1,950 research outputs found

    Señoriales y antiseñoriales primero; aracelitanos y sanjorgistas, después. Tensiones contra la nobleza durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII en Lucena

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    La tesis principal de este articu lo defiende que las relaciones de poder en el municipio señorial durante el Antiguo Régimen en España no se pueden circunscribir solamente al ámbito cstric t:uncntc económico o religioso, si no que es mucho más complejo y diversifi cado. Se subraya que las acciones y las obras en es ta localidad co rdobesa, co rno en el resto de Casti lla, realizadas con un sent ido rel igioso por su oligarquia tenían un signifi cado que iba más allá del estrictamente rel igioso y concretamente en es te muni cipio lo que se buscaba cm ir recortando el poder como señor de Lueena primero y como figura innuycnte en este municipio despué

    Laparoscopic Surgery in Genitourinary Cancer Treatment

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    Stacking the spectra of eROSITA galaxy cluster data for searches of the 3.5keV line: Dark matter decay or charge exchange?

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    In this Master Thesis, we use a technique to shift and stack the X-Ray spectra of 1138 galaxy clusters from the eRASS-1 survey, totalling 430649 counts. In comparison with previous stacking techniques, the method presented here introduces proper normalization of the shifted redistribution matrix file (RMF), which allows to recover the physical temperature and metallicity of the stacked spectra. Using this technique, we can obtain constraints in the stacked spectra for the individual abundances of O, Ne, Mg, Si, Ar, Ca, and Fe. Additionally, we study the possible detection of the previously reported 3.5keV unidentified line emission; however, the residuals barely exceed ±2σ\pm 2 \sigma in the [3-4]keV range. On the other hand, although residuals in the [3.4-3.55]keV band are compatible with charge exchange emission from SXVI (bare sulphur ions), charge exchange emission from OVII at 0.56keV should also be present, since it is 200 orders of magnitude higher than charge emission from SXVI in the [3.4-3.55]keV band; however, it is unfortunately not detected

    Using genetic algorithms for compensating the local magnetic perturbation of a ship in the earth's magnetic field

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    This paper shows a practical application of genetic algo- rithms (GAs) for compensating the local magnetic perturbation produced by a ship, while moving in the earth's magnetic field. The compensation is achieved by modifying the number of turns and the current magnitude across the so-called degaussing coils distributed along the ship. A GA scheme for automatic optimisation of these parameters is used. A new objective-function strategy, called a boundary method, is proposed. It is shown that the convergence of the GA is greatly improved when the new objective function is used. Different selection mechanisms, objective function strategies, and scaled methods are revised in this paper. The results show that GAs can be efficiently used to reduce drastically the magnetic field levels of real practical ships

    Process for compensating local magnetic perturbations on ferromagnetic surfaces

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    This paper addresses a practical application for the compensation of a local magnetic perturbation in a ship in the near field region. The process will avoid expensive deperming techniques usually applied to ships to treat magnetic anoma- lies. The technique includes a new system to construct magnetic maps on flat ferromagnetic surfaces. Once the mag- netic maps are obtained, a new system is proposed to evaluate and locate local magnetic perturbations. Once the local perturbations are located, they are compensated by local degaussing coils. The new technique has been applied to the detection of local magnetic perturbations in four naval platforms. Two of them presented important magnetic anomalies, and were successfully detected and corrected by applying the new technique, thus showing its practical value

    Application of distributed optical fiber sensors for the health monitoring of two real structures in Barcelona

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering on 2018, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/15732479.2018.1438479The versatility and ease of installation of Distributed Optical Fibre Sensors (DOFS) compared with traditional monitoring systems are important characteristics to consider when facing the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of real world structures. The DOFS used in this study provide continuous (in space) strain data along the optical fibre with high spatial resolution. The main issues and results of two different existing structures monitored with DOFS, are described in this paper. The main SHM results of the rehabilitation of an historical building used as hospital and the enlargement of a pre-stressed concrete bridge are presented. The results are obtained using a novel DOFS based on an Optical Backscattered Reflectometry (OBR) technique. The application of the optical fibre monitoring system to two different materials (masonry and concrete) provides also important insights on the great possibilities of this technique when monitoring existing structures. In fact, the influence of strain transfer between the DOFS and the bonding surface is one of the principal effects that should be considered in the application of the OBR technique to real structures. Moreover, and because structural surfaces generally present considerable roughness, the procedure to attach the optical fibre to the two monitored structures is described.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The peremptory influence of a uniform background for trapping neutral fermions with an inversely linear potential

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    The problem of neutral fermions subject to an inversely linear potential is revisited. It is shown that an infinite set of bound-state solutions can be found on the condition that the fermion is embedded in an additional uniform background potential. An apparent paradox concerning the uncertainty principle is solved by introducing the concept of effective Compton wavelength