24 research outputs found

    Similarities between the Acquirer and the Target Company in Successful Takeover Bid Offers

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    AbstractIn order to narrow the high competition between firms that operates in the same industry, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) transactions are frequently encountered in Romania. In many M&As can be found some similarities between the acquirer and the target company. The study analyze how a successful takeover bid offer is influenced by similarities regarding the age, the geographical position, the industry or ownership between the acquirer and the target company. The results point out that some variables have an important influence on the successful takeover bid, while others are not significant in the acquirer's point of view

    Antigenic and biodegradable characteristics of the extracellular matrices from the pig derm

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    Introducere. Pansamentele moderne și inteligente devin din ce în ce mai căutate. Valorile lor constau în barieră de protecție, în mediu benefic, biocompatibilitate, autodizolvare, capacitate de absorbție a fluidelor, transfer de agenți terapeutici, implicare umană minimă, susțin vindecarea rănilor. Scopul lucrării. Scopul a fost evaluarea proprietăților antigenice și biodegradabile ale matricelor extracelulare obținute din dermul porcin. Material si metode. Examinarea probelor decelularizate s-a realizat prin examenul histologic cu hematoxilin-eozină, cuantificarea acizilor dezoxiribonucleici, testul de degradare a grefelor. În testul de absorbție a apei, a fost utilizat PBS cu pH 7,4. Greutatea probelor a fost de 87,9±3 mg pentru toate grupurile de studiu. Urmărirea dezorganizării in vitro a probelor s-a efectuat prin microscopie electronică cu scanare. Rezultate. Examenul histologic a evidențiat prezența a mai puține celule. Ca rezultat, am eliminat 80,5% din materialul genetic din structurile dermice porcine, demonstrat prin cuantificarea spectrofotometrică a ADN-ului. În studiul de degradare a grefei in vitro în soluție de PBS 0,01 M, am determinat o pierdere semnificativă (p < 0,05) a masei grefei cu 90,3% în pH 7,4 în ziua 28, 79,8% la pH 4,0 în ziua 21 și 74% în pH 10,0. în ziua 28 și 91,3% în PBS pH 7,4 combinat cu colagenază din Clostridium histolyticum la 35 de ore. În testul de absorbție am obținut o variabilă în funcție de timpul de expunere, respectiv probele înmuiate au ajuns să depășească de patru ori masa inițială de 87,9±3 mg la a 4-a oră de scufundare în lichid. Concluzii. Grefele acelulare din derma porcină pot juca un rol cheie în îngrijirea rănilor și în facilitarea strategiilor de inginerie tisulară, acționând ca o schelă acelulară și inertă imunologic, ca sursă de molecule bioactive cu trei proprietăți hidrofile și biodegradabile.Background. Modern and intelligent dressings are becoming increasingly sought after. Their values consist in a protective barrier, in beneficial environment, biocompatibility, self-dissolution, ability to absorb the fluids, transfer of therapeutic agents, minimal human involvement, and support the wound healing. Objective of the study. Purpose was to evaluate the antigenic and biodegradable properties of the extracellular matrices obtained from the porcine dermis. Material and methods. The examination of the decellularized samples was carried out by the histological examination with hematoxylin-eosin, quantification of deoxyribonucleic acids, and degradation test of the grafts. In the water absorption test, PBS with pH 7.4 was used. The weight of the samples was 87.9±3 mg for all study groups. In vitro disorganization of the samples followed by scanning electron microscopy. Results. Histological examination revealed the presence of fewer cells. As a result, we were able to remove 80.5% of the genetic material from the porcine dermal structures, demonstrated by spectrophotometric DNA quantification. In the in vitro graft degradation study in 0.01 M PBS solution, we determined a significant (p < 0.05) loss of graft mass by 90.3% in pH 7.4 at day 28, 79.8% at pH 4.0 at day 21 and 74% in pH 10.0 at day 28 and 91.3% in PBS pH 7.4 combined with collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum at 35 hours. In the absorption test, we obtained a variable depending on the exposure time, respectively the soaked samples ended up exceeding four times the initial mass of 87.9±3 mg at the 4th hour of immersion in the liquid. Conclusions. Acellular grafts from the porcine dermis can play a key role in the wound care and facilitating tissue-engineering strategies by the acting as an acellular and immunologically inert scaffold, as a source of the bioactive molecules with the hydrophilic and biodegradable properties

    Some Considerations on Environmental Sand Cores with Inorganic Binder

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    Traditionally, complex sand cores are produced using organic binders such as phenolic and furan resins. These binders can create bad smelling fumes requiring complex and expensive ventilation equipment to fulfill environmental requirements. The increasingly more stringent environmental legislation forces the foundry industry to employ innovative and environmentally-compatible binder systems. The established organic binder systems have indeed been, and are still being, further developed with regard to their contents but it is questionable whether these will be able to fulfill the continuously increasing requirements of foundry neighborhoods and legislation. The Landshut magnesium and aluminum casting facility, which produces engine components, structural components and chassis parts for BMW, is expected to reduce its emissions of combustion residues by 98% with the implementation of the inorganic core binding system. The paper presents some considerations on environmental sand cores with inorganic binder

    Sanitary Silicone Used to Make Small Art Cast Parts

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    Also known as investment or precision casting process, the “lost wax process” was used in ancient times from China to Egypt to cast exquisite objects which are now displayed as artifacts in museums. The process is called “lost wax” because the wax is lost or burned off in the process. The process starts with the making of a rubber mould of an original piece. The rubber mould is then used to create wax duplicates of the original piece. The mould making process is an art in itself and requires a skilled craftsman to create a good long lasting mould. The paper presents the use of “sanitary silicone” to make “rubber mould”

    Allografting of acetabular defects as an alternative method in hip revision arthroplasties

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    „Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Chisinau Republic of Moldova, Medpark International Hospital, Chisinau Republic of Moldova, Clinical hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Chisinau Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction. Meta-analysis of studies shows that approximately 1/3 of patients with instability of acetabular components after primary hip arthroplasty have huge acetabular defects. The prevalence of hip revision arthroplasty is 7-18%. Purpose. To determine the possibilities and effectiveness of restoring acetabular bone defects using allogeneic bone material in hip revision arthroplasty Material and methods. A descriptive study was performed in the period 2017-2020 on a group of 72 patients (79 hips) admitted to Department no. 8 within the Clinical hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Patients underwent radiolographic examination and computed tomography. Results. Acetabular defects were distributed according to the W. G. Paprosky classification (fig. 1). Depending on the degree of defect, the patients were distributed as follows: type 1 - 15 (18,9%), type 2 - 41 (51.8%) and type 3 - 23 (29,1%). It should be noted that according to the Paprosky classification, good results were obtained in the treatment with allografts in all the types, notwithstanding the more advanced defects in the type 2 and 3. Conclusions. Our patients showed good allogenic bone ingrowth in relation to the acetabular bed and good bone restructuring and incorporation in relation to the implant. Neither mechanical failure of implants nor graft rejection were recorded These results suggest that despite the degree of acetabular bone deficit, we can obtain good results, even in type 3, having at hand the technical possibility of bone plasty and the revision implant

    “Izohydrafurol”-new antibacterian remedy in treatment of parodontal disease

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    Catedra Stomatologie Terapeutică, USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”; Catedra Epidemiologie USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”This study allude to pronounced anti-inflammatory effects of solution 0,05% of izohydrafurol in treatment of parodontal disease. The efficiency was established in obviousness by quick discard of inflammatory process (gingival haemorrhage, edema, turgid and seros or purulent secretion), already after I meeting, as antibacterian properties by laboratory tests. Acest studiu se referă la efectele antiinflamatorii pronunțate a soluției 0,05% de izohidrafurol în tratamentul bolii parodontale. Efeciența preparatului a fost pusă în evidență prin înlăturarea rapidă a procesului inflamator (sîngerarea gingivală, edemul, tumefierea și eliminările seroase sau purulente), deja după I ședință, precum și proprietăție antibacteriene prin testele de laborator

    The oncogenetic security in mesenchymal stem cells cultivation

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    Laborator Inginerie tisulară şi culturi celulare, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”The article summarizes recent data concerning developing of the new strategy – genetic instability monitoring techniques in the cultures of human mesenchymal stem cells. Stem cells are characterized by their self-renewal ability and high differentiation potential. Described methods detect cell senescence in culture and evaluate changes associated with moderate telomere shortening and characterized by cell cycle arrest, mutations in genes responsible to apoptosis, and cancer-associated genes p53, p15, Rb, NF-kB, Myc and repair machinery

    The elaboration of the form of combined ointment with izohidrafural and metiluracil and the method of extraction of active principles from dosage form

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    Catedra Chimie Farmaceutică şi Toxicologică USMF „N. Testemiţanu” Catedra Tehnologia medicamentelor USMF „N. Testemiţanu” Laboratorul „Infecţii nosocomiale” USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”It was elaborated a pharmaceutical form for external use – the combined ointment with Izohidrafural and Metiluracil and also it was elaborated the method of extraction of active principles from it. The medicine combines the antibacterial action of izohidrafural and the regenerating and inflammatory action of metiluracil. A fost elaborată forma farmaceutică de uz extern - unguent combinat cu conţinut de izohidrafural şi metiluracil precum şi metoda de extracţie a principiilor activi din el. Preparatul combină acţiunea antibacteriană a izohidrafuralului şi acţiunile regenerante şi antiinflamatoare ale metiluracilului

    The effectiveness of the tissue engineering in the obtaining of the biological materials from the extracellular matrix

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    Background: The present work describes the possibility of manufacturing biomaterials from the extracellular matrix for the treatment of the skin wounds. Biomedical collagen-based materials are clinically effective. Collagen is the most abundant and major component of the skin. Porcine collagen is almost similar to the human collagen, it is not immunogenic when used for the therapeutic purposes. Biomaterials can be obtained from the decellularized dermis, being a matrix rich in the collagen and glycoproteins. Material and methods: 3 parallel groups of biomaterials were established and the average value was calculated. To ensure the effectiveness of the decellularization process, the decellularized porcine dermis was compared with the intact sample using qualitative and quantitative criteria. Results: Histologically, the decellularized tissues revealed the presence of fewer cells. As a result, were removed approximately 80.5% of the genetic material from porcine dermal structures, demonstrated by the spectrophotometric quantification of deoxyribonucleic acid. In vitro graft degradation study in 0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 7.4 combined with collagenase, demonstrated a significant (p < 0.05) loss of collagen sponge mass by 100% over one hour in the group II compared to the decellularized dermis in group I which decreased in the weight by 91.3% during 35 hours. Conclusions: Acellular biomaterials are immunologically inert, have hydrophilic and biodegradable properties, thus they can play a key role in the wound care, exerting the transfer of the bioactive molecules and drugs directly into the wound


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    Abstract The paper aimed to present the effect of grain type on the insecticidal efficacy of the diatomaceous earth (DE