268 research outputs found

    Comparative studies on the histology and ultrastructure of the siphons of two species of Tellinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from Brazil

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    Despite the great importance of the siphons for infaunal bivalves, only a few studies have examined their tissues using histology techniques or scanning electron microscopy. In the present study, the siphons of Tellina lineata Turton, 1819 and Macoma biota Arruda & Domaneschi, 2005 were investigated. The siphon walls are composed by a series of muscle sheets of longitudinal (L), circular (C) and radial (R) fibers, with a clear pattern common to both species: there is a main median longitudinal layer (Lm), and two peripheral circular layers, one inner (Ci) and one outer (Co), near the epithelia. A median circular layer (Cm) separates an internal (Lmi) from an outer (Lmo) median longitudinal layer. Further, the Co is split by a thin outer longitudinal layer (Lo), forming Coi and Coo layers, the former being obliquely oriented. Thin radial fibers (R) delimit clear packages of Lmi and Lmo fibers. In each siphon, there are six longitudinal nerve cords, running within the Lmi layer, adjacent to the Cm. The inhalant and exhalant siphons of M. biota are very similar in structure, but the Lmo of the exhalant siphon is almost twice as thick as its Lmi, while in the inhalant siphon these layers have similar thicknesses; the Coi is very thick, especially in the exhalant siphon. The inhalant siphon of T. lineata is very similar to that of M. biota, differing only with respect to the thickness of the Coi, which in the former species is not as well developed as in the latter. The Lmo of the exhalant siphon of T. lineata is by far the most developed layer, with the Lmi represented only by uniseriate small cells; in the vicinities of the nerve cords, the Cm is split in two layers. The epithelia of both siphons of M. biota and T. lineata bear ciliated receptors, which were difficult to observe as they were frequently covered with mucus. It was possible to observe that cilia are present in both species, differing in length and in the number per receptor between the inhalant and exhalant siphons, and between the species. Detailed comparisons among the siphons of M. biota and T. lineata and other bivalve species are very difficult, because of at least two reasons. First, each investigator has used different methods to prepare and observe the siphons through histological sections; and second, different nomenclatural schemes are used to describe the musculature of the siphons, causing confusion when the same layers are compared among different species. In order to unify the nomenclature of tissue layers of the bivalve siphons, we now propose a scheme to name these layers based on topological homology.21922

    Global endometrial DNA methylation analysis reveals insights into mQTL regulation and associated endometriosis disease risk and endometrial function

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    Epigenomics; Genetic predisposition to disease; Urogenital reproductive disordersEpigenómica; Predisposición genética a la enfermedad; Trastornos reproductivos urogenitalesEpigenòmica; Predisposició genètica a la malaltia; Trastorns reproductius urogenitalsEndometriosis is a leading cause of pain and infertility affecting millions of women globally. Herein, we characterize variation in DNA methylation (DNAm) and its association with menstrual cycle phase, endometriosis, and genetic variants through analysis of genotype data and methylation in endometrial samples from 984 deeply-phenotyped participants. We estimate that 15.4% of the variation in endometriosis is captured by DNAm and identify significant differences in DNAm profiles associated with stage III/IV endometriosis, endometriosis sub-phenotypes and menstrual cycle phase, including opening of the window for embryo implantation. Menstrual cycle phase was a major source of DNAm variation suggesting cellular and hormonally-driven changes across the cycle can regulate genes and pathways responsible for endometrial physiology and function. DNAm quantitative trait locus (mQTL) analysis identified 118,185 independent cis-mQTLs including 51 associated with risk of endometriosis, highlighting candidate genes contributing to disease risk. Our work provides functional evidence for epigenetic targets contributing to endometriosis risk and pathogenesis. Data generated serve as a valuable resource for understanding tissue-specific effects of methylation on endometrial biology in health and disease.This work has been supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) NICHD R01 HD089511. It was also supported, in part, by funding from Wellbeing of Women (through sponsorship from PwC) (R42533) and the Medical Research Council (MR/N024524/1 and MR/N022556/1) and NIH HD094842 (Harvard/MSU). K.K. was supported by NIH NCI R37 CA233774. A.F.M. was supported by an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT200100837). G.W.M. was supported by NHMRC Fellowship (GNT1177194)

    Puerperal mastitis: a reproductive event of importance affecting anti-mucin antibody levels and ovarian cancer risk

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    Test the hypothesis that puerperal mastitis may alter immunity related to the mucin (MUC) family of glycoproteins and lower risk for ovarian cancer