2,214 research outputs found

    Formazione, politiche regionali e governance multilivello Uno sguardo all’esperienza pugliese

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    Ponencia en Congreso InternacionalQuesto contributo intende proporre una lettura critico-ricostruttiva del tema poliedrico della formazione con riferimento alle logiche che animano e/o condizionano l’azione degli attori politico-istituzionali a livello regionale ed ai (possibili) riflessi di questa azione sulle relazioni sindacali, in un ambito cruciale della c.d. società della conoscenza. A questo fine, una breve disamina del quadro normativo nazionale e delle politiche dell’Unione europea consentirà di individuare talune questioni di importanza strategica nell’azione di governo regionale e, più in generale, di mettere meglio a fuoco le complesse dinamiche di governance locale ed il ruolo che vi possono svolgere sia attori tradizionalmente presenti sul territorio (ad es. i sindacati), sia quelli comparsi più di recente (ad es. le università).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Health impact of exposure to asbestos in polluted area of Southern Italy

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    The three main sources of asbestos pollution in the city of Bari, Puglia, the former Fibronit asbestos factory, the Torre Quetta beach, the former Rossani barracks and the history of their reclamation are described. The results of cohort studies on factory workers and case-control studies on asbestos exposure to the resident population and the onset of mesothelioma are also reported. Finally, the data of the regional register of mesothelioma related to residents in the city of Bari and four new cases with environmental exposure due to the former Rossani barracks are presented

    Exact solutions to non-classical steady nozzle flows of Bethe-Zel'dovich-Thompson fluids

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    Steady nozzle flows of Bethe-Zel'dovich-Thompson fluids - substances exhibiting non-classical gasdynamic behaviour in a finite vapour-phase thermodynamic region in close proximity to the liquid-vapour saturation curve - are examined. Non-classical flow features include rarefaction shock waves, shock waves with either upstream or downstream sonic states and split shocks. Exact solutions for a mono-component single-phase fluid expanding from a reservoir into a stationary atmosphere through a conventional converging-diverging nozzle are determined within the quasi-one-dimensional inviscid flow approximation. The novel analytical approach makes it possible to elucidate the connection between the adiabatic, possibly non-isentropic flow field and the underlying local isentropic-flow features, including the possible qualitative alterations in passing through shock waves. Contrary to previous predictions based on isentropic-flow inspection, shock disintegration is found to occur also from reservoir states corresponding to a single sonic point. The global layout of the flow configurations produced by a monotonic decrease in the ambient pressure, namely the functioning regime, is examined for reservoir conditions resulting in single-phase flows. Accordingly, a classification of steady nozzle flows into 10 different functioning regimes is proposed. Flow conditions determining the transition between the different classes of flow are investigated and each functioning regime is associated with the corresponding thermodynamic region of reservoir states

    Neuroscience and end-of-life decisions. New anthropological challenges for constitutional law: «Is Human Nature the only science of man»?

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    Nowadays, neuroscience permits the unveiling of interior elements of hu-man beings - the perception of pain, the presence of consciousness and even the will - in the absence of external manifestations. Physicians, indeed, seem capable of measuring the true mental state of individuals and their inner world through an elec-troencephalography or a functional magnetic resonance imaging. This new frontier affects the world of law and places heavy demands for lawyers embroiled in end-of-life matters. The present paper focuses on the use of neuroscientific acquisitions within end-of-life decisions, aiming to highlight two risks embedded in this use: the utmost deference towards science and scientific authority and the maximization of self-determination. The paper will provide, at the beginning, a framework of case law and end-of-life regulatory attempts; it will follow the analysis of the main challenges posed to law by advances in neuroscience. In the latter part of this paper, we will of-fer food for thought on the role of neuroscience and - in a broader perspective - of science in law

    Data security issues in cloud scenarios

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    The amount of data created, stored, and processed has enormously increased in the last years. Today, millions of devices are connected to the Internet and generate a huge amount of (personal) data that need to be stored and processed using scalable, efficient, and reliable computing infrastructures. Cloud computing technology can be used to respond to these needs. Although cloud computing brings many benefits to users and companies, security concerns about the cloud still represent the major impediment for its wide adoption. We briefly survey the main challenges related to the storage and processing of data in the cloud. In particular, we focus on the problem of protecting data in storage, supporting fine-grained access, selectively sharing data, protecting query privacy, and verifying the integrity of computations

    Persistent Specialization and Growth:The Italian Land Reform

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    Land distribution has ambiguous effects on structural transformation: large landowners can slow industrialization by limiting the provision of education, but larger scale andlocal market power might accelerate the mechanization of production. We examine theeffects of redistribution following the Italian 1950 land reform and find that redistribution led to less industrialization. We explain this finding with a reduction in the scale ofoperations and a more intensive use of family labor. Agricultural specialization persistedfor at least 50 years, consistent with models of occupational inheritance. Finally, we showthat expropriated areas had lower growth during 1970-2000

    Persistent Specialization and Growth:The Italian Land Reform

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