543 research outputs found

    Le accademie lincee tra Chiesa, fascismo e Stato: una guida alle fonti (1847-1946)

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    La guida qui proposta ha come oggetto gli intrecci scientifici, culturali, politici e storici che interessarono, a partire dalla metà dell’Ottocento, la Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei e le istituzioni accademiche che ne derivarono: la Reale Accademia dei Lincei (ente predecessore dell’attuale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) e la Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze. Attraverso l’individuazione e l’analisi comparata delle fonti archivistiche e bibliografiche si è affrontato un percorso storico non sempre lineare, in cui le vicende della Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei (depauperata dalla scissione degli anni immediatamente successivi alla breccia di Porta Pia) si intrecciarono con quella della Reale Accademia dei Lincei e della Reale Accademia d’Italia (il sodalizio accademico sorto per volere del regime fascista per dare una rappresentanza unitaria al mondo scientifico italiano). Attraverso l’analisi comparata delle diverse fonti, la guida affronta l’evoluzione delle accademie lincee, dalla ricostituzione nel 1847 della Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei su impulso di papa Pio IX (ultimo atto di una vicenda iniziata con la fine del sodalizio lincei fondato da Federico Cesi), fino agli accadimenti del ventennio fascista, col tentativo di unificare sotto un’unica ragione sociale (l’Accademia d’Italia) le istituzioni nazionali che organizzavano allora le diverse anime dell’alta cultura italiana. La politica accademica del regime segnò una temporanea interruzione della vita dell’Accademia dei Lincei, che confluì nella Reale Accademia d’Italia, mentre in Vaticano si arrivò alla soppressione definitiva della Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei, sostituita dalla Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze. Si è indagato soprattutto sulla ricerca di fonti relative al passaggio storico-politico che portò all’abolizione simultanea delle due accademie lincee, e all’abbandono da parte di entrambe del nome di ascendenza galileiana, per capirne i meccanismi e apprezzarne le influenze sulla politica accademica del dopoguerra, sulle due sponde del Tevere. Il percorso archivistico e storico prende le mosse da un’indagine di più ampio respiro, scelta determinata dalla necessità di comprendere al meglio i legami tra le accademie lincee, soprattutto per quanto concerne l’apporto della Chiesa alla storia dei differenti sodalizi, ma è stato importante anche per analizzare correttamente le motivazioni sottostanti la volontà del regime di “conquistare” l’eredità lincea e rivolgerla a proprio favore, in un’ottica propagandistica e accentratrice che ha caratterizzato il fascismo fin dalle sue origini. La guida presenta una nota storica che racchiude il contesto all’interno del quale hanno operato le accademie lincee, dalla prima istituzione seicentesca alla Reale Accademia dei Lincei, fino alla restaurazione del sodalizio nel dopoguerra. La strutturazione in capitoli, paragrafi e sottoparagrafi segue una logica aggregativa per istituti. In questo modo, non solo la distinzione degli eventi, cronologicamente definiti, ma anche la divisione delle differenti fasi di vita del sodalizio appaiono immediatamente visibili in un’ottica che tiene conto delle differenti riprese dell’eredità lincea nel corso dei secoli. Per quanto concerne l’ordine individuato per la strutturazione della guida, questo non segue l’elemento di rilevanza istituzionale del singolo istituto conservatore, quanto piuttosto il valore della documentazione conservata nel concorrere alla ricostruzione della storia dell’Accademia dei Lincei e dei rapporti tra Chiesa, fascismo e Stato. La scelta è motivata dalla necessità di rendere immediatamente evidente la sequenzialità degli istituti di conservazione utili per una disamina esaustiva dell’oggetto della ricerca. Per questo motivo la guida si struttura partendo dai principali fondi afferenti all’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e sfrutta l’indicazione cronologica relativa ad ogni declinazione del sodalizio, inserendo anche gli archivi utili per la ricerca che si trovano nel medesimo istituto di conservazione. Poi, si è proceduto con l’inserimento dell’Archivio Centrale dello Stato, che per sua natura conserva la documentazione relativa agli organi centrali dello Stato e quindi raccoglie le carte che in second’ordine sono da considerarsi di fondamentale rilevanza per ricostruire, dal punto di vista del regime e dello Stato, le intricate vicende dell’Accademia dei Lincei e dell’Accademia d’Italia. Poi, si è inserito l’Archivio dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. Il suo inserimento ai livelli più alti della guida è determinato dalla presenza delle carte relative alla gestione da parte di Agostino Gemelli, della Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei, costituendo l’archivio cardine per gli studi sul sodalizio, essendo stato impossibile accedere alla documentazione conservata in Vaticano. A seguire, sono stati inseriti gli archivi conservati presso l’Accademia delle Scienze, detta dei XL. L’archivio istituzionale è seguito da quelli personali di Millosevich e di Marconi. Poi, è stata inserita l’Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, con l’indicazione relativa all’archivio istituzionale. A seguire, la scelta del percorso della guida si sposta procedendo attraverso gli archivi delle personalità più rilevanti per la ricerca. In prima battuta si riscontra la Società Geografica Italiana, all’interno della quale è conservato l’archivio di Giotto Dainelli. A seguire la Fondazione Giovanni Gentile, la Fondazione Benedetto Croce e la Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori, al cui interno è conservato l’archivio di Giuseppe Bottai. Infine, la guida si chiude con la Provincia dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori di Lombardia, all’interno del quale sono conservate le carte relative al percorso religioso di Gemelli

    Static vs. dynamic electrostatic repulsion reversed phase liquid chromatography: solutions for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical basic compounds

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    Many efforts have been made to separate basic compounds, which are challenging to resolve in reversed phase liquid chromatography. In this process, they are strongly retained and the peak shape undergoes significant distortion. The principal origin of this has been identified with the non-negligible interaction with residual deprotonated silanols. Consequently, all solutions that efficiently shield silanols are being sought. This review is an upgrade on the use of the electrostatic repulsion reversed phase (ERRP) approach: retention of bases, in protonated form, can be achieved by modulating the charge repulsion caused by the presence of positive charges in the chromatographic system. This study successfully (i) introduced fixed positive charges in the structure of stationary phases, (ii) used cationic and hydrophobic additives in the mobile phase, and (iii) used the ERRP-like approach employed at the preparative level for peptide purification

    Modelling soil water conent in a tomato field: proximal gamma ray spectroscopy and soil-crop system models

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    Proximal soil sensors are taking hold in the understanding of soil hydrogeological processes involved in precision agriculture. In this context, permanently installed gamma ray spectroscopy stations represent one of the best space-time trade off methods at field scale. This study proved the feasibility and reliability of soil water content monitoring through a seven-month continuous acquisition of terrestrial gamma radiation in a tomato test field. By employing a 1 L sodium iodide detector placed at a height of 2.25 m, we investigated the gamma signal coming from an area having a ~25 m radius and from a depth of approximately 30 cm. Experimental values, inferred after a calibration measurement and corrected for the presence of biomass, were corroborated with gravimetric data acquired under different soil moisture conditions, giving an average absolute discrepancy of about 2%. A quantitative comparison was carried out with data simulated by AquaCrop, CRITeRIA, and IRRINET soil-crop system models. The different goodness of fit obtained in bare soil condition and during the vegetated period highlighted that CRITeRIA showed the best agreement with the experimental data over the entire data-taking period while, in presence of the tomato crop, IRRINET provided the best results.Comment: 18 pages, 9 Figures, 3 Table

    Evapotranspiration simulated by CRITERIA and AquaCrop models in stony soils

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    The performance of a water balance model is also based on the ability to correctly perform simulations in heterogeneous soils. The objective of this paper is to test CRITERIA and AquaCrop models in order to evaluate their suitability in estimating evapotranspiration at the field scale in two types of soil in the Mediterranean region: non-stony and stony soil. The first step of the work was to calibrate both models under the non-stony conditions. The models were calibrated by using observations on wheat crop (leaf area index or canopy cover, and phenological stages as a function of degree days) and pedo-climatic measurements. The second step consisted in the analysing the impact of the soil type on the models performances by comparing simulated and measured values. The outputs retained in the analysis were soil water content (at the daily scale) and crop evapotranspiration (at two time scales: daily and crop season). The model performances were evaluated through four statistical tests: normalised difference (D%) at the seasonal time scale; and relative root mean square error (RRMSE), efficiency index (EF), coefficient of determination (r2) at the daily scale. At the seasonal scale, values of D% were less than 15% in stony and on-stony soils, indicating a good performance attained by both models. At the daily scale, the RRMSE values (2) indicate the inadequacy of AquaCrop to simulate correctly daily evapotranspiration. The higher performance of CRITERIA model to simulate daily evapotranspiration in stony soils, is due to the soil submodel, which requires the percentage skeleton as an input, while AquaCrop model takes into account the presence of skeleton by reducing the soil volume

    Anxiety disorders in acute central nervous system infections

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    Epidemiology of enuresis: a large number of children at risk of low regard

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    Aim: To describe the epidemiological aspects of nocturnal enuresis (NE). In this study we identify the prevalence and the familial conditions in a large, representative sample of children with monosymptomatic NE (MNE) and nonmonosyptomatic NE (NMNE). Material and methods: In this descriptive-analytic study the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) promoted a prevalence study of NE using a questionnaire involved 320 primary care Pediatricians from Northern, Central and Southern Italy, from January 2019 to July 2019, with a total of 130,000 children analyzed by questionnaire related to epidemiology and type of NE, familiarity, quality of sleep, eating and drinking habits, pharmacological and psychological/behavioural interventions and family involvement. Results: 270/320 (84.4%) Paediatrician replied to our questionnaire. We enrolled a total of 9307/130,000 (7.2%) children with NE, aged between 5 and 14 years: 2141 diagnosed with MNE and 7176 qualified as NMNE. Poor quality of sleep were reported in 7064 patients; 90% of children did not consider a dietary and drinking recommendation. Pediatrician reported a total of 54.1% of parents who declared to have a negative reaction to their children because of the bedwetting. A percentage of 71.4% of parents declared to use or to have used alternative therapies and not to prefer, at first, a pharmacological intervention. Conclusion: The choice of treatment should include psychological/behavioural interventions in all cases to improve the therapeutic outcome. All primary care Pediatricians should be aware of the all aspects of NE to choose the best way to treat every patient

    Physical activity intervention for elderly patients with reduced physical performance after acute coronary syndrome (HULK study): Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Reduced physical performance and impaired mobility are common in elderly patients after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and they represent independent risk factors for disability, morbidity, hospital readmission and mortality. Regular physical exercise represents a means for improving functional capacity. Nevertheless, its clinical benefit has been less investigated in elderly patients in the early phase after ACS. The HULK trial aims to investigate the clinical benefit of an early, tailored low-cost physical activity intervention in comparison to standard of care in elderly ACS patients with reduced physical performance. Design: HULK is an investigator-initiated, prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial (NCT03021044). After successful management of the ACS acute phase and uneventful first 1 month, elderly (≥70 years) patients showing reduced physical performance are randomized (1:1 ratio) to either standard of care or physical activity intervention. Reduced physical performance is defined as a short physical performance battery (SPPB) score of 4-9. The early, tailored, low-cost physical intervention includes 4 sessions of physical activity with a supervisor and an home-based program of physical exercise. The chosen primary endpoint is the 6-month SPPB value. Secondary endpoints briefly include quality of life, on-treatment platelet reactivity, some laboratory data and clinical adverse events. To demonstrate an increase of at least one SPPB point in the experimental arm, a sample size of 226 patients is needed. Conclusions: The HULK study will test the hypothesis that an early, tailored low-cost physical activity intervention improves physical performance, quality of life, frailty status and outcome in elderly ACS patients with reduced physical performance

    evapotranspiration of tomato simulated with the criteria model

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    The CRITERIA model simulates crop development and water dynamics in agricultural soils at different spatial scales. The objective of this paper was to test CRITERIA in order to evaluate the suitability of the model as a tool for scheduling irrigation at field scale. The first step of the work was to validate this hypothesis, by means of calibration and validation of CRITERIA on processing tomato in two experimental sites in Southern Italy (Rutigliano and Foggia) for the years 2007 and 2008 under different irrigation regimes. The irrigation treatments were: i) absence of plant water stress (the control treatments set up for both years and sites), ii) moderately stressed (applied in Rutigliano for 2007), and iii) severely stressed (applied in Foggia for 2008). The second step consisted in the evaluation of the expected impact of different irrigation regimes on daily actual evapotranspiration. For model calibration, the 2007 data of the control treatment was used, whereas in the validation process of actual evapotranspiration, the other part of the dataset was used. The observed data were crop evapotranspiration, agrometeorological data, leaf area index, physical-chemical and hydrological characteristics of soil, phenological stages and irrigation management. In order to evaluate model performance we used three statistical indicators to compare simulated and measured values of actual evapotranspiration: the normalized differences of seasonal values are less than 10% for all treatments; the model efficiency index on the typical period between two irrigations (4 days) was positive for all treatments, with the best values in the Foggia site, for both the irrigated and the severely stressed experiments; the relative root mean square error (RRMSE) was smaller than 20% in both the control treatments, but higher than 30% for the stressed treatments. The increase in RRMSE for the stressed experiments is due to CRITERIA simulating a crop in good soil water conditions and, as a consequence, with a larger evapotranspiration demand with respect to water stressed crop. Therefore, we can consider CRITERIA as a suitable tool to manage irrigations of processed tomato, especially for the full irrigation regime; an improvement can be reached by simulating the impact of water stress conditions on the eco-physiological parameters of the crop, in order to use the model also under deficit irrigation regimes