7 research outputs found

    Memory of shear flow in soft jammed materials

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    Cessation of flow in simple yield stress fluids results in a complex stress relaxation process that depends on the preceding flow conditions and leads to finite residual stresses. To assess the microscopic origin of this phenomenon, we combine experiments with largescale computer simulations, exploring the behavior of jammed suspensions of soft repulsive particles. A spatio-temporal analysis of microscopic particle motion and local particle configurations reveals two contributions to stress relaxation. One is due to flow induced accumulation of elastic stresses in domains of a given size, which effectively sets the unbalanced stress configurations that trigger correlated dynamics upon flow cessation. This scenario is supported by the observation that the range of spatial correlations of quasi-ballistic displacements obtained upon flow cessation almost exactly mirrors those obtained during flow. The second contribution results from the particle packing that reorganize to minimize the resistance to flow by decreasing the number of locally stiffer configurations. Regaining rigidity upon flow cessation then effectively sets the magnitude of the residual stress. Our findings highlight that flow in yield stress fluids can be seen as a training process during which the material stores information of the flowing state through the development of domains of correlated particle displacements and the reorganization of particle packings optimized to sustain the flow. This encoded memory can then be retrieved in flow cessation experiments

    Liquid-liquid critical point in supercooled silicon

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    A novel liquid-liquid phase transition has been proposed and investigated in a wide variety of pure substances recently, including water, silica and silicon. From computer simulations using the Stillinger-Weber classical empirical potential, Sastry and Angell [1] demonstrated a first order liquid-liquid transition in supercooled silicon, subsequently supported by experimental and simulation studies. Here, we report evidence for a liquid-liquid critical end point at negative pressures, from computer simulations using the SW potential. Compressibilities exhibit a growing maximum upon lowering temperature below 1500 K and isotherms exhibit density discontinuities below 1120 K, at negative pressure. Below 1120 K, isotherms obtained from constant volume-temperature simulations exhibit non-monotonic, van der Waals-like behavior signaling a first order transition. We identify Tc ~ 1120 +/- 12 K, Pc -0.60 +/- 0.15 GPa as the critical temperature and pressure for the liquid-liquid critical point. The structure of the liquid changes dramatically upon decreasing the temperature and pressure. Diffusivities vary over 4 orders of magnitude, and exhibit anomalous pressure dependence near the critical point. A strong relationship between local geometry quantified by the coordination number, and diffusivity, is seen, suggesting that atomic mobility in both low and high density liquids can usefully be analyzed in terms of defects in the tetrahedral network structure. We have constructed the phase diagram of supercooled silicon. We identify the lines of compressibility, density extrema (maxima and minima) and the spinodal which reveal the interconnection between thermodynamic anomalies and the phase behaviour of the system as suggested in previous works [2-9]Comment: (to be published in revised form); small corrections to previous version; Nature Physics 201

    Prestressed elasticity of amorphous solids

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    Prestress in amorphous solids bears the memory of their formation and plays a profound role in their mechanical properties. Here we develop a set of mathematical tools to investigate mechanical response of prestressed systems, using stress rather than strain as the fundamental variable. This theory allows microscopic prestress to vary for the same bond or contact configuration and is particularly convenient for nonconservative systems, such as granular packings and jammed suspensions, where there is no well-defined reference state, invalidating conventional elasticity. Using prestressed nonconservative triangular lattices and a computational model of amorphous solids, we show that drastically different mechanical responses can show up in amorphous materials at the same density, due to nonconservative interactions which evolve over time, or different preparation protocols. In both cases, the information is encoded in the prestress of the network and not visible at all from the configurations of the network in the case of nonconservative interactions