124 research outputs found

    Childhood obesity and device-measured sedentary behavior : an instrumental variable analysis of 3,864 mother-offspring pairs

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    Objective Intergenerational data on mother-offspring pairs were utilized in an instrumental variable analysis to examine the longitudinal association between BMI and sedentary behavior. Methods The sample included 3,864 mother-offspring pairs from the 1970 British Cohort Study. Height and weight were recorded in mothers (age 31 [5.4] years) and offspring (age 10 years) and repeated in offspring during adulthood. Offspring provided objective data on sedentary behavior (7-day thigh-worn activPAL) in adulthood at age 46 to 47 years. Results Maternal BMI, the instrumental variable, was associated with offspring BMI at age 10 (change per kg/m(2), beta = 0.11; 95% CI: 0.09 to 0.12), satisfying a key assumption of instrumental variable analyses. Offspring (change per kg/m(2), beta = 0.010; 95% CI: -0.02 to 0.03 h/d) and maternal BMI (beta = 0.017; 95% CI: 0.001 to 0.03 h/d) was related to offspring sedentary time, suggestive of a causal impact of BMI on sedentary behavior (two-stage least squares analysis, beta = 0.18 [SE 0.08], P = 0.015). For moderate-vigorous physical activity, there were associations with offspring BMI (beta = -0.010; 95% CI: -0.017 to -0.004) and maternal BMI (beta = -0.007; 95% CI: -0.010 to -0.003), with evidence for causality (two-stage least squares analysis, beta = -0.060 [SE 0.02], P = 0.001). Conclusions There is strong evidence for a causal pathway linking childhood obesity to greater sedentary behavior

    Development of a Health Related Quality of Life Measure for Adolescents and Young Adults Following Invasive Meningococcal Disease

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    This study describes the key areas that matter to adolescent survivors of Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD). Satisfaction with Life After Meningitis is a brief multidimensional measure of health related quality of life that is reliable and correlates with criterion variables in a theoretically meaningful way. To develop a Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) measure for adolescent and young adult survivors of (IMD) we used a cross-sectional study and focus groups. The study was conducted in two phases. In Phase 1 a pool of potential items were generated based on the following: a review of existing measures, focus groups with IMD survivors, and an expert group consultation. Phase 2 involved administration of the questionnaire to a sample of adolescent and young adult IMD survivors. Factor analysis suggested a correlated four factor solution: Wellbeing, Positive about Future, Social Support, and Confidence. These factors were significantly correlated in a theoretically predictable way with scores from the Beck Depression Inventory (correlations ranged from −0.77 to −0.81) and the eight domains of the SF-36 Health Survey (correlations ranged from 0.32 to 0.79). The reliability of all subscales was high ranging from 0.85 to 0.92. The Satisfaction with Life After Meningitis (SLAM) questionnaire is a HRQoL self-report measure that produces reliable scores and is appropriate for use with young survivors of IMD. There is also evidence of concurrent validity with existing measures of physical and psychological well-being

    A multidisciplinary investigation of a mummified Egyptian head and analysis of its associated resinous material from the Salinas Regional Archaeological Museum in Palermo (Sicily)

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    Among the 70 items donated by the abbot Antonio Pietro Paternostro to the former National Museum of Palermo (now Salinas Regional Archaeological Museum) in 1870, an ancient Egyptian mummified human head stands out. In 2022 the finding was submitted for a multidisciplinary investigation that relied upon non-invasive or minimally invasive approaches. Investigations revealed that this is a possible female head, which was likely subjected to trans-nasal craniotomy, and dated to the Egyptian Graeco-Roman period. The head was packed with an abundant amount of resin which was analysed using thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. The analysis suggested that the resin was most likely comprised of a natural resin, pitch, or tar, from the Pinaceae family of conifers, and mixed with other materials including a fat, oil, or wax. The use of multiple sample preparation techniques for the chromatographic analysis provided a high level of confidence in the identification of a wide variety of compounds, including a range of himachalene derivatives, which indicate the inclusion of cedar tar or oil

    Early childhood weight gain: Latent patterns and body composition outcomes.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite early childhood weight gain being a key indicator of obesity risk, we do not have a good understanding of the different patterns that exist. OBJECTIVES: To identify and characterise distinct groups of children displaying similar early-life weight trajectories. METHODS: A growth mixture model captured heterogeneity in weight trajectories between 0 and 60 months in 1390 children in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Differences between the classes in characteristics and body size/composition at 9 years were investigated. RESULTS: The best model had five classes. The "Normal" (45%) and "Normal after initial catch-down" (24%) classes were close to the 50th centile of a growth standard between 24 and 60 months. The "High-decreasing" (21%) and "Stable-high" (7%) classes peaked at the ~91st centile at 12-18 months, but while the former declined to the ~75th centile and comprised constitutionally big children, the latter did not. The "Rapidly increasing" (3%) class gained weight from below the 50th centile at 4 months to above the 91st centile at 60 months. By 9 years, their mean body mass index (BMI) placed them at the 98th centile. This class was characterised by the highest maternal BMI; highest parity; highest levels of gestational hypertension and diabetes; and the lowest socio-economic position. At 9 years, the "Rapidly increasing" class was estimated to have 68.2% (95% confidence interval [CI] 48.3, 88.1) more fat mass than the "Normal" class, but only 14.0% (95% CI 9.1, 18.9) more lean mass. CONCLUSIONS: Criteria used in growth monitoring practice are unlikely to consistently distinguish between the different patterns of weight gain reported here

    Duration of obesity exposure between ages 10 and 40 years and its relationship with cardiometabolic disease risk factors: A cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals with obesity do not represent a homogeneous group in terms of cardiometabolic risk. Using 3 nationally representative British birth cohorts, we investigated whether the duration of obesity was related to heterogeneity in cardiometabolic risk. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We used harmonised body mass index (BMI) and cardiometabolic disease risk factor data from 20,746 participants (49.1% male and 97.2% white British) enrolled in 3 British birth cohort studies: the 1946 National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD), the 1958 National Child Development Study (NCDS), and the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70). Within each cohort, individual life course BMI trajectories were created between 10 and 40 years of age, and from these, age of obesity onset, duration spent obese (range 0 to 30 years), and cumulative obesity severity were derived. Obesity duration was examined in relation to a number of cardiometabolic disease risk factors collected in mid-adulthood: systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c). A greater obesity duration was associated with worse values for all cardiometabolic disease risk factors. The strongest association with obesity duration was for HbA1c: HbA1c levels in those with obesity for <5 years were relatively higher by 5% (95% CI: 4, 6), compared with never obese, increasing to 20% (95% CI: 17, 23) higher in those with obesity for 20 to 30 years. When adjustment was made for obesity severity, the association with obesity duration was largely attenuated for SBP, DBP, and HDL-C. For HbA1c, however, the association with obesity duration persisted, independent of obesity severity. Due to pooling of 3 cohorts and thus the availability of only a limited number harmonised variables across cohorts, our models included adjustment for only a small number of potential confounding variables, meaning there is a possibility of residual confounding. CONCLUSIONS: Given that the obesity epidemic is characterised by a much earlier onset of obesity and consequently a greater lifetime exposure, our findings suggest that health policy recommendations aimed at preventing early obesity onset, and therefore reducing lifetime exposure, may help reduce the risk of diabetes, independently of obesity severity. However, to test the robustness of our observed associations, triangulation of evidence from different epidemiological approaches (e.g., mendelian randomization and negative control studies) should be obtained

    Accuracy of computed radiography in osteometry: a comparison of digital imaging techniques and the effect of magnification

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    Introduction Osteometric data may be obtained using digital imaging techniques, such as post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) and digital radiography, non-invasively and without ethical objection. Osteometric data from PMCT is known to be as accurate as taking direct measurements. Digital radiography is more accessible and affordable than PMCT but is limited due to the magnification of its subjects. Objectives To investigate the viability of implementing digital radiographic techniques for measurement of long bones, and to establish whether magnification can be accurately corrected for. Materials and Methods Twenty hind pig (Sus scrofa) legs were imaged using computed radiography (CR) and PMCT, and osteometric data obtained from the digital images and 3D CT volume reconstructions. Direct measurements were taken following maceration. A calibration object was imaged using CR, to provide magnification correction factors. Results Accuracy was determined by mean absolute error (AE), giving values of 3.3 ± 2.5 mm for PMCT (MPR), 2.4 ± 1.3 mm for PMCT (3D), 11.1 ± 7.4 mm for CR (PA), and 18.3 ± 14.5 mm for CR (LAT). PMCT data was more accurate than CR data. Through applying correction for magnification, CR data became closer to the direct measurement data, and stature estimation was substantially altered. Conclusion Magnification in computed radiography affects osteometric data and resulting stature estimations. Applying correction factors may be a viable option for improving accuracy. For digital radiography to be used reliably in forensic anthropology, further empirical research is needed to validate a magnification correction method

    What is the impact of structural and cultural factors and interventions within educational settings on promoting positive mental health and preventing poor mental health: a systematic review

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    Mental health (MH) difficulties are on the increase among children and young people (CYP). Evidence has shown that educational settings contain both risk and protective factors for MH. This review investigated which structural and cultural factors and interventions within educational settings promote positive MH and prevent poor MH in 4-18 year olds. Searches were conducted in PsychINFO, Embase, ERIC, ASSIA and British Education Index, and reference lists from key studies and relevant systematic reviews were hand-searched. Intervention, cohort, and qualitative studies were included. Of the 62 included papers, 36 examined cultural factors (30 social/relational and six value-related) while 12 studies examined structural factors (eight organisational and four physical) and 14 studies examined multiple factors. There was strong evidence for the impact of positive classroom management techniques, access to physical activity, and peer mentoring on student MH. Studies examining the impact of positive school culture, teacher training in MH and parent involvement in school MH activities also found predominantly positive results for student MH, albeit the evidence was of lower quality or from a low number of studies. Few studies explicitly examined the impact of interventions on MH inequalities; those that did indicated limited if any reduction to inequalities. A very small number of studies suggested that interventions targeting those at risk of poor MH due to socioeconomic factors could successfully improve wellbeing and reduce depression, anxiety and behavioural problems. Studies exploring the effect of management and leadership strategies within schools, policies, and aspects of the physical environment other than green space were scarce or absent in the literature. This review highlights the need to consider the ways in which educational settings are organised, the culture that is created and the physical space in order to improve the MH of CYP

    The “Angioletti” of Palermo: The Health and Development of Mummified Non-Adults in Late Modern Palermo, Sicily (1787-1880 CE)

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    The Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo, Sicily, have been home to non-adult mummified remains since the seventeenth century CE. Despite the increasing numbers of scientific studies conducted at this site, very little research has focused specifically on the youngest members of late modern society. This research aims to redress the balance by examining 43 individuals to gain insight into the demographic profile of mummified non-adults, to characterize their health status and possible cause of death, and to better understand the funerary treatment offered to the youngest members of society. A portable X-ray unit was used to capture anteroposterior and lateral images of each mummy; this facilitated age estimation, the identification of pathological and/traumatic lesions, and evidence of conservation and the mummification process more generally. This study revealed that regardless of age and health status at the time of death, the mortuary rite performed was primarily influenced by the wealth and social standing of the deceased’s kin. No demographic trends were observed in the data and the lack of evidence of metabolic neoplastic, and traumatic bone lesions suggest these non-adults died from short-term, acute illnesses. Even when individuals did display evidence of chronic health conditions that would have impacted their day-to-day lives (e.g. B035), they were not excluded from this mortuary tradition on the basis of their long-term health and care requirements in life. Artifacts were found with all individuals examined and were associated with the mummification process, conservation of mummies, and/or their display. This research has ultimately demonstrated that non-invasive imaging can be used to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the lives and deaths of non-adults inhabiting late modern (1787-1880 CE) Palermo