2 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la actividad cicatrizante de geles elaborados a partir de extractos lipídicos, etanólicos y saponinas de dos variedades de quinua

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    Se realizó la evaluación de la actividad cicatrizante de geles elaborados a partir de extractos lipídicos, etanólicos y de saponinas de Quinua Criolla Blanca y Tunkahuan. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en el Bioterio de la UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CHIMBORAZO, en la industria farmacéutica NEOFARMACO y Laboratorio de Fitoquímica de la ESCUELA SUPERIOR POLITECNICA DE CHIMBORAZO. Con la finalidad de obtener un fitofármaco que participe directamente en el proceso de cicatrización. Se aplicaron metodologías para la obtención de los extractos: técnicas de maceración para el extracto etanólico, método de soxhlet para los extracto lipídico y extracciones exhaustivas con n-Butanol para el extracto de saponinas. Tambien se evaluó la toxicidad en Artemia salina y ratones (Mus musculus). Estos fueron evaluados por su comportamiento durante 7 días. Se realizaron ensayos de control de calidad de materia prima y excipientes, evaluando parámetros físicos como: pH, densidad, extensibilidad y microbiológicos. El gel se elaboró a dos concentraciones 1% y 2%. La actividad cicatrizante fue evaluada en heridas producidas en el lomo del ratón (Mus musculus), aplicando el gel dos veces al día y midiendo el área de la herida durante 15 días. Los resultados fueron analizados con el TEST de ANOVA y DUNNETT'S el extracto lipídico de Quinua Tunkahuan al 1% presentó una disminución de la herida partiendo de 0,878 cm2 y llegando alcanzar un área de 0,012 cm2. Mientras que el extracto lipídico Tunkahuan 2% y extracto de saponinas Quinua Criolla Blanca 1% también presentan actividad cicatrizante alcanzando áreas de 0,0117 y 0,0163 cm2. El gel con extracto lipídico de Quinua Tunkahuan al 1% presento mayor actividad cicatrizante, por la presencia de Aceites grasos que favorecen al proceso de cicatrización. Por lo que se recomienda realizar posteriores estudios para que la industria farmacéutica pueda comercializar este tipo de fitofármacos.Evaluating the healing activity of gels made from lipid, and ethanolic Criollo Quinoa saponin and Tunkahuan White extracts was performed. This res earch was conducted in the B ioterio UNI VERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CHIMBORAZO, in the pharmaceutical industry and Laboratory of Phy tochemistry NEOFARMACO the ESCUELA SUPERIOR POLITECNICA DE CHIMBORAZO . In order to obtain a phytodrug directly involved in the healing process. Maceration techniques for the ethanol extract, soxhlet method for lipid extract and exhaustive extraction with n - butanol to extract saponins: methodologies for obtaining extracts were applied. Toxicity also Artemia salina and mice ( Mus musculus ) was evaluated. These were assessed by their behavior during 7 days. Quality control testing of raw material and excipient s is performed, evaluating physical parameters such as: pH, density, and microbiological extensibility. The gel was prepared at two concentrations 1% and 2%. The healing activity was evaluated in wounds in the back of the mouse (Mus musculus ), applying the gel twice a day and measuring the area of the wound for 15 days. The results were analyzed with ANOVA and DUNNETT'S lipid extract Quinoa Tunkahuan 1 % showed a decrease in the wound starting fr om 0, 878 cm 2 and arriving achieve an area of 0, 012 cm 2 . Whi le the lipid extract Tunkahuan 2 % saponin extract Quinoa Criolla Blanca 1% also have he aling activity areas reaching 0,0117 and 0, 0163 cm 2 . The lipid extract gel with 1 % Quinoa Tunkahuan had higher healing activity, the presence of fatty oils that prom ote the healing process. It is recommended that further studies for the pharmaceutical industry to market this type of herbal medicines

    Desarrollo de una taxonomía de las intervenciones farmacéuticas en pacientes VIH+ basados en el modelo CMO

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    Objective: To agree on a proposal for pharmaceutical interventions and establish their classification taxonomy according to the CMO-Pharmaceutical Care Model (Capacity-Motivation- Opportunity). Method: A study conducted between March and May, 2016. Two phases of development were defined. A literature review was initially conducted. Then, the DELPHI-Rand-UCLA methodology was used in order to reach a consensus about those interventions selected, and to define the taxonomy. Fifteen (15) experts, specialists in Pharmaceutical Care for HIV+ patients, were selected. This selection was explicitly conducted, following a protocol in order to avoid any bias. An initial proposal was developed according to the interventions extracted from Phase 1. These were tentatively classified according to the CMO Model, in a category based on their design and utility. Three issues were raised from the initial question: Do you agree with the proposed classification? If not, there was an option to re-categorize. Additionally, they were asked about the importance, priority and impact to achieve pharmacotherapeutic objectives that they would assign to it. Interventions were classified according to the degree of agreement. Once a consensus was reached, the final taxonomy was established. Results: Eighteen (18) articles were finally considered. The initial proposal included 20 pharmaceutical interventions with the following classification: seven in Capacity, eight in Motivation, and five in Opportunity. Those interventions considered to have greater importance and priority were: Review and Validation, Safety, and Adherence. The interventions with the greatest impact were: Review and Validation, Coordination, Adherence, and Motivation. On the other hand, the lowest scores for importance were for: Planning and Social Coordination; and in terms of impact: Social Coordination. Conclusions: The taxonomy reached by consensus will allow to classify pharmaceutical interventions with the new model, and therefore to conduct an improved research and patient care