947 research outputs found

    Extracellular Vesicles as Natural, Safe and Efficient Drug Delivery Systems

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are particles naturally released from cells, delimited by a lipid bilayer, carrying functionally active biological molecules. In addition to their physiological role in cellular communication, the interest of the scientific community has recently turned to the use of EVs as vehicles for delivering therapeutic molecules. Several attempts are being made to ameliorate drug encapsulation and targeting, but these efforts are thwarted if the starting material does not meet stringent quality criteria. Here, we take a step back to the sources and isolation procedures that could guarantee significant improvements in the purification of EVs to be used as drug carriers, highlighting the advantages and shortcomings of each approac

    Selective inhibition of phosphodiesterase 4D increases tau phosphorylation at Ser214 residue

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    Tau is a protein that normally participates in the assembly and stability of microtubules. However, it can form intraneuronal hyperphosphorylated aggregates that are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders known as tauopathies. Tau can be phosphorylated by multiple kinases at several sites. Among such kinases, the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylates tau at Ser214 (pTAU-S214), an event that was shown to reduce the pathological assembly of the protein. Given that the neuronal cAMP/PKA-activated cascade is involved in synaptic plasticity and memory, and that cAMP-enhancing strategies demonstrated promising therapeutic potential for the treatment of cognitive deficits, we investigated the impact of cAMP on pTAU-S214 in N2a cells and rat hippocampal slices. Our results confirm that the activation of adenylyl cyclase increases pTAU-S214 in both model systems and, more interestingly, this effect is mimicked by GEBR-7b, a phosphodiesterase 4D inhibitor with proven pro-cognitive efficacy in rodents

    Sfide etiche nell'assistenza agli anziani in contesto acuto e residenziale: una revisione di scopo

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    Introduction: The discontinuity between the high ideals of nursing education and real-world practice is a major cause of frustration, moral distress and burnout among the youngest, and pushes up to half nurses to change career within two years. These conditions are accentuated in the care of elderly patients with multiple chronic needs. Method: A multidisciplinary team of nurses and philosophers investigated the chronic determinants of ethical issues in aged care nursing, building on insightful experiences from different institu­tional settings, in order to provide evidence for contextualized and patient-oriented professio­nal support. A scoping review protocol was employed at this purpose. Results: Most of the environmental and organizational deteminants of chronical ethical issues are out­side the control of nurses, and most of the relational ones follow as a result in both settings. Many of the them have been confirmed and further aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussion: Although there are not universal solutions to the issues described, still it is possible to distin­guish which determinants fall within the control of nurses, to help them prevent or manage their occurrence; and what are beyond, to help them avoid self-blame and transfer constructive information to those who can intervene. Conclusion: Education can help exercise critical thinking and communicate properly. However, once maximized team cooperation, orga­nizational efficiency, and individual soft skills, diminishing room for improvement will be available at increasing human and financial costs. Improving the condition of nurses is an urgent political responsibility and requires a broader socio-cultural change. Keywords: burnout, COVID-19, elderly, moral distress, workplace health promotion.Introduzione: La frattura fra educazione infermieristica e realtà lavorativa quotidiana rappresenta una frequente causa di frustrazione ed esaurimento psicofisico, che spinge fino a metà degli infermieri a ritirarsi entro due anni dal conseguimento del titolo. Tali condizioni sono accentuate nell’assistenza alla persona anziana affetta da bisogni cronici e complessi. Metodo: Un gruppo multidisciplinare di infermieri e filosofi ha studiato i determinanti ambientali, organizzativi e relazionali alla base dei problemi etici che emergono con maggior frequenza nell’assistenza alla persona anziana, sia nelle strutture per acuti, sia nelle strutture di ricovero a lungo termine, alla ricerca di evidenze utili a migliorare le condizioni dei professionisti. A tal proposito è stata una condotta una revisione di scopo. Risultati: La maggior parte dei problemi ambientali e organizzativi risultano essere al di fuori del controllo dei singoli infermieri, e la maggior parte dei problemi relazionali ne rappresentano la conseguenza. Molti di questi problemi sono stati confermati e aggravati dalla pandemia di COVID-19. Discussione: Sebbene non vi siano soluzioni trasversali a tutti i contesti, resta possibile distinguere quali problemi rientrino nel dominio di azione degli infermieri, per aiutarli a prevenirne o gestirne l’occorrenza; e quali invece vadano oltre, onde evitare sentimenti di autoaccusa, e trasferire informazioni utili a coloro che invece possono di volta in volta intervenire. Conclusioni: La formazione può allenare il pensiero critico e la comunicazione fra operatori, pazienti e familiari. Una volta raggiunti i massimi livelli possibili di cooperazione ed efficienza, tuttavia, margini di miglioramento sempre più ridotti saranno acquisiti a costi umani ed economici sempre maggiori. Il miglioramento delle condizioni degli infermieri dipende sempre sempre più da investimenti allocativi e culturali urgenti. Keywords: anziani, COVID-19, esaurimento psicofisico, politiche allocative, salute sul luogo di lavoro

    Promoting engagement with quality communication in social media

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    The COVID-19 pandemic made explicit the issues of communicating science in an information ecosystem dominated by social media platforms. One of the fundamental communication challenges of our time is to provide the public with reliable content and contrast misinformation. This paper investigates how social media can become an effective channel to promote engagement and (re)build trust. To measure the social response to quality communication, we conducted an experimental study to test a set of science communication recommendations on Facebook and Twitter. The experiment involved communication practitioners and social media managers from select countries in Europe, applying and testing such recommendations for five months. Here we analyse their feedback in terms of adoption and show that some differences emerge across platforms, topics, and recommendation categories. To evaluate these recommendations’ effect on users, we measure their response to quality content, finding that the median engagement is generally higher, especially on Twitter. The results indicate that quality communication strategies may elicit positive feedback on social media. A data-driven and co-designed approach in developing counter-strategies is thus promising in tackling misinformation

    Smart city: fact and fiction

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    Transforming a city into a Smart City is a complex and multidimensional process which changes over time since all the involved stakeholders work to achieve more and better results. “To be smart” affects many aspects of a city including economics, government, people, living, mobility, environment, energy and services. This paper aims at critically analysing the main features related to smart cities such as terminological issues, the heterogeneous theoretical background and the methodological limits of the few existing measurement experiences

    Il quadro concettuale e le esperienze di misurazione delle Smart Cities

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    The concept of Smart City is considered increasingly strategic for the solution to the questions related to the irreversible urban agglomeration growth. Created in the nineties in parallel to the liberalisation process of telecommunications and the development of internet services, this expression risks remaining too generic and without a shared operational definition. This paper contribute to the existing literature in two ways: i) providing an overall survey of the definition and measurement problems; ii) deriving some methodological suggestions from the analysis, in order to proceed towards a robust and comparable Smart City measurement system. The latter results extremely relevant in the perspective of a dedicated monitoring system implementatio

    Il quadro concettuale e le esperienze di misurazione delle Smart Cities

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    The concept of Smart City is considered increasingly strategic for the solution to the questions related to the irreversible urban agglomeration growth. Created in the nineties in parallel to the liberalisation process of telecommunications and the development of internet services, this expression risks remaining too generic and without a shared operational definition. This paper contribute to the existing literature in two ways: i) providing an overall survey of the definition and measurement problems; ii) deriving some methodological suggestions from the analysis, in order to proceed towards a robust and comparable Smart City measurement system. The latter results extremely relevant in the perspective of a dedicated monitoring system implementatio

    Smart city: fact and fiction

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    Transforming a city into a Smart City is a complex and multidimensional process which changes over time since all the involved stakeholders work to achieve more and better results. “To be smart” affects many aspects of a city including economics, government, people, living, mobility, environment, energy and services. This paper aims at critically analysing the main features related to smart cities such as terminological issues, the heterogeneous theoretical background and the methodological limits of the few existing measurement experiences

    Characterization of fast-twitch and slow-twitch skeletal muscles of calsequestrin 2 (CASQ2)-knock out mice: unexpected adaptive changes of fast-twitch muscles only

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    This study investigates the functional role of calsequestrin 2 (CASQ2) in both fast-twitch and slow-twitch skeletal muscles by using CASQ2 12/ 12 mice; CASQ2 is expressed throughout life in slow-twitch muscles, but only in the developmental and neonatal stages in fast-twitch muscles. CASQ2 12/ 12 causes increase in calsequestrin 1 (CASQ1) expression, but without functional changes in both muscle types. CASQ2 12/ 12 mice have ultrastructural changes in fast-twitch muscles only, i.e., formation of pentads and stacks in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
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