21 research outputs found

    Telehealth for expanding the reach of early autism training to parents.

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    Although there is consensus that parents should be involved in interventions designed for young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), parent participation alone does not ensure consistent, generalized gains in children's development. Barriers such as costly intervention, time-intensive sessions, and family life may prevent parents from using the intervention at home. Telehealth integrates communication technologies to provide health-related services at a distance. A 12 one-hour per week parent intervention program was tested using telehealth delivery with nine families with ASD. The goal was to examine its feasibility and acceptance for promoting child learning throughout families' daily play and caretaking interactions at home. Parents became skilled at using teachable moments to promote children's spontaneous language and imitation skills and were pleased with the support and ease of telehealth learning. Preliminary results suggest the potential of technology for helping parents understand and use early intervention practices more often in their daily interactions with children

    Effects of a Brief Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)–Based Parent Intervention on Toddlers at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    This study was carried out to examine the efficacy of a 12-week, low intensity (one-hour-per-week of therapist contact), parent-delivered intervention for toddlers at risk for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) ages 14–24 months and their families

    The Impact of Parent-Delivered Intervention on Parents of Very Young Children with Autism

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    This study investigated the impact of a parent-coaching intervention based on the Early Start Denver Model (P-ESDM) on parenting-related stress and sense of competence. This was part of a multisite, randomized trial comparing P-ESDM (n=49) with community intervention (n=49) for children aged 12 and 24 months. The P-ESDM group reported no increase in parenting stress, whereas the Community group experienced an increase over the same 3-month period. Parental sense of competence did not differ. Number of negative life events was a significant predictor of parenting stress and sense of competence across both groups. This suggests that a parent-coaching intervention may help maintain parental adjustment directly after a child is diagnosed with ASD

    A Descriptive, Multiyear Examination of Positive Behavior Support

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    A major goal of positive behavior support (PBS) is to produce broad-based, long-term improvements in adaptive behavior; however, the empirical base, at present, is mainly composed of relatively short-term studies carried out in circumscribed contexts. Therefore, a need exists for reliable data that can inform the field regarding the comprehensive lifestyle effects of PBS implementation in natural community contexts over extended periods of time. The current investigation was conducted to provide a descriptive analysis of PBS with diverse participants and broad measurement strategies over multiple years. Using extensive data portfolios for 21 participants, we employed rating scales to quantify changes in key variables from baseline through 2 years of intervention. The data revealed variable levels of intervention integrity, generalized reductions in problem behavior with occasional relapses, and encouraging enhancements across six domains of quality of life. This study represents an initial attempt to understand the processes and outcomes of behavioral support by documenting behavioral patterns across full days, entire years, and all environments. We discuss the need to consider new conceptual and methodological frameworks for further study of efficacious and sustainable behavior support

    Dissemination of Evidence-Based Practice: Can We Train Therapists from a Distance?

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    Although knowledge about the efficacy of behavioral interventions for children with ASD is increasing, studies of effectiveness and transportability to community settings are needed. The current study conducted an effectiveness trial to compare distance learning vs. live instruction for training community-based therapists to implement the Early Start Denver Model. Findings revealed: (a) distance learning and live instruction were equally effective for teaching therapists to both implement the model and to train parents; (b) didactic workshops and team supervision were required to improve therapists’ skill use; (c) significant child gains occurred over time and across teaching modalities; and (d) parents implemented the model more skillfully after coaching. Implications are discussed in relation to the economic and clinical utility of distance learning

    Methods for acquiring MRI data in children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual impairment without the use of sedation.

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    BackgroundMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been widely used in studies evaluating the neuropathology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Studies are often limited, however, to higher functioning individuals with ASD. MRI studies of individuals with ASD and comorbid intellectual disability (ID) are lacking, due in part to the challenges of acquiring images without the use of sedation.MethodsUtilizing principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA), we developed a protocol for acquiring structural MRI scans in school-aged children with ASD and intellectual impairment. Board certified behavior analysts worked closely with each child and their parent(s), utilizing behavior change techniques such as pairing, shaping, desensitization, and positive reinforcement, through a series of mock scanner visits to prepare the child for the MRI scan. An objective, quantitative assessment of motion artifact in T1- and diffusion-weighted scans was implemented to ensure that high-quality images were acquired.ResultsThe sample consisted of 17 children with ASD who are participants in the UC Davis Autism Phenome Project, a longitudinal MRI study aimed at evaluating brain developmental trajectories from early to middle childhood. At the time of their initial scan (2-3.5 years), all 17 children had a diagnosis of ASD and development quotient (DQ) <70. At the time of the current scan (9-13 years), 13 participants continued to have IQs in the range of ID (mean IQ = 54.1, sd = 12.1), and four participants had IQs in the normal range (mean = 102.2, sd = 7.5). The success rate in acquiring T1-weighted images that met quality assurance for acceptable motion artifact was 100 %. The success rate for acquiring high-quality diffusion-weighted images was 94 %.ConclusionsBy using principles of ABA in a research MRI setting, it is feasible to acquire high-quality images in school-aged children with ASD and intellectual impairment without the use of sedation. This is especially critical to ensure that ongoing longitudinal studies of brain development can extend from infancy and early childhood into middle childhood in children with ASD at all levels of functioning, including those with comorbid ID