246 research outputs found

    Cerebellar lesions: is there a lateralisation effect on memory deficits?

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    Summary: Background. Until recently, neurosurgeons eagerly removed cerebellar lesions without consideration of future cognitive impairment that might be caused by the resection. In children, transient cerebellar mutism after resection has lead to a diminished use of midline approaches and vermis transection, as well as reduced retraction of the cerebellar hemispheres. The role of the cerebellum in higher cognitive functions beyond coordination and motor control has recently attracted significant interest in the scientific community, and might change the neurosurgical approach to these lesions. The aim of this study was to investigate the specific effects of cerebellar lesions on memory, and to assess a possible lateralisation effect. Methods. We studied 16 patients diagnosed with a cerebellar lesion, from January 1997 to April 2005, in the "Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)”, Lausanne, Switzerland. Different neuropsychological tests assessing short term and anterograde memory, verbal and visuo-spatial modalities were performed pre-operatively. Results. Severe memory deficits in at least one modality were identified in a majority (81%) of patients with cerebellar lesions. Only 1 patient (6%) had no memory deficit. In our series lateralisation of the lesion did not lead to a significant difference in verbal or visuo-spatial memory deficits. Findings. These findings are consistent with findings in the literature concerning memory deficits in isolated cerebellar lesions. These can be explained by anatomical pathways. However, the cross-lateralisation theory cannot be demonstrated in our series. The high percentage of patients with a cerebellar lesion who demonstrate memory deficits should lead us to assess memory in all patients with cerebellar lesion

    Third ventriculostomy vs ventriculoperitoneal shunt in pediatric obstructive hydrocephalus: results from a Swiss series and literature review

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    Introduction: Few series compare endoscopic third ventriculostomies (ETV) and ventriculoperitoneal shunts (VPS). To avoid the complications after a shunt insertion, there is an increased tendency to perform a third ventriculostomy. We reviewed all pediatric patients operated in the French-speaking part of Switzerland for a newly diagnosed obstructive hydrocephalus since 1992 and compared the outcome of patients who benefited from ETV to the outcome of patients who benefited from VPS. There were 24 ETV and 31 VPS. Discussion: At 5years of follow-up, the failure rate of ETV was 26%, as compared to 42% for the VPS group. This trend is also found in the pediatric series published since 1990 (27 peer-reviewed articles analyzed). Conclusion: In accordance to this trend, although a statistical difference cannot be assessed, we believe that ETV should be the procedure of choice in pediatric obstructive hydrocephalu

    Radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia using a linear accelerator with BrainLab system: report on initial experience in Lausanne, Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Radiosurgery is an effective treatment for trigeminal neuralgia (TN) with minimal complications. Most experience is based on gamma knife radiosurgery (GKRS) and to a lesser extent on linear accelerators. METHODS: We report our initial experience in 17 patients with TN treated by an adapted linear accelerator using the BrainLab system. The trigeminal root entry zone immediately adjacent to the pons (target volume: 0.01-0.09 cm3, mean: 0.02 cm3) was targeted by use of a multileaf collimator to deliver 40-45 Gy to the 80% isodose (dose max 50-56 Gy). Median follow-up was 12 months (range: 1-60). RESULTS: All patients reported some initial improvement in level of pain after treatment (mean time: 1 month). Initial pain responses were as follows: 6 patients (35%) had complete pain relief and required no medication, 6 (35%) had occasional pain but were off medication, and 5 (30%) experienced partial relief of pain but still required medication, usually in lower doses. Five patients (29%) who experienced initial pain relief had recurrences ranging from 4-13 months after procedure. There were no major or minor complications of radiosurgery except one case of mild facial itching. CONCLUSION: Stereotactic radiosurgery using a linear accelerator appears to be effective and can be a favourable alternative to other procedures, including GKRS. The procedure is very safe and side effects are rare and minor. However, a randomised trial with a longer follow-up comparing radiosurgery to other surgical procedures is needed to assess the long term effectiveness of this treatmen

    Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Rasmussen encephalitis: A European consensus statement

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    Rasmussen encephalitis (RE) is a rare but severe immune-mediated brain disorder leading to unilateral hemispheric atrophy, associated progressive neurological dysfunction and intractable seizures. Recent data on the pathogenesis of the disease, its clinical and paraclinical presentation, and therapeutic approaches are summarized. Based on these data, we propose formal diagnostic criteria and a therapeutic pathway for the management of RE patient

    Third ventriculostomy vs ventriculoperitoneal shunt in pediatric obstructive hydrocephalus: results from a Swiss series and literature review

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    INTRODUCTION: Few series compare endoscopic third ventriculostomies (ETV) and ventriculoperitoneal shunts (VPS). To avoid the complications after a shunt insertion, there is an increased tendency to perform a third ventriculostomy. We reviewed all pediatric patients operated in the French-speaking part of Switzerland for a newly diagnosed obstructive hydrocephalus since 1992 and compared the outcome of patients who benefited from ETV to the outcome of patients who benefited from VPS. There were 24 ETV and 31 VPS. DISCUSSION: At 5 years of follow-up, the failure rate of ETV was 26%, as compared to 42% for the VPS group. This trend is also found in the pediatric series published since 1990 (27 peer-reviewed articles analyzed). CONCLUSION: In accordance to this trend, although a statistical difference cannot be assessed, we believe that ETV should be the procedure of choice in pediatric obstructive hydrocephalus

    Biomechanical analysis and modeling of different vertebral growth patterns in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and healthy subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The etiology of AIS remains unclear, thus various hypotheses concerning its pathomechanism have been proposed. To date, biomechanical modeling has not been used to thoroughly study the influence of the abnormal growth profile (i.e., the growth rate of the vertebral body during the growth period) on the pathomechanism of curve progression in AIS. This study investigated the hypothesis that AIS progression is associated with the abnormal growth profiles of the anterior column of the spine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A finite element model of the spinal column including growth dynamics was utilized. The initial geometric models were constructed from the bi-planar radiographs of a normal subject. Based on this model, five other geometric models were generated to emulate different coronal and sagittal curves. The detailed modeling integrated vertebral body growth plates and growth modulation spinal biomechanics. Ten years of spinal growth was simulated using AIS and normal growth profiles. Sequential measures of spinal alignments were compared.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>(1) Given the initial lateral deformity, the AIS growth profile induced a significant Cobb angle increase, which was roughly between three to five times larger compared to measures utilizing a normal growth profile. (2) Lateral deformities were absent in the models containing no initial coronal curvature. (3) The presence of a smaller kyphosis did not produce an increase lateral deformity on its own. (4) Significant reduction of the kyphosis was found in simulation results of AIS but not when using the growth profile of normal subjects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results from this analysis suggest that accelerated growth profiles may encourage supplementary scoliotic progression and, thus, may pose as a progressive risk factor.</p

    FEM Simulation of Non-Progressive Growth from Asymmetric Loading and Vicious Cycle Theory: Scoliosis Study Proof of Concept

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    Scoliosis affects about 1-3% of the adolescent population, with 80% of cases being idiopathic. There is currently a lack of understanding regarding the biomechanics of scoliosis, current treatment methods can be further improved with a greater understanding of scoliosis growth patterns. The objective of this study is to develop a finite element model that can respond to loads in a similar fashion as current spine biomechanics models and apply it to scoliosis growth. Using CT images of a non-scoliotic individual, a finite element model of the L3-L4 vertebra was created. By applying asymmetric loading in accordance to the ‘vicious cycle’ theory and through the use of a growth modulation equation it is possible to determine the amount of growth each region of the vertebra will undergo; therefore predict scoliosis growth over a period of time. This study seeks to demonstrate how improved anatomy can expand researchers current knowledge of scoliosis

    EEG-triggered functional MRI in patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) triggered by scalp electroencephalography (EEG) recordings has become a promising new tool for noninvasive epileptic focus localization. Studies to date have shown that it can be used safely and that highly localized information can be obtained. So far, no reports using comprehensive clinical information and/or long-term follow-up after epilepsy surgery in a larger patient group have been given that would allow a valuable judgment of the utility of this technique. Here, the results of 11 patients with EEG-triggered fMRI exams who also underwent presurgical evaluation of their epilepsy are given. In most patients we were able to record good quality EEG inside the magnet, allowing us to trigger fMRI acquisition by interictal discharges. The fMRI consisted of echoplanar multislice acquisition permitting a large anatomical coverage of the patient's brain. In 8 of the 11 patients the exam confirmed clinical diagnosis, either by the presence (n = 7) or absence (n = 1) of focal signal enhancement. In six patients, intracranial recordings were carried out, and in five of them, the epileptogenic zone as determined by fMRI was confirmed. Limitations were encountered a) when the focus was too close to air cavities; b) if an active epileptogenic focus was absent; and c) if only reduced cooperation with respect to body movements was provided by the patient. We conclude that EEG-triggered fMRI is a safe and powerful noninvasive tool that improves the diagnostic value of MRI by localizing the epileptic focus precisely