150 research outputs found

    Digital phenotyping and genotype-to-phenotype (G2P) models to predict complex traits in cereal crops

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    The revolution in digital phenotyping combined with the new layers of omics and envirotyping tools offers great promise to improve selection and accelerate genetic gains for crop improvement. This chapter examines the latest methods involving digital phenotyping tools to predict complex traits in cereals crops. The chapter has two parts. In the first part, entitled “Digital phenotyping as a tool to support breeding programs”, the secondary phenotypes measured by high-throughput plant phenotyping that are potentially useful for breeding are reviewed. In the second part, “Implementing complex G2P models in breeding programs”, the integration of data from digital phenotyping into genotype to phenotype (G2P) models to improve the prediction of complex traits using genomic information is discussed. The current status of statistical models to incorporate secondary traits in univariate and multivariate models, as well as how to better handle longitudinal (for example light interception, biomass accumulation, canopy height) traits, is reviewe

    A Neural Network Method for Classification of Sunlit and Shaded Components of Wheat Canopies in the Field Using High-Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery

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    (1) Background: Information rich hyperspectral sensing, together with robust image analysis, is providing new research pathways in plant phenotyping. This combination facilitates the acquisition of spectral signatures of individual plant organs as well as providing detailed information about the physiological status of plants. Despite the advances in hyperspectral technology in field-based plant phenotyping, little is known about the characteristic spectral signatures of shaded and sunlit components in wheat canopies. Non-imaging hyperspectral sensors cannot provide spatial information; thus, they are not able to distinguish the spectral reflectance differences between canopy components. On the other hand, the rapid development of high-resolution imaging spectroscopy sensors opens new opportunities to investigate the reflectance spectra of individual plant organs which lead to the understanding of canopy biophysical and chemical characteristics. (2) Method: This study reports the development of a computer vision pipeline to analyze ground-acquired imaging spectrometry with high spatial and spectral resolutions for plant phenotyping. The work focuses on the critical steps in the image analysis pipeline from pre-processing to the classification of hyperspectral images. In this paper, two convolutional neural networks (CNN) are employed to automatically map wheat canopy components in shaded and sunlit regions and to determine their specific spectral signatures. The first method uses pixel vectors of the full spectral features as inputs to the CNN model and the second method integrates the dimension reduction technique known as linear discriminate analysis (LDA) along with the CNN to increase the feature discrimination and improves computational efficiency. (3) Results: The proposed technique alleviates the limitations and lack of separability inherent in existing pre-defined hyperspectral classification methods. It optimizes the use of hyperspectral imaging and ensures that the data provide information about the spectral characteristics of the targeted plant organs, rather than the background. We demonstrated that high-resolution hyperspectral imagery along with the proposed CNN model can be powerful tools for characterizing sunlit and shaded components of wheat canopies in the field. The presented method will provide significant advances in the determination and relevance of spectral properties of shaded and sunlit canopy components under natural light conditions

    High resolution thermal and multispectral UAV imagery for precision assessment of apple tree response to water stress

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    UMR AGAP - équipe AFEF - Architecture et fonctionnement des espèces fruitières(Edited by Pablo Gonzalez-de-Santos and Angela Ribeiro)This manuscript presents a comprehensive methodology to obtain Thermal, Visible and Near Infrared ortho-mosaics, as a previous step for the further image-based assessment of response to water stress of an experimental apple tree orchard. Using this methodology, multi-temporal ortho-mosaics of the field plot were created and accuracy of ortho-rectification and geo-location computed. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flights were performed on an irrigated apple tree orchard located in Southern France. The 6400 m² plot was composed of 520 apple trees which were disposed in 10 rows. In this field set-up, five well irrigated rows alternated with five rows submitted to progressive summer water constraints. For remote image acquisition, on 4th July, 19th July, 1st August and 6th September UAV flights with three cameras onboard (thermal, visible and near infrared) were performed at solar noon. On 1st August, five successive UAV flights were carried out at 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 h (solar time). By using selfdeveloped software, frames were automatically extracted from the recorded thermal video and turned in the right image format. The temperature of four different targets (hot, cold, wet and dry bare soil) was continuously measured by the IR120 thermoradiometers during each flight, for radiometric calibration purpose. Based each on thirty images, all ortho-mosaics were successfully obtained. As high spatial resolution imagery requires high precision geo-location, and the root mean squared error (RMSE) of each ortho-mosaic positioning was calculated in order to assess its spatial accuracy. RMSE values were less than twice the pixel size in every case, which allowed a precise overlapping of the mosaics created. Canopy temperature data extracted from thermal images for showed significantly higher temperatures in water stressed trees compared to well irrigated, difference being related to severity of water stress. Thanks to the ultrahigh resolution of remote images obtained (<0.1m spatial resolution for thermal infrared images), and beyond its capacity to delineate efficiently each individual tree, the methodology presented here will also make it possible the analysis of intra-canopy variations and the accurate calculation of vegetation and water stress indices

    Magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR linewidths in the presence of solid-state dynamics

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    In solid-state NMR, the magic angle spinning (MAS) technique fails to suppress anisotropic spin interactions fully if reorientational dynamics are present, resulting in a decay of the rotational-echo train in the time-domain signal. We show that a simple analytical model can be used to quantify this linebroadening effect as a function of the MAS frequency, reorientational rate constant, and magnitude of the inhomogeneous anisotropic broadening. We compare this model with other theoretical approaches and with exact computer simulations, and show how it may be used to estimate rate constants from experimental NMR data

    Acquisition d'images thermiques par drone : corrections radiométriques à partir de données terrain

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    Thermal images have many applications in agronomy, including crop water stress status assessment. Nowadays, the miniaturization of thermal cameras allows installing them onboard the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), but this miniaturization leads to some difficulties: the miniaturized thermal cameras have no temperature control system of their sensor. The instability of the miniaturized camera makes a high drift in the acquisition of temperature data so that acquired thermal images don't fit the real temperature of the studying object, so data have to be continuously corrected. We need to have stable reference on field in order to compute the actual temperature value. In this article we present a method for radiometric correction of UAV remote sensed thermal images. We have implemented a device in order to retrieve ground temperature measurements. This device is composed with four targets (cold, hot, dry soil, wet soil) which measured continuously the target temperature thanks to IR120 (Campbell ®) radio-thermometer. A meteorological station is included in this ground system and acquires air temperature and moisture, solar radiation, wind speed and direction every 10 seconds. The images are radiometrically corrected by linear regression from on ground thermal data collected. Corrected images have been compared with mean canopy surface temperature of a sample of 10 trees measured with radio-thermometers. The results showed a good link between data from on ground radio-thermometer and data from thermal camera after radiometric correction. We can conclude that images obtained by this method are of sufficient quality to be used in vegetation water stress studies. (Résumé d'auteur

    DeepCount: In-Field Automatic Quantification of Wheat Spikes Using Simple Linear Iterative Clustering and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Crop yield is an essential measure for breeders, researchers and farmers and is comprised of and may be calculated by the number of ears/m2, grains per ear and thousand grain weight. Manual wheat ear counting, required in breeding programmes to evaluate crop yield potential, is labour intensive and expensive; thus, the development of a real-time wheat head counting system would be a significant advancement. In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient system called DeepCount to automatically identify and count the number of wheat spikes in digital images taken under the natural fields conditions. The proposed method tackles wheat spike quantification by segmenting an image into superpixels using Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC), deriving canopy relevant features, and then constructing a rational feature model fed into the deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classification for semantic segmentation of wheat spikes. As the method is based on a deep learning model, it replaces hand-engineered features required for traditional machine learning methods with more efficient algorithms. The method is tested on digital images taken directly in the field at different stages of ear emergence/maturity (using visually different wheat varieties), with different canopy complexities (achieved through varying nitrogen inputs), and different heights above the canopy under varying environmental conditions. In addition, the proposed technique is compared with a wheat ear counting method based on a previously developed edge detection technique and morphological analysis. The proposed approach is validated with image-based ear counting and ground-based measurements. The results demonstrate that the DeepCount technique has a high level of robustness regardless of variables such as growth stage and weather conditions, hence demonstrating the feasibility of the approach in real scenarios. The system is a leap towards a portable and smartphone assisted wheat ear counting systems, results in reducing the labour involved and is suitable for high-throughput analysis. It may also be adapted to work on RGB images acquired from UAVs

    Time-intensive geoelectrical monitoring under winter wheat

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    Several studies have explored the potential of electrical resistivity tomography to monitor changes in soil moisture associated with the root water uptake of different crops. Such studies usually use a set of limited below-ground measurements throughout the growth season but are often unable to get a complete picture of the dynamics of the processes. With the development of high-throughput phenotyping platforms, we now have the capability to collect more frequent above-ground measurements, such as canopy cover, enabling the comparison with below-ground data. In this study hourly DC resistivity data were collected under the Field Scanalyzer platform at Rothamsted Research with different winter wheat varieties and nitrogen treatments in 2018 and 2019. Results from both years demonstrate the importance of applying the temperature correction to interpret hourly electrical conductivity (EC) data. Crops which received larger amounts of nitrogen showed larger canopy cover and more rapid changes in EC, especially during large rainfall events. The varieties showed contrasted heights although this does not appear to have influenced EC dynamics. The daily cyclic component of the EC signal was extracted by decomposing the time series. A shift in this daily component was observed during the growth season. For crops with appreciable difference in canopy cover, high frequency DC resistivity monitoring was able to distinguish the different below-ground behaviors. The results also highlight how coarse temporal sampling may affect interpretation of resistivity data from crop monitoring studies

    Multi-feature machine learning model for automatic segmentation of green fractional vegetation cover for high-throughput field phenotyping

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    Background Accurately segmenting vegetation from the background within digital images is both a fundamental and a challenging task in phenotyping. The performance of traditional methods is satisfactory in homogeneous environments, however, performance decreases when applied to images acquired in dynamic field environments. Results In this paper, a multi-feature learning method is proposed to quantify vegetation growth in outdoor field conditions. The introduced technique is compared with the state-of the-art and other learning methods on digital images. All methods are compared and evaluated with different environmental conditions and the following criteria: (1) comparison with ground-truth images, (2) variation along a day with changes in ambient illumination, (3) comparison with manual measurements and (4) an estimation of performance along the full life cycle of a wheat canopy. Conclusion The method described is capable of coping with the environmental challenges faced in field conditions, with high levels of adaptiveness and without the need for adjusting a threshold for each digital image. The proposed method is also an ideal candidate to process a time series of phenotypic information throughout the crop growth acquired in the field. Moreover, the introduced method has an advantage that it is not limited to growth measurements only but can be applied on other applications such as identifying weeds, diseases, stress, etc
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