133 research outputs found

    Pedagogia ed ermeneutica delle emozioni

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    The theme of the emotions, in reference to the structuring ‘Bildung ‘, crosses,above all in the latter cultural-historical phase, the contemporary pedagogicalreflection in an attempt to interpret the fundamental meanings ofeducation intended as humanization. New lines of research into otherness,empathy and care concept converge to that effect and capture the necessaryintersection of the humanities with the full knowledge of the epistemologicalconfiguration, allowing the landing in theories and methodologiesthat appear to be potential resources in education. Emotions are configuredas complex experiences that belong to life and return to it a peculiarvalue in the translation of meanings and sense of conveyance. Throughthe hermeneutics of the story, inside the educational narrative, they becomepart cathartic and enshrine the ontological discontinuity for the personhimself.Il tema delle emozioni, in riferimento all’articolazione della ‘Bildung’, incrocia,soprattutto in quest’ultima fase storico-culturale, la riflessione pedagogicacontemporanea nel tentativo di interpretare i significati fondamentalidell’educazione intesa come umanizzazione dell’uomo. Nuove linee diricerca sull’alterità, sull’empatia e sul concetto di cura convergono in talsenso e colgono la necessaria intersezione delle scienze umane con l’interaconfigurazione epistemologica della conoscenza, permettendo l’approdo ateorie e a metodologie che risultano essere potenziali risorse in educazione.Le emozioni si configurano come esperienze complesse che appartengonoalla vita e restituiscono ad essa un valore peculiare nellatraslazione di significati e nella veicolazione di senso. Attraverso l’ermeneuticadel racconto, interno alla narrazione educativa, esse diventano elementocatartico e san ciscono la discontinuità ontologica per il farsi persona

    Pedagogia e nuova semantica delle relazioni umane

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    The contemporary pedagogic reflection warns the strong demand to propose itself as fundamental scaffolding for the construction of a new humanism that is supported by universal meanings directed toward one ‘new semantics of the human relationships.’ Retracing forms linguistic-hermeneutics traditional and new interpretative perspectives it will be possible to individualize the act meaningful and educational through which the person realizes himself, he comes into contact with the environment, he socializes and puts experiencesof comparison and mutual cultural exchange in the behaviors into effect, in the attitudes and in the styles of each and, above all, of whom is responsibly responsible for the education. This educational project tries to gather a change in the use of the community languages of the relationships. This educational project seeks to capture a change in the use of the community languages of human relations and seeks to be globally sustainable in an educational horizon that crosses the paths of ethics, morality, feelings and affectivity, complex experiences that traditionally and culturally we have inherited from our historyand that mediate the relationship between the individual and the environment representing the meaningful sense of meaning that phenomenologically justifies a hermeneutics of relationships in meaningful translation that are both a pedagogical feeling and the underlying evolutionary processes of man . It is in the dialogical principle of alienity that historically rooted and simultaneously renewed meanings are constructed.La riflessione pedagogica contemporanea avverte la forte esigenza di riproporsi come fondamentale impalcatura per la costruzione di un nuovo umanesimo che sia sorretto da significati universali orientati verso una ‘nuova semantica delle relazioni umane’. Ripercorrendo forme linguistico-ermeneutiche tradizionali e nuove prospettive interpretative sarà possibile individuare l’agire significativo ed educativo mediante il quale la persona si realizza, entra in contatto con l’ambiente, socializza e mette in atto esperienze di confronto e di reciproco scambio culturale nelle condotte, negli atteggiamenti e negli stili di ognuno e, soprattutto, di chi è responsabilmente preposto all’educazione. Tale progetto educativo tenta di cogliere un cambiamento nell’uso dei linguaggi comunitari delle relazioni umane e si prefigge di essere inclusivamente sostenibile in un orizzonte educativo che attraversi i sentieri dell’etica, della moralità, dei sentimenti e dell’affettività, esperienze complesse che tradizionalmente e culturalmente abbiamo ereditato dalla nostra storia e che medianola relazione tra individuo ed ambiente rappresentando il significativo bagaglio di senso che fenomenologicamente giustifica un’ermeneutica dei rapporti nelle traslazioni significanti che sono proprie sia di un pedagogico sentire, sia dei sottesi processi evolutivi dell’uomo.È nel principio dialogico dell’alterità che si costruiscono significati storicamenteradicati e simultaneamente rinnovati

    Brain magnetic resonance findings in 117 children with autism spectrum disorder under 5 years old.

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    We examined the potential benefits of neuroimaging measurements across the first 5 years of life in detecting early comorbid or etiological signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In particular, we analyzed the prevalence of neuroradiologic findings in routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of a group of 117 ASD children younger than 5 years old. These data were compared to those reported in typically developing (TD) children. MRI findings in children with ASD were analyzed in relation to their cognitive level, severity of autistic symptoms, and the presence of electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities. The MRI was rated abnormal in 55% of children with ASD with a significant prevalence in the high-functioning subgroup compared to TD children. We report significant incidental findings of mega cisterna magna, ventricular anomalies and abnormal white matter signal intensity in ASD without significant associations between these MRI findings and EEG features. Based on these results we discuss the role that brain MRI may play in the diagnostic procedure of ASD

    Sarcopenia and bone health: new acquisitions for a firm liaison

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    Osteosarcopenia (OS) is a newly defined condition represented by the simultaneous presence of osteopenia/osteoporosis and sarcopenia, the main age-related diseases. The simultaneous coexistence of the two phenotypes derives from the close connection of the main target tissues involved in their pathogenesis: bone and muscle. These two actors constitute the bone-muscle unit, which communicates through a biochemical and mechanical crosstalk which involves multiple factors. Altered pattern of molecular pathways leads to an impairment of both the functionality of the tissue itself and the communication with the complementary tissue, composing the OS pathogenesis. Recent advances in the genetics field have provided the opportunity to delve deeper into the complex biological and molecular mechanisms underlying OS. Unfortunately, there are still many gaps in our understanding of these pathways, but it has proven essential to apply strategies such as exercise and nutritional intervention to counteract OS. New therapeutic strategies that simultaneously target bone and muscle tissue are limited, but recently new targets for the development of dual-action drug therapies have been identified. This narrative review aims to provide an overview of the latest scientific evidence associated with OS, a complex disorder that will pave the way for future research aimed at understanding the bone-muscle-associated pathogenetic mechanisms

    Contribution of CACNA1H Variants in Autism Spectrum Disorder Susceptibility

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a highly heterogeneous neuropsychiatric disorder with a strong genetic component. The genetic architecture is complex, consisting of a combination of common low-risk and more penetrant rare variants. Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs or Cav) genes have been implicated as high-confidence susceptibility genes for ASD, in accordance with the relevant role of calcium signaling in neuronal function. In order to further investigate the involvement of VGCCs rare variants in ASD susceptibility, we performed whole genome sequencing analysis in a cohort of 105 families, composed of 124 ASD individuals, 210 parents and 58 unaffected siblings. We identified 53 rare inherited damaging variants in Cav genes, including genes coding for the principal subunit and genes coding for the auxiliary subunits, in 40 ASD families. Interestingly, biallelic rare damaging missense variants were detected in the CACNA1H gene, coding for the T-type Cav3.2 channel, in ASD probands from two different families. Thus, to clarify the role of these CACNA1H variants on calcium channel activity we performed electrophysiological analysis using whole-cell patch clamp technology. Three out of four tested variants were shown to mildly affect Cav3.2 channel current density and activation properties, possibly leading to a dysregulation of intracellular Ca2+ ions homeostasis, thus altering calcium-dependent neuronal processes and contributing to ASD etiology in these families. Our results provide further support for the role of CACNA1H in neurodevelopmental disorders and suggest that rare CACNA1H variants may be involved in ASD development, providing a high-risk genetic background

    Aprendizaje cooperativo y mapas conceptuales

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    En la elaboración de este libro también participaron los siguientes estudiantes: Barreda Santa Cruz, Begoña / Palau Nos, Jorge / Lerma Poveda, Carlos / Zuco Monaco, Paolo / Bolta Miñana, Borja / Entraigas García, Carla / Risueño Martí, Jorge / Cortés Aparisi, Raquel / Díaz Megías, Mónica / Garrigós Padilla, María / Jiménez del Valle Natalia / Morales San Martín Cristina / Navarro Ahullana, Mar / Navarro López, María / Peraire Besalduch, Angela / James Harrison / Rebecca Spencer / Hannah Westcott / María Cholvi Gil / Carlota Clemente Almendros / María Ibáñez Beltrán / Jorge Pastor Panadero / María del Pilar Ventura Salvador / Mario Rodríguez Molero / Pablo Alba Repullo / Teresa Pérez Huertas / Jorge Alarcón Fernández / Rodrigo Climent Pedrosa / Christian de Joz Latorre / Marina Muñoz Máyquez / Samuel Ezquerro Lalinde / Sandra Aponte Fernandez / Victoria Salguero Rebolledo / Andrés Martinez Lopera / Jorge Garcia oragues / José Mª De Vicente Garcia / Nacho Rivaya Martos / Eduardo Fabado Alfaro / Manuel Pando Cáceres / Miriam Franch Citoler / Lucía López López / Patricia Sabater Tortajada / Andrea Serra Pla / Elisabeth Ruiz Perez / Inmaculada Concepción Ortiz Bella / Daniel Climent de la Guia / David Lozano Pellicer / Nuria Cerdà Moreno / Raquel Cervera Martín / Laura Gutiérrez Trujillo / Nerea Lopez Arribas / Sheyla Martorell Luján / Jorge Almenar Ruiz / Marta García Espallarga / Miguel Medina Melián / Luis Parra Martínez / Anna Spuche Catalunya / Rafael Villalba Crucera / Cristina Guerrero Fabra / Consuelo Verdú Belando / Cristina Gabaldón Cuenca / Alba Segarra Villar / Silvia Martínez Rocher / María González Marimón / Irene Grima Simón / Ana Carbonell Garrido / Elisenda Gómez Mele / Clara Teresa Latorre Salvador / Esperanza Llavata Silva / Aitana Muñoz Martí / Daniel Rocher Camps / José Antonio Lopez De La Isidra Aguilar / Francisco Javier Rodriguez Urbano / Rafael Gimenez Minguez / Mª Teresa Martínez Casalí / Alfonso Martínez-Bernal Herrero / Patricia Navarro Pla / Sandra Soto Vozmediano / Mª Antonia García Juncos / Natalia Hernández Roldán / Soraya Hinarejos Carrasco / Merche Moncholí Fernández / Amparo Ros Gimeno / Patricia Martínez Viana / Bruno Benedito Pérez / Joan Enguer Saus / Pablo Palomar Muñoz / Joaquín Server Martorell / María Amparo Monasor Pérez / Ángela Ruiz López / Naiara Ramos Gil / Antonio Santiago Muñoz / Soraya Sánchez Baixauli / Carlota Ramírez PérezEl Libro cuenta con dos partes unidas por un punto común, los mapas conceptuales como metodología docente activa para los estudios de Grado en Derecho. En la Parte General se expone la visión del profesorado del aprendizaje cooperativo y la inserción de los mapas conceptuales como metodología activa en los estudios y aprendizaje del Derecho, mientas que en la Parte Especial se expone la visión estudiantil de los mapas conceptuales. Finalmente el Libro cuenta con un Anexo donde aparecen los mapas elaborados por los estudiantes.El libro forma parte de los resultados del Proyecto de Investigación de Finestra Oberta Tipo del Proyecto / Finestra Oberta Proyecto de Innovación que dirige la Coordinadora de la obra Profesora Cobas Cobiella Concedido en el curso 2012-2013 UV-SFPIE_ FO12-8082

    Conventional CT versus Dedicated CT Angiography in DIEP Flap Planning: A Feasibility Study

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    The deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap is used with increasing frequency in post-mastectomy breast reconstruction. Preoperative mapping with CT angiography (CTa) is crucial in reducing surgical complications and optimizing surgical techniques. Our study\u2019s goal was to investigate the accuracy of conventional CT (cCT), performed during disease staging, compared to CTa in preoperative DIEP flap planning. In this retrospective, single-center study, we enrolled patients scheduled for mastectomy and DIEP flap breast reconstruction, subjected to cCT within 24 months after CTa. We included 35 patients in the study. cCT accuracy was 95% (CI 0.80\u20130.98) in assessing the three largest perforators, 100% (CI 0.89\u2013100) in assessing the dominant perforator, 93% (CI 0.71\u20130.94) in assessing the perforator intramuscular course, and 90.6% (CI 0.79\u20130.98) in assessing superficial venous communications. Superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) caliber was recognized in 90% of cases (CI 0.84\u20130.99), with an excellent assessment of superficial inferior epigastric vein (SIEV) integrity (96% of cases, CI 0.84\u20130.99), and a lower accuracy in the evaluation of deep inferior epigastric artery (DIEA) branching type (85% of cases, CI 0.69\u20130.93). The mean X-ray dose spared would have been 788 \ub1 255 mGy/cm. Our study shows that cCT is as accurate as CTa in DIEP flap surgery planning

    Level II Oncoplastic Surgery as an Alternative Option to Mastectomy with Immediate Breast Reconstruction in the Neoadjuvant Setting: A Multidisciplinary Single Center Experience

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    : Oncoplastic surgery level II techniques (OPSII) are used in patients with operable breast cancer. There is no evidence regarding their safety and efficacy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). The aim of this study was to compare the oncological and aesthetic outcomes of this technique compared with those observed in mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction (MIBR), in post-NAC patients undergoing surgery between January 2016 and March 2021. Local disease-free survival (L-DFS), regional disease-free survival (R-DFS), distant disease-free survival (D-DFS), and overall survival (OS) were compared; the aesthetic results and quality of life (QoL) were evaluated using BREAST-Q. A total of 297 patients were included, 87 of whom underwent OPSII and 210 of whom underwent MIBR. After a median follow-up of 39.5 months, local recurrence had occurred in 3 patients in the OPSII group (3.4%), and in 13 patients in the MIBR group (6.1%) (p = 0.408). The three-year L-DFS rates were 95.1% for OPSII and 96.2% for MIBR (p = 0.286). The three-year R-DFS rates were 100% and 96.4%, respectively (p = 0.559). The three-year D-DFS rate were 90.7% and 89.7% (p = 0.849). The three-year OS rates were 95.7% and 95% (p = 0.394). BREAST-Q highlighted significant advantages in physical well-being for OPSII. No difference was shown for satisfaction with breasts (p = 0.656) or psychosocial well-being (p = 0.444). OPSII is safe and effective after NAC. It allows oncological and aesthetic outcomes with a high QoL, and is a safe alternative for locally advanced tumors which are partial responders to NAC

    Altered monocyte and fibrocyte phenotype and function in scleroderma interstitial lung disease: reversal by caveolin-1 scaffolding domain peptide

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    Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in scleroderma (systemic sclerosis, or SSc). Fibrocytes are a monocyte-derived cell population implicated in the pathogenesis of fibrosing disorders. Given the recently recognized importance of caveolin-1 in regulating function and signaling in SSc monocytes, in the present study we examined the role of caveolin-1 in the migration and/or trafficking and phenotype of monocytes and fibrocytes in fibrotic lung disease in human patients and an animal model. These studies fill a gap in our understanding of how monocytes and fibrocytes contribute to SSc-ILD pathology. We found that C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4-positive (CXCR4+)/collagen I-positive (ColI+), CD34+/ColI+ and CD45+/ColI+ cells are present in SSc-ILD lungs, but not in control lungs, with CXCR4+ cells being most prevalent. Expression of CXCR4 and its ligand, stromal cell-derived factor 1 (CXCL12), are also highly upregulated in SSc-ILD lung tissue. SSc monocytes, which lack caveolin-1 and therefore overexpress CXCR4, exhibit almost sevenfold increased migration toward CXCL12 compared to control monocytes. Restoration of caveolin-1 function by administering the caveolin scaffolding domain (CSD) peptide reverses this hypermigration. Similarly, transforming growth factor β-treated normal monocytes lose caveolin-1, overexpress CXCR4 and exhibit 15-fold increased monocyte migration that is CSD peptide-sensitive. SSc monocytes exhibit a different phenotype than normal monocytes, expressing high levels of ColI, CD14 and CD34. Because ColI+/CD14+ cells are prevalent in SSc blood, we looked for such cells in lung tissue and confirmed their presence in SSc-ILD lungs but not in normal lungs. Finally, in the bleomycin model of lung fibrosis, we show that CSD peptide diminishes fibrocyte accumulation in the lungs. Our results suggest that low caveolin-1 in SSc monocytes contributes to ILD via effects on cell migration and phenotype and that the hyperaccumulation of fibrocytes in SSc-ILD may result from the altered phenotype and migratory activity of their monocyte precursors