150 research outputs found

    Histological evidence of a connection between true and false lumen in spontaneous coronary artery dissection

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    The pathophysiological mechanism underlying spontaneous coronary artery dissection remains unclear. Although an endothelial-intimal disruption is assumed to be involved as either a primary or secondary event, the presence of a tear in the coronary intima has not been histologically presented, to our knowledge. We present three autopsy cases of spontaneous coronary artery dissection in which histopathological examination revealed an intimal tear and connection between true and false lumen in the area of the dissection

    Ювілей Михайла Миколайовича Тарана

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    18 жовтня 2008 р. виповнилося 60 років відомому українському вченому-мінералогу, знаному в світі фахівцю в галузі фізики мінералів, доктору геолого-мінералогічних наук Михайлові Миколайовичу Тарану

    Potential of mesenchymal- and cardiac progenitor cells for therapeutic targeting of B-cells and antibody responses in end-stage heart failure

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    Upon myocardial damage, the release of cardiac proteins induces a strong antibody-mediated immune response, which can lead to adverse cardiac remodeling and eventually heart failure (HF). Stem cell therapy using mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) or cardiomyocyte progenitor cells (CPCs) previously showed beneficial effects on cardiac function despite low engraftment in the heart. Paracrine mediators are likely of great importance, where, for example, MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) also show immunosuppressive properties in vitro. However, the limited capacity of MSCs to differentiate into cardiac cells and the sufficient scaling of MSC-derived EVs remain a challenge to clinical translation. Therefore, we investigated the immunosuppressive actions of endogenous CPCs and CPC-derived EVs on antibody production in vitro, using both healthy controls and end-stage HF patients. Both MSCs and CPCs strongly inhibit lymphocyte proliferation and antibody production in vitro. Furthermore, CPC-derived EVs significantly lowered the levels of IgG1, IgG4, and IgM, especially when administered for longer duration. In line with previous findings, plasma cells of end-stage HF patients showed high production of IgG3, which can be inhibited by MSCs in vitro. MSCs and CPCs inhibit in vitro antibody production of both healthy and end stage HF-derived immune cells. CPC-derived paracrine factors, such as EVs, show similar effects, but do not provide the complete immunosuppressive capacity of CPCs. The strongest immunosuppressive effects were observed using MSCs, suggesting that MSCs might be the best candidates for therapeutic targeting of B-cell responses in HF

    Histopathological characterization of intimal lesions and arterial wall calcification in the arteries of the leg of elderly cadavers

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    Introduction: Although arteries of the leg have been studied in extensively diseased amputation specimens, little is known about the composition of vascular lesions present in the general population. The aim of this study was to describe the natural development of adaptive intimal thickening, atherosclerotic lesion development and vascular calcification in the leg of a general elderly population. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and seventy postmortem samples from the popliteal and posterior tibial arteries of 14 elderly cadavers were studied histologically. Results: Atherosclerotic lesions were more frequently observed in the popliteal (60%) than in the posterior tibial artery (34%; p <.0005). These atherosclerotic plaques were most often nonatheromatous (80% and 83% for popliteal and posterior tibial plaques, respectively). The atheroma's that were present were small (most <25% of plaque area). Atherosclerotic plaque calcification was observed more often in the popliteal (39%) than in the posterior tibial samples (17%; p <.0005). Medial arterial calcification was observed more often in the posterior tibial (62%) than in the popliteal samples (46%; p =.008). Plaque calcification and medial arterial calcification were not associated with lumen stenosis. Conclusions: In the leg of elderly cadavers, the presence of atherosclerotic plaque and intimal calcification decreases from the proximal popliteal artery to the more distal posterior tibial artery and most atherosclerotic lesions are of the fibrous nonatheromatous type. In contrast, the presence and severity of medial calcification increases from proximal to distal

    Борис Алексеевич Нелепо (к 80-летию со дня рождения)

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    15 августа 2012 г. исполнилось бы 80 лет со дня рождения известного ученого-океанолога, доктора физико-математических наук, профессора, лауреата Государственной премии УССР (1979 г.) и СССР (1989 г.) в области науки и техники, директора Морского гидрофизического института АН УССР в 1974 – 1985 гг., первого главного редактора «Морского гидрофизического журнала», академика НАН Украины Бориса Алексеевича Нелепо (1932 – 2007)

    Aortic calcification: A postmortem CT validation study in a middle-aged population

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    Background: Computed tomography (CT)-detected aortic calcification is strongly associated with aortic stiffness and is an accurate predictor of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality and cognitive decline. Some previous pathologic studies have shown calcium accumulation in the medial layer of the vessel wall, while others have suggested localisation in the atherosclerotic intimal layer. Objectives: The aim of this study was to histologically validate CT findings of aortic calcification for detectability and location in the aortic wall. Methods: We acquired postmortem CT images and collected 170 aortic tissue samples from five different locations in the thoracic and abdominal aorta of 40 individuals who underwent autopsy. Microscopic slides were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and elastic van Gieson stain. Calcified lesions were characterised and calcifications were manually annotated in the intima and media. The presence and morphology of calcifications were scored on CT images. Results: The mean age of the autopsied individuals was 63 years, and 28 % died of cardiovascular disease. Calcifications were present in 74/170 (44 %) samples. Calcification was more common in the abdominal aorta than in the thoracic aorta. In all samples with calcifications, 99 % were located in the intimal layer. Only 16/170 samples had a small amount of medial arterial calcification. The histological results showed an 85 % concordance for the presence or absence of CT calcifications. There was complete inter-method agreement for annularity of calcifications in 68 % of the samples (linear weighted kappa 0.68 (95 %CI 0.60–0.77). Conclusions: Aortic calcifications visible on CT are located in the intimal layer of the abdominal aorta wall, at least in aortas that are not aneurysmatic or dissected. The presence and annularity of these calcifications can be reliably determined by CT

    Increased circulating IgG levels, myocardial immune cells and IgG deposits support a role for an immune response in pre- and end-stage heart failure

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    The chronic inflammatory response plays an important role in adverse cardiac remodelling and the development of heart failure (HF). There is also evidence that in the pathogenesis of several cardiovascular diseases, chronic inflammation is accompanied by antibody and complement deposits in the heart, suggestive of a true autoimmune response. However, the role of antibody-mediated immune responses in HF progression is less clear. We assessed whether immune cell infiltration and immunoglobulin levels are associated with HF type and disease stage, taking sex differences into account. We found IgG deposits and increased infiltration of immune cells in the affected myocardium of patients with end-stage HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF, n = 20). Circulating levels of IgG1 and IgG3 were elevated in these patients. Furthermore, the percentage of transitional/regulatory B cells was decreased (from 6.9% to 2.4%) compared with healthy controls (n = 5). Similarly, increased levels of circulating IgG1 and IgG3 were observed in men with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD, n = 5), possibly an early stage of HF with preserved EF (HFpEF). In conclusion, IgG deposits and infiltrates of immune cells are present in end-stage HFrEF. In addition, both LVDD patients and end-stage HFrEF patients show elevated levels of circulating IgG1 and IgG3, suggesting an antibody-mediated immune response upon cardiac remodelling, which in the early phase of remodelling appear to differ between men and women. These immunoglobulin subclasses might be used as marker for pre-stage HF and its progression. Future identification of auto-antigens might open possibilities for new therapeutic interventions

    Characteristics and time course of acute and chronic myocardial lesion formation after electroporation ablation in the porcine model

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    Introduction: Electroporation ablation creates deep and wide myocardial lesions. No data are available on time course and characteristics of acute lesion formation. Methods: For the acute phase of myocardial lesion development, seven pigs were investigated. Single 200 J applications were delivered at four different epicardial right ventricular sites using a linear suction device, yielding a total of 28 lesions. Timing of applications was designed to yield lesions at seven time points: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 min, with four lesions per time point. After killing, lesion characteristics were histologically investigated. For the chronic phase of myocardial lesion development, tissue samples were used from previously conducted studies where tissue was obtained at 3 weeks and 3 months after electroporation ablation. Results: Acute myocardial lesions induce a necrosis pattern with contraction band necrosis and interstitial edema, immediately present after electroporation ablation. No further histological changes such as hemorrhage or influx of inflammatory cells occurred in the first hour. After 3 weeks, the lesions consisted of sharply demarcated loose connective tissue that further developed to more fibrotic scar tissue after 3 months without additional changes. Within the scar tissue, arteries and nerves were unaffected. Conclusion: Electroporation ablation immediately induces contraction band necrosis and edema without additional tissue changes in the first hour. After 3 weeks, a sharply demarked scar has been developed that remains stable during follow-up of 3 months. This is highly relevant for clinical application of electroporation ablation in terms of the electrophysiological endpoint and waiting period after ablation

    Sarcoma of the Heart Treated with Stereotactic MR-Guided Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy

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    We present the first case in the literature of a patient with a histology-proven intimal sarcoma of the heart, recurrent after surgery, treated with stereotactic MR-guided online adaptive radiation therapy on an MR-Linac machine. The treatment was feasible and well tolerated. The CT scan 6 months after the last treatment showed stable disease

    An automatic entropy method to efficiently mask histology whole-slide images

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    Tissue segmentation of histology whole-slide images (WSI) remains a critical task in automated digital pathology workflows for both accurate disease diagnosis and deep phenotyping for research purposes. This is especially challenging when the tissue structure of biospecimens is relatively porous and heterogeneous, such as for atherosclerotic plaques. In this study, we developed a unique approach called 'EntropyMasker' based on image entropy to tackle the fore- and background segmentation (masking) task in histology WSI. We evaluated our method on 97 high-resolution WSI of human carotid atherosclerotic plaques in the Athero-Express Biobank Study, constituting hematoxylin and eosin and 8 other staining types. Using multiple benchmarking metrics, we compared our method with four widely used segmentation methods: Otsu's method, Adaptive mean, Adaptive Gaussian and slideMask and observed that our method had the highest sensitivity and Jaccard similarity index. We envision EntropyMasker to fill an important gap in WSI preprocessing, machine learning image analysis pipelines, and enable disease phenotyping beyond the field of atherosclerosis