29 research outputs found

    Boston Hospitality Review: Spring 2013

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    Lodging Update: Providence, Rhode Island by Rachel Roginsky and Matthew Arrants -- Brand Heritage and Heritage Tourism by Bradford Hudson -- Te Front Desks of Boston by Michael Oshins -- Defining the New Luxury: Perspectives from Industry Leaders by Chekitan S. Dev -- The Ethic of Hospitality by Christopher Muller -- Buffet-Américain by Peter Szend

    European Community project MONFISPOL (grant agreement SSH-CT-2009-225149) : Deliverable 2.2.2: Beta-version of parallel routines: user manual

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    In this document we describe the parallel package within DYNARE (called the ``Parallel DYNARE'' hereafter). The parallel methodology has been developed taking into account two different perspectives: the ``User perspective'' and the ``Developers perspective''. The fundamental requirement of the ``User perspective'' is to allow DYNARE users to use the parallel routines easily, quickly and appropriately. Under the ``Developers perspective'', on the other hand, we need to build a core of parallelizing routines that are sufficiently abstract and modular to allow DYNARE software developers to use them easily as a sort of `parallel paradigm', for application to any DYNARE routine or portion of code containing computational intensive loops suitable for parallelization. The Parallel DYNARE comes with the official DYNARE installation package, so the preprocessor part required to interpret the cluster definition is built-in the standard DYNARE installation.JRC.G.3-Econometrics and applied statistic

    The macro-financial linkages modelling for the Czech economy

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    The contribution presents and analyze the model with financialfrictions. It is tailor-made for the Czech economy, and thus contains severalfeatures for capturing Czech stylized facts (a cascade of nominal rigidities, highopenness, real exchange rate appreciation in consumer prices etc.). Linkages between real and financial sectors are incorporated via the state non-contingent debt-contracts within the financial accelerator. Also, the model contains shocks which hit financial variables and propagate through the model into real sectors. The empirical analysis is presented via results of the Bayesian estimation.The contribution presents and analyze the model with financialfrictions. It is tailor-made for the Czech economy, and thus contains severalfeatures for capturing Czech stylized facts (a cascade of nominal rigidities, highopenness, real exchange rate appreciation in consumer prices etc.). Linkages between real and financial sectors are incorporated via the state non-contingent debt-contracts within the financial accelerator. Also, the model contains shocks which hit financial variables and propagate through the model into real sectors. The empirical analysis is presented via results of the Bayesian estimation

    Détection d'amers visuels pour la navigation d'un robot autonome autour d'un avion et son inspection

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    National audienceThis article discusses the detection of visual features for the navigation of the platform Air-Cobot around an aircraft. This autonomous mobile and collaborative robot is dedicated to the inspection of airplane. A new visual detection and inspection approach is proposed.Cet article traite de la détection d'amers visuels pour la navigation de la plateforme robotique Air-Cobot autour d'un avion. Ce robot mobile autonome et collaboratif est dédié à l'inspection des aéronefs. Une nouvelle méthode de détection et d'inspection visuelle est proposée

    A note on Julia and MPI, with code examples

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    This note explains how MPI may be used with the Julia programming language. An example of a simple Monte Carlo study is presented, with code. The code is intended to serve as a general purpose template for more relevant applications. A second example shows how the template code may be adapted to perform a Monte Carlo study of the properties of an approximate Bayesian computing estimator of actual research interest. All of the code is available at https://github.com/mcreel/JuliaMPIMonteCarl

    Les effets de la politique budgétaire depuis 2008 dans les six économies avancées

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    La Grande Récession a marqué le retour en grâce de la politique budgétaire comme instrument de stabilisation conjoncturelle. Au lendemain de la crise des subprime les grandes économies avancées ont mis en place un vaste plan de relance de façon coordonnée pour stopper la récession. Ensuite, à partir de 2011, avec le début de la reprise et de la normalisation financière, une phase de consolidation budgétaire a été engagée. Depuis 2016, la politique budgétaire est devenue neutre. Le recours à l'outil budgétaire pour stabiliser la croissance a réanimé les débats sur l'efficience de ce choix. Au regard des nombreuses études, il existe tout de même un consensus relatif sur la valeur du multiplicateur à court terme. Il serait positif et proche de l'unité. En revanche, l'effet à long terme d'un choc budgétaire dépend de la situation conjoncturelle. Les effets de la politique budgétaire peuvent être pérennes s'il y a un nombre significatif d'agents privés contraints financièrement ou si la banque centrale ne peut pas réagir à la politique budgétaire. Ainsi, les effets dynamiques de la politique budgétaire dépendront du contexte économique. La prise en compte de la dynamique du multiplicateur permet d'améliorer l'évaluation des effets de la politique budgétaire au cours de la dernière décennie. Selon nos calculs, le PIB allemand aurait été soutenu par les nouvelles mesures budgétaires, alors que le PIB aurait diminué en Italie, en France et au RoyaumeUni d'un montant compris entre 1,5 et 3,5 points de PIB. Enfin, le PIB espagnol aurait été amputé de 7,5 points

    Localisation à partir de données laser d'un robot naviguant autour d'un avion

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    National audienceThis article discusses the pose estimation of the mobile platform Air-Cobot relative to the aircraft around which it operates. Autonomous and collaborative, this robot inspects aircrafts. It is equipped with distance sensors laser scans. The presented localization methods have been successfully tested in a real environment.Cet article traite du calcul de la pose de la plateforme mobile Air-Cobot par rapport à l'avion autour duquel elle évolue. Autonome et collaboratif, ce robot inspecte des aéronefs. Il est équipé de capteurs de distance à balayage laser. Les méthodes de localisation présentées ont été testées avec succès en environnement réel

    Persistent institutional malfunctioning in the Eurozone

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    Institutional change in the Eurozone is driven by the need to ensure the immediate survival of the euro rather than confronting the structural weaknesses of the common currency. The failure to deal with underlying weaknesses is demonstrated by the policy of “selective support”, whereby markets and instruments considered vital for the survival of the euro are often adopted under pressure. This type of support is most prominently demonstrated by the TARGET2 clearing system within the Eurosystem of central banks. The system allows the euro to survive but also facilitates the rise of intra-EMU imbalances, as is reflected in divergent claims and liabilities of member states, leading Germany to accumulate intra-EMU claims on others. Instability thus becomes entrenched in the Union, while Germany maintains a hegemonic position