990 research outputs found

    Novel nitrogen-based organosulfur electrodes for advanced intermediate temperature batteries

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    Advanced secondary batteries operating at intermediate temperatures (100 to 200 C) have attracted considerable interest due to their inherent advantages (reduced corrosion and safety risks) over higher temperature systems. Current work in this laboratory has involved research on a class of intermediate temperature Na/beta double prime- alumina/RSSR batteries conceptually similar to Na/S cells, but operating within a temperature range of 100 to 150 C, and having an organosulfur rather than inorganic sulfur positive electrode. The organosulfur electrodes are based on the reversible, two electron eduction of organodisulfides to the corresponding thiolate anions, RSSR + 2 electrons yield 2RS(-), where R is an organic moiety. Among the advantages of such a generic redox couple for battery research is the ability to tailor the physical, chemical, and electrochemical properties of the RSSR molecule through choice of the organic moiety. The viscosity, liquidus range, dielectric constant, equivalent weight, and redox potential can in fact be verified in a largely predictable manner. The current work concerns the use of multiple nitrogen organosulfur molecules, chosen for application in Na/RSSR cells for their expected oxidizing character. In fact, a Na/RSSR cell containing one of these materials, the sodium salt of 5-mercapto 1-methyltetrazole, yielded the highest open circuit voltage obtained yet in the laboratory; 3.0 volts in the charged state and 2.6 volts at 100 percent discharge. Accordingly, the cycling behavior of a series of multiple nitrogen organodisulfides as well as polymeric organodisulfides are presented in this manuscript

    Fluctuation-response relations for nonequilibrium diffusions with memory

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    Strong interaction with other particles or feedback from the medium on a Brownian particle entail memory effects in the effective dynamics. We discuss the extension of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to nonequilibrium Langevin systems with memory. An important application is to the extension of the Sutherland-Einstein relation between diffusion and mobility. Nonequilibrium corrections include the time-correlation between the dynamical activity and the velocity of the particle, which in turn leads to information about the correlations between the driving force and the particle's displacement

    The Impact of Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures on the Corrosion of Steel Rebar in Concrete

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    Chemical admixtures are prepared in modern concrete to control certain performance properties, such as strength, setting-time, and workability. In this research, the corrosion inhibition properties of various shrinkage reducing admixtures in a synthetic concrete pore solution are examined. These compounds can inhibit or promote corrosion of the carbon steel rebar in concrete structures. The corrosive effects were tested by modeling the environment of concrete in a cathodic cell with a similar pH (12-13). Each shrinkage-reducing admixture (SRA) was compared to a standard reference cell. Tafel curves were used to determine the corrosion current and potential

    Adhesive and Rheological Features of Ecofriendly Coatings with Antifouling Properties

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    In this work, formulations of "environmentally compatible" silicone-based antifouling, synthesized in the laboratory and based on copper and silver on silica/titania oxides, have been characterized. These formulations are capable of replacing the non-ecological antifouling paints currently available on the market. The texture properties and the morphological analysis of these powders with an antifouling action indicate that their activity is linked to the nanometric size of the particles and to the homogeneous dispersion of the metal on the substrate. The presence of two metal species on the same support limits the formation of nanometric species and, therefore, the formation of homogeneous compounds. The presence of the antifouling filler, specifically the one based on titania (TiO2) and silver (Ag), facilitates the achievement of a higher degree of cross-linking of the resin, and therefore, a better compactness and completeness of the coating than that attained with the pure resin. Thus, a high degree of adhesion to the tie-coat and, consequently, to the steel support used for the construction of the boats was achieved in the presence of the silver-titania antifouling

    Probing active forces via a fluctuation-dissipation relation: Application to living cells

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    We derive a new fluctuation-dissipation relation for non-equilibrium systems with long-term memory. We show how this relation allows one to access new experimental information regarding active forces in living cells that cannot otherwise be accessed. For a silica bead attached to the wall of a living cell, we identify a crossover time between thermally controlled fluctuations and those produced by the active forces. We show that the probe position is eventually slaved to the underlying random drive produced by the so-called active forces.Comment: 5 page

    Relevance of initial and final conditions for the Fluctuation Relation in Markov processes

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    Numerical observations on a Markov chain and on the continuous Markov process performed by a granular tracer show that the ``usual'' fluctuation relation for a given observable is not verified for finite (but arbitrarily large) times. This suggests that some terms which are usually expected to be negligible, i.e. ``border terms'' dependent only on initial and final states, in fact cannot be neglected. Furthermore, the Markov chain and the granular tracer behave in a quite similar fashion.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Heat flow in chains driven by thermal noise

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    We consider the large deviation function for a classical harmonic chain composed of N particles driven at the end points by heat reservoirs, first derived in the quantum regime by Saito and Dhar and in the classical regime by Saito and Dhar and Kundu et al. Within a Langevin description we perform this calculation on the basis of a standard path integral calculation in Fourier space. The cumulant generating function yielding the large deviation function is given in terms of a transmission Green's function and is consistent with the fluctuation theorem. We find a simple expression for the tails of the heat distribution which turn out to decay exponentially. We, moreover, consider an extension of a single particle model suggested by Derrida and Brunet and discuss the two-particle case. We also discuss the limit for large N and present a closed expression for the cumulant generating function. Finally, we present a derivation of the fluctuation theorem on the basis of a Fokker-Planck description. This result is not restricted to the harmonic case but is valid for a general interaction potential between the particles.Comment: Latex: 26 pages and 9 figures, appeared in J. Stat. Mech. P04005 (2012
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