frameworks that facilitate biological control research and implementation.Fil: Silvestri, Luciana Carla. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Sosa, Alejandro Joaquín. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mc Kay, Fernando. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; ArgentinaFil: Diniz Vitorino, Marcelo. Universidade Regional de Blumenau; BrasilFil: Hill, Martin. Rhodes University.; SudáfricaFil: Zachariades, Costas. University of KwaZulu-Natal; SudáfricaFil: Hight, Stephen. No especifíca;Fil: Weyl, Philip. No especifíca;Fil: Smith, David. No especifíca;Fil: Djeddour, Djamila. No especifíca;Fil: Mason, Peter G.. No especifíca