40 research outputs found

    Mitigation of Through-Wall Distortions of Frontal Radar Images using Denoising Autoencoders

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    Radar images of humans and other concealed objects are considerably distorted by attenuation, refraction and multipath clutter in indoor through-wall environments. While several methods have been proposed for removing target independent static and dynamic clutter, there still remain considerable challenges in mitigating target dependent clutter especially when the knowledge of the exact propagation characteristics or analytical framework is unavailable. In this work we focus on mitigating wall effects using a machine learning based solution -- denoising autoencoders -- that does not require prior information of the wall parameters or room geometry. Instead, the method relies on the availability of a large volume of training radar images gathered in through-wall conditions and the corresponding clean images captured in line-of-sight conditions. During the training phase, the autoencoder learns how to denoise the corrupted through-wall images in order to resemble the free space images. We have validated the performance of the proposed solution for both static and dynamic human subjects. The frontal radar images of static targets are obtained by processing wideband planar array measurement data with two-dimensional array and range processing. The frontal radar images of dynamic targets are simulated using narrowband planar array data processed with two-dimensional array and Doppler processing. In both simulation and measurement processes, we incorporate considerable diversity in the target and propagation conditions. Our experimental results, from both simulation and measurement data, show that the denoised images are considerably more similar to the free-space images when compared to the original through-wall images

    Realistic Micro-Doppler Database Generation Through Neural Style Transfer Framework

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    Real-time monitoring of humans can assist professionals in providing healthy living enabling technologies to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of people of all age groups. To enhance the human activity recognition performance, we propose a style-transfer neural framework to generate realistic synthetic micro-Doppler signature dataset. The proposed network extracts environmental effects such as noise, multipath, and occlusions effects directly from the measurement data and transfers these features to the clean simulated signatures generated through our simulator called SimHumaLator. This results in more realistic-looking signatures qualitatively and quantitatively. We use these enhanced signatures to augment our measurement data and observe an improvement in the classification performance by 5% compared to no augmentation case

    Design of high‐speed software defined radar with GPU accelerator

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    Software defined radar (SDRadar) systems have become an important area for future radar development and are based on similar concepts to Software defined radio (SDR). Most of the processing like filtering, frequency conversion and signal generation are implemented in software. Currently, radar systems tend to have complex signal processing and operate at wider bandwidth, which means that limits on the available computational power must be considered when designing a SDRadar system. This paper presents a feasible solution to this potential limitation by accelerating the signal processing using a GPU to enable the development of a high speed SDRadar system. The developed system overcomes the limitation on the processing speed by CPU-only, and has been tested on three different SDR devices. Results show that, with GPU accelerator, the processing rate can achieve up to 80 MHz compared to 20 MHz with the CPU-only. The high speed processing makes it possible to run in real-time and process full bandwidth across the WiFi signal acquired by multiple channels. The gains made through porting the processing to the GPU moves the technology towards real-world application in various scenarios ranging from healthcare to IoT, and other applications that required significant computational processing

    FMNet: Latent Feature-wise Mapping Network for Cleaning up Noisy Micro-Doppler Spectrogram

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    Micro-Doppler signatures contain considerable information about target dynamics. However, the radar sensing systems are easily affected by noisy surroundings, resulting in uninterpretable motion patterns on the micro-Doppler spectrogram. Meanwhile, radar returns often suffer from multipath, clutter and interference. These issues lead to difficulty in, for example motion feature extraction, activity classification using micro Doppler signatures (μ\mu-DS), etc. In this paper, we propose a latent feature-wise mapping strategy, called Feature Mapping Network (FMNet), to transform measured spectrograms so that they more closely resemble the output from a simulation under the same conditions. Based on measured spectrogram and the matched simulated data, our framework contains three parts: an Encoder which is used to extract latent representations/features, a Decoder outputs reconstructed spectrogram according to the latent features, and a Discriminator minimizes the distance of latent features of measured and simulated data. We demonstrate the FMNet with six activities data and two experimental scenarios, and final results show strong enhanced patterns and can keep actual motion information to the greatest extent. On the other hand, we also propose a novel idea which trains a classifier with only simulated data and predicts new measured samples after cleaning them up with the FMNet. From final classification results, we can see significant improvements

    People counting using multistatic passive WiFi radar with a multi-input deep convolutional neural network

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    Accurately counting numbers people is useful in many applications. Currently, camera-based systems assisted by computer vision and machine learning algorithms represent the state-of-the-art. However, they have limited coverage areas and are prone to blind spots, obscuration by walls, shadowing of individuals in crowds, and rely on optimal positioning and lighting conditions. Moreover, their ability to image people raises ethical and privacy concerns. In this paper we propose a distributed multistatic passive WiFi radar (PWR) consisting of 1 reference and 3 surveillance receivers, that can accurately count up to six test subjects using Doppler frequency shifts and intensity data from measured micro-Doppler (µ-Doppler) spectrograms. To build the person-counting processing model, we employ a multi-input convolutional neural network (MI-CNN). The results demonstrate a 96% counting accuracy for six subjects when data from all three surveillance channels are utilised

    MDPose:Human Skeletal Motion Reconstruction Using WiFi Micro-Doppler Signatures

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    Motion tracking systems based on optical sensors typically often suffer from issues, such as poor lighting conditions, occlusion, limited coverage, and may raise privacy concerns. More recently, radio frequency (RF)-based approaches using commercial WiFi devices have emerged which offer low-cost ubiquitous sensing whilst preserving privacy. However, the output of an RF sensing system, such as Range-Doppler spectrograms, cannot represent human motion intuitively and usually requires further processing. In this study, MDPose, a novel framework for human skeletal motion reconstruction based on WiFi micro-Doppler signatures, is proposed. It provides an effective solution to track human activities by reconstructing a skeleton model with 17 key points, which can assist with the interpretation of conventional RF sensing outputs in a more understandable way. Specifically, MDPose has various incremental stages to gradually address a series of challenges: First, a denoising algorithm is implemented to remove any unwanted noise that may affect the feature extraction and enhance weak Doppler signatures. Secondly, the convolutional neural network (CNN)-recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture is applied to learn temporal-spatial dependency from clean micro-Doppler signatures and restore key points' velocity information. Finally, a pose optimising mechanism is employed to estimate the initial state of the skeleton and to limit the increase of error. We have conducted comprehensive tests in a variety of environments using numerous subjects with a single receiver radar system to demonstrate the performance of MDPose, and report 29.4mm mean absolute error over all key points positions, which outperforms state-of-the-art RF-based pose estimation systems

    Occupancy Detection and People Counting Using WiFi Passive Radar

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    Occupancy detection and people counting technologies have important uses in many scenarios ranging from management of human resources, optimising energy use in intelligent buildings and improving public services in future smart cities. Wi-Fi based sensing approaches for these applications have attracted significant attention in recent years because of their ubiquitous nature, and ability to preserve the privacy of individuals being counted. In this paper, we present a Passive Wi-Fi Radar (PWR) technique for occupancy detection and people counting. Unlike systems which exploit the Wi-Fi Received Signal Strength (RSS) and Channel State Information (CSI), PWR systems can directly be applied in any environment covered by an existing WiFi local area network without special modifications to the Wi-Fi access point. Specifically, we apply Cross Ambiguity Function (CAF) processing to generate Range-Doppler maps, then we use Time-Frequency transforms to generate Doppler spectrograms, and finally employ a CLEAN algorithm to remove the direct signal interference. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and sliding-window based feature selection scheme is then used for classification. Experimental results collected from a typical office environment are used to validate the proposed PWR system for accurately determining room occupancy, and correctly predict the number of people when using four test subjects in experimental measurements

    A High-Speed Multi-Purpose Software Defined Radar for Near-Field Applications

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    Software Defined Radar (SDRadar) is a unique radar system, where most of its processing, like filtering, correlation, signal generation etc. is performed by software. This means SDRadar can be flexibly deployed for different purposes and with a relative short development process. In this paper, we present a generic SDRadar system that can operate in different setups for near-field monitoring applications. Practical solutions for traditional limitations in SDRadar and high sampling rates are introduced, and its performance is demonstrated using a commercial universal software radio peripheral (USRP) device with four synchronized receiving channels and a maximum sampling rate of 100MHz. Additionally, a GPU accelerator has been implemented to deal with the high sampling rate. Three different setups have been tested to demonstrate the feasibility of the propose SDRadar system with distributed nodes, vertically positioned nodes and a miniature scenario. Recorded Doppler signatures have shown the proposed SDRadar can effectively capture the body and hand gestures. Such results can be used in a range of applications such as eHealth, human-machine interaction and indoor tracking