2 research outputs found


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    This research focuses on Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manab铆 (ULEAM) personnel, who work under different labour regimes. This study aims to identify the effects on officials' mental health during teleworking due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed-method research was employed. Besides, a descriptive study was applied, which used data from psychological consultations carried out during confinement through Tele assistance and results of a survey applied to characterize the university community and identify aspects affecting the officials' mental health. The analysis of the results was gathered from the guidelines of the governing bodies of work, health, and higher education in the country and theoretical positions issued through various authors and national and international organizations. The main findings showed an affectation on the population's mental health, and the most prevalent were those that reflected symptoms of somatoform and cognitive disorders. The data permitted to obtain references to prevent occupational risks that deepen the effects on mental health, given the progressive face-to-face return to work that Ecuador has begun in the field of higher education. 聽El art铆culo se sustenta en una investigaci贸n realizada con el personal de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manab铆 (ULEAM), que trabaja bajo diferentes reg铆menes laborales, con el objetivo de identificar las afectaciones a la salud mental de los funcionarios durante el teletrabajo, por la pandemia del COVID-19. El enfoque investigativo fue mixto, se aplic贸 un estudio descriptivo que emple贸 datos de las consultas psicol贸gicas realizadas durante el confinamiento, por medio de la teleasistencia; as铆 como resultados de una encuesta aplicada para caracterizar la comunidad universitaria e identificar aspectos que inciden en la afectaci贸n a su salud mental. El an谩lisis de los resultados se coligi贸 desde las directrices de los entes rectores del trabajo, salud y educaci贸n superior del pa铆s; as铆 como desde posturas te贸ricas emitidas a trav茅s de varios autores y organizaciones nacionales e internacionales. Los principales hallazgos evidenciaron una afectaci贸n a la salud mental de la poblaci贸n estudiada, y fueron los m谩s prevalentes aquellos cuadros que reflejaron s铆ntomas de trastorno somatomorfos y cognitivos. Los datos permitieron obtener referencias para prevenir riesgos laborales que profundicen las afectaciones a la salud mental, ante el retorno laboral presencial progresivo iniciado en Ecuador, en el 谩mbito de la educaci贸n superior

    Susceptibility to landslides in Los Angeles campus: Southern State University of Manabi

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    This research is of the correlational - explanatory type, based on the heuristic method, applying the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool, to obtain thematic maps and final susceptibility, considering its fundamental objective the evaluation of the areas susceptible to landslides. Through the spatial zoning of the "Los Angeles" campus of the "Southern State University of Manab铆". The analysis of the variables of the conditioning factors, allowed recognizing three categories of susceptibility in the Los Angeles campus (High, Medium and Low), where lithological units converge as sandy clay, clay, and silts tone, steep slopes (over 50掳), cuts of slopes devoid of some kind of protection, deforested and highly eroded soils. This implies that there is a likelihood of new affectations, which is why local risk management plans must be developed