541 research outputs found

    Counselor Formation and Gatekeeping Best Practices

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    Counselor educators and supervisors contribute to students’ development while determining fitness for the profession. How we intervene can either help students work through internal conflicts that prevent them from embracing professional skills and dispositions or undermine that process. Facilitators will interactively engage participants in the application of a developmental framework that maximizes students’ dissonance in service to their counselor identity development process

    Exploring the interdependencies of research funders in the UK

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    Investment in medical research is vital to the continuing improvement of the UK's health and wealth. It is through research that we expand our understanding of disease and develop new treatments for patients. Medical research charities currently contribute over £1 billion annually to medical research in the UK, of which over £350 million is provided by Cancer Research UK. Many charities, including Cancer Research UK, receive no government funding for their research activity. Cancer Research UK is engaged in a programme of work in order to better understand the medical research funding environment and demonstrate the importance of sustained investment. A key part of that is the Office of Health Economics‟ (OHE) 2011 report “Exploring the interdependency between public and charitable medical research”. This study found that there are substantial benefits, both financial and qualitative, from the existence of a variety of funders and that reductions in the level of government financial support for medical research are likely to have broader negative effects. This contributed to other evidence which found that the activities and funding of the charity, public and private sectors respectively are complementary, i.e. mutually reinforcing, rather than duplicative or merely substituting for one another. “Exploring the interdependencies of research funders in the UK” by the Office of Health Economics (OHE) and SPRU: Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Sussex, represents a continued effort to build the evidence base around the funding of medical research. This report uncovers the extent to which funders of cancer research are interdependent, nationally and internationally. Key figures show that two thirds of publications acknowledging external support have relied on multiple funders, while just under half benefited from overseas funding, and almost a fifth are also supported by industry. In addition the analysis shows that the general public would not want tax funding of cancer research to be reduced, but would not donate enough to charities to compensate for any such reduction

    Caracterización etnológica de la raza bovina negra andaluza

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    La raza bovina Negra Andaluza o de las Campiñas, una de las razas mansas procedentes del Tronco Negro Ibérico, vio reducido su censo como consecuencia de la llegada de la mecanización del campo, por ello, en la actualidad, está catalogada como raza de protección oficial, quedando algunos rebaños en las zonas de sierra de las provincias de Córdoba y Huelva y en las tierras bajas de las provincias de Sevilla, Cádiz y Huelva. Pese a existir descripciones de la raza en la bibliografía clásica, hasta la fecha no se había realizado ningún estudio de caracterización detallada. Los estudios realizados para el presente trabajo se han desarrollado con este fin bajo la financiación del proyecto INIA identificado como RZ2004-0013. Se han analizado un total de 6 medidas zoométricas y 27 caracteres de índole morfológica y faneróptica en una muestra de 81 animales (78 hembras y 3 machos). Las medias obtenidas en las variables zoométricas son inferiores, tanto en las hembras como en los machos, a las aportadas por la bibliografía clásica (135-140 para la alzada a la cruz, 138-143 para la alzada a las palomillas y 60-66 para el diámetro bicostal). En cuanto a los caracteres cualitativos, se ha obtenido que éstos son poco polimórficos y que su forma de presentación más frecuente coincide en muchos de ellos con el estándar racial vigente.Proyecto INIA. Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Impulsiveness Mediates the Association between \u3ci\u3eGABRA2\u3c/i\u3e SNPs and Lifetime Alcohol Problems

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    Genetic variants in GABRA2 have previously been shown to be associated with alcohol measures, electroencephalography (EEG) β waves and impulsiveness-related traits. Impulsiveness is a behavioral risk factor for alcohol and other substance abuse. Here, we tested association between 11 variants in GABRA2 with NEO-impulsiveness and problem drinking. Our sample of 295 unrelated adult subjects was from a community of families with at least one male with DSM-IV alcohol use diagnosis, and from a socioeconomically comparable control group. Ten GABRA2 SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) were associated with the NEO-impulsiveness (P \u3c 0.03). The alleles associated with higher impulsiveness correspond to the minor alleles identified in previous alcohol dependence studies. All ten SNPs are in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with each other and represent one effect on impulsiveness. Four SNPs and the corresponding haplotype from intron 3 to intron 4 were also associated with Lifetime Alcohol Problems Score (LAPS, P \u3c 0.03) (not corrected for multiple testing). Impulsiveness partially mediates (22.6% average) this relation between GABRA2 and LAPS. Our results suggest that GABRA2 variation in the region between introns 3 and 4 is associated with impulsiveness and this effect partially influences the development of alcohol problems, but a direct effect of GABRA2 on problem drinking remains. A potential functional SNP rs279827, located next to a splice site, is located in the most significant region for both impulsiveness and LAPS. The high degree of LD among nine of these SNPs and the conditional analyses we have performed suggest that all variants represent one signal

    Electric-pulse-induced reversible resistance in doped zinc oxide thin films

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    Nonvolatile, electric-pulse-induced resistance switching is reported on S and Co doped ZnO thin films deposited on different substrates using magnetron sputtering and laser ablation. Two resistance states were obtained by applying voltage pulses of different polarity. The switching was observed regardless of the substrate, dopant species, or microstructure of the samples. In the Co doped ZnO samples, the two resistance states are remarkably stable and uniform

    Effect of antimony content on electrical and structural properties of 0.98(K0.48Na0.52)0.95Li0.05Nb1−Sb O3–0.02Ba0.5(Bi0.5Na0.5)0.5ZrO3 ceramics

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    Lead-free 0.98(K0.48Na0.52)0.95Li0.05Nb1−xSbxO3–0.02Ba0.5(Bi0.5Na0.5)0.5ZrO3 (KNLNSx–BBNZ)solid solution with 0.04 < x < 0.08 was prepared by traditional solid-state process. Sampleswere sintered using a conventional method at 1120 ◦C for 4h. The effect of Sb5+ content onthe phase structure, microstructure, ferroelectric, dielectric and piezoelectric properties ofthe KNLNSx–BBNZ ceramics was studied. The phase transition of the ceramic was determined by the temperature dependence of the dielectric properties, while the structuralproperties, like the phase coexistence, were studied by X-ray diffraction. It was found thatceramics in the composition range of 0.06 < x < 0.08 possess an orthorhombic (Amm2) andtetragonal (P4mm) phases coexistence. The best piezoelectric properties were obtained inthe ceramics with x = 0.07: d33 = 282 pC/N, −d31 = 103 pC/N, kp = 46%, εr = 1820, tanı = 3% andTc = 271 ◦C. Furthermore, this composition exhibited a good thermal stability, up to 200 ◦C ond33 piezoelectric constant, indicating that this material have great potential for applicationfrom room temperature until this temperature limit

    Characterization of novel W alloys produced by HIP

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    W and W alloys containing 0.5 Wt% Y(2)O(3), x wt% Ti and (x wt% Ti + 0.5 Wt% Y₂O₃) have been prepared, x 2 or 4. Elemental powders were blended or ball milled, canned, degassed and finally consolidated by a two-stage HIP process under a pressure of 195 MPa. It is found that Ti addition favours the densification attaining a fully dense material. XRD, SEM and EDX analyses of he material with Ti addition reveal the formation of a microstructure consisting of tungsten particles embedded in a W-Ti matrix. The microhardness of these materials increased noticeably with the titanium content