355 research outputs found

    ’The Mission is to Keep this Industry Intact’: Digital Transition in the Japanese Newspaper Industry

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    The focus of this paper is the digital transition in major Japanese newspapers that sell millions of copies per day. By digital transition we refer to the shift to publishing content on digital platforms – in this case the shift from print to online and mobile media. Japan is globally one of the most important newspaper markets with the world’s largest daily newspapers circulation-wise. The research focusing on the digital transition in Japanese newspapers and the implications of this shift has been hitherto almost non-existent. In the paper, the digital transition is examined by means of qualitative in-depth interviews with representatives from the Japanese leading newspapers. The conclusion based on the empirical analysis is that for the Japanese newspapers the most essential approach in coping with the digital transition is protecting the printed paper and treating the digital platforms as supplementary.Peer reviewe

    Editorial : New Forms of Media Work and Its Organizational and Institutional Conditions

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    Editorial: New Forms of Media Work and Its Organizational and Institutional ConditionsThis thematic issue explores the widening scope of media work and the institutional and organizational conditions that support new forms of media work. The media industry has undergone significant economic, structural, and technological changes during the past few decades, including changing patterns of ownership and digitalization of media production, distribution, and consumption. Simultaneously, practices of media work are adopted also in other industries. The 10 articles in the issue not only focus on the new professional roles and responsibilities emerging in the news media industry but also study the practices of media work in organizations in other fields, such as the music industry and public sector.Non peer reviewe

    Citra Tubuh Pada Remaja Putri Menikah Dan Memiliki Anak

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    Fenomena remaja putri yang menikah dan memiliki anak sudah lazim bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Remaja putri, dalam kaitannya dengan masa pertumbuhan masih tengah tumbuh untuk mencapai kematangan fisik dan mental. Namun, bagi remaja putri yang sudah menikah dan memiliki anak tengah dihadapkan pada keadaan yang berbeda. Remaja putri yang memiliki anak, mengalami keadaan yang umumnya terjadi pada perempuan dewasa, seperti tidak lagi perawan, mengandung, melahirkan anak, menyusui, dan mungkin naiknya berat badan pasca melahirkan. Keadaan tersebut memungkinkan terjadinya perbedaan sikap mental, terutama cara pandang remaja putri terhadap tubuhnya sendiri atau yang biasa disebut dengan citra tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan gambaran citra tubuh dan faktor-faktor yang merupakan pembentukan citra tubuh pada remaja putri menikah yang memiliki anak. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan bentuk studi kasus. Karakteristik subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja putri berusia 20 tahun dan telah menikah dan memiliki seorang anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran citra tubuh yang positif pada subjek berdasarkan tiga (3) komponen yang dimiliki subjek. Subjek secara umum tepat mempersepsikan tubuhnya, memiliki sikap puas dan tidak memiliki kecemasan pada tubuhnya, serta tidak menghindari aktivitas yang menunjukkan bentuk tubuhnya. Faktor pembentukan citra tubuh pada subjek adalah siklus hidup, konsep diri, sosialisasi, peran gender, dan distorsi citra tubuh

    A future of journalism beyond the objectivity-dialogue divide? : Hybridity in the news of entrepreneurial journalists

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    As pioneers of new ideas and practices, many entrepreneurial journalists spearhead the change of journalism towards hybridity. By applying appraisal theory, this article examines a hybrid of objectivity and dialogue in daily news articles by five entrepreneurial journalism outlets – Axios, MustRead, National Observer, The Skimm and the Voice of San Diego. For comparative purposes, a dataset from three legacy media outlets was also analysed. The results show that the entrepreneurial journalism outlets employ journalistic dialogue in otherwise stylistically objective news texts notably more often than do legacy media outlets. Dialogic registers provide subtle, non-partisan assessments of events and issues and make the news more informal. Such a hybrid form of journalism serves the functions of sense-making, establishing an interpersonal connection between ‘private’ audiences and ‘public’ news, and connecting journalism with fields outside of its core. By doing so, the hybrid journalism of entrepreneurial journalists offers a distinctive vision of the futures of news journalism.Peer reviewe

    Sosiaalinen kuratointi verkossa: MediasisÀltöjen sosiaalinen kulutus ja osallistava yleisöys

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    Artikkelin aiheena on yleisön rooli mediayhtiöitten tuottamien sisĂ€ltöjen valikoijana ja jakelijana. VerkkoympĂ€ristö ja sosiaalisen median työkalut mahdollistavat sen, ettĂ€ yleisö pystyy helposti ja vaivattomasti – esimerkiksi linkkaamalla, twiittaamalla tai suosittelemalla – kertomaan tutuilleen tai seuraajilleen mielenkiintoisina ja merkityksellisinĂ€ pitĂ€mistÀÀn mediasisĂ€llöistĂ€. TĂ€stĂ€ toiminnasta kĂ€ytetÀÀn kĂ€sitettĂ€ sosiaalinen kuratointi. Artikkelissa otetaan sosiaalinen kuratointi kĂ€sitteellisesti haltuun yleisö­ ja kulutustutkimuksen kontekstissa. LisĂ€ksi selvitetÀÀn, millainen merkitys sosiaalisella kuratoinnilla on osallistavassa yleisöydessĂ€. Teoreettisen osan tukena hyödynnetÀÀn suomalaisessa sanomalehdessĂ€ tehtyĂ€ haastattelututkimusta, jonka tulosten perusteella voi todeta, ettĂ€ yleisön harjoittamalla kuratoinnilla on lehden kannalta tĂ€rkeĂ€ rooli sisĂ€ltöjen kulutuksessa sekĂ€ myös yleisön kiinnostusten ja agendan luotauksessa. Keskeinen johtopÀÀtös artikkelissa on, ettĂ€ sisĂ€llöntuotanto ei ole hyödyllisin nĂ€kökulma ymmĂ€rtÀÀ yleisön roolia osallistavan yleisöyden leimaamassa mediaekosysteemissĂ€, vaan muut osallistumisen muodot – sosiaalinen kuratointi kenties tĂ€rkeimpĂ€nĂ€ – ovat olennaisempia mediayhtiöille

    Alat Pendeteksi Dan System Monitoring Kematangan Pada Pembuatan Tapai Singkong Berbasis Internet Of Things Menggunakan Website

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    The rapid development of technology makes many people vying to create a technology that utilizes the Internet of Things (IoT). One small example that has used IoT technology is a detection device and a maturity monitoring system in the manufacture of cassava tapai which can be monitored via the LCD and the website, so that in the tapai fermentation process the temperature in the room can be maintained and monitored properly. The fermentation process went well with the temperature study between 31-35 degrees Celsius. So a maturity detection tool was made in the manufacture of cassava tapai using Internet of Things (IoT) technology based on Nodemcu Esp8266 using a Dht11 sensor which is used to detect temperature and Mq3 is used to measure the alcohol content that occurs during the fermentation process. Nodemcu Esp8266 functions as a microcontroller and a Wi-fi module to connect to the internet which can be displayed in real time through the website. Testing is done by comparing the results of fermentation in the container made with the results of fermentation outside the container. The results of tool testing showed that tapai stored using a monitoring tool matured faster than tapai stored without using a monitoring tool, because the monitoring tool could control the temperature properly according to the conditions needed for fermentation
